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LL help support unable to help me with a land issue - Example of a live chat session with LL support

Gabe Gallacher

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Hey there...

...for all of you out there wondering how helpful is the live chat line with LL for support here is an example...

...maybe I should mention that I am a concierge customer since Oct. 2006 and as some of you may know already, in order to have access to "helpful" and "fast" support via live chat line from LL, you need to be a concierge level customer (and pay a minimum amount of money each and every month)...

...here is a transcript of my live chat session with a LL support representative...

Chat session - Live with a Support Representative - July 14, 2011 @ 8:15 PM PT

SydahneP: Thank you for accepting this chat.  This is SydahneP Scout

You: hey there.. I'm an estate owner and I've initiated a HS purchase Case #: *****9623

You: I just have few quick questions please

SydahneP: Thank you for contacting Linden Lab Support Team, Gabe!

SydahneP: How can I help?

You: we will relocate the new HS close to my main region, connected to the east on the map

You: my questions is, will they be separate estates? with separate prim management?

You:  they will not be combined? correct?

SydahneP: Lemme double check please

(after more than 5 minutes of waiting)

SydahneP: Not something I can answer you will need to address that in your ticket

SydahneP: Have I answered all of your questions?

You: no, you did not answered to all my questions

You: well I did added a comment as you can see in the ticket

You: but I just wanted to make sure how it works

You: and wanted to ask more details about this issue

You: if you can't answer me to this question, can you escalate this chat session to someone else 
who will be able to answer me?

You: I would like to chat with someone else that can answer to my questions

SydahneP: LoL... no one here can answer your questions I'm sorry

You: wow... really.. is this the kind of support we are paying for??

You: nobody there can answer to my questions?

You: can you bring a supervisor in the chat please?

SydahneP: I'm sorry my supervisor is in a meeting

You: this is not an acceptable answer

You: I need some answers to my questions and I need support

You: I am a concierge customer for many years and I am expecting reliable support and some 
answers when I need them

SydahneP: I am sorry if you feel this is unreliable support.  There isnt a sup available to go 
over this with you.  Please be patient and wait for a response to your case

You: OK... to be fair, I am informing you that this chat session will be made public to the SL 
community and to some media outlets in US

SydahneP: Ok that is ok

End chat

...that was it... (of course, in the transcript where it shows "You" it is for my own answers to the LL help support representative)

...in my humble opinion this is not acceptable support... when we need help and when we need answers, we should be able to find answers and support...

...dear SL residents, part of this great community, helping SL grow and become better each and every day, feel free to post your comments here...

... to make it clear and to avoid any confusion, the issue I've raised is about combining two estates prim management and admin permissions in one... I made a comment in my ticket to make sure they will be set as separate estates, but there is a risk if they don't do it like that from the very beginning, they will charge me latter on if I need to separate the estates apart from each other... I need it more details and clarification on this just to avoid issues - and fees - in the future...

...maybe someone in Linden Lab™ will pay attention to our feed-back...

Note: to protrect the privacy of the seller, I've posted just the last 4 digits of the case/ticket number, but if a Linden Lab representative will like more details to reseach the issue I'm happy to provide the full ticket number (for case they can't see it already in my account history)

Thank you for reading and getting involved...

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From everything I know a sim is a sim is a sim and they all have their own controls, prims, billing etc. If a HS is a home stead I can only assume it is real just a sim with again it's own details. With that no you can not have the prim limits combined or exchanged in any way... they may each be in a separte server, (computer) after all.

As for the customer service not knowing the answer, well if they do not know they do not know, if no one else is availible then no one else is available, try again later on. Calling Chat is usually for what can they do to help you at that moment not so much there to tell us any and all information about SL. There's so much infomation in so many different areas I don't think anyone can know it all.


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To be honest if I were that representative I probably would have been a little less patient with you.  She answered your questions..........you needed to address those questions with a ticket.  It's obvious that was not the answer you were looking for but that's the answer she gave you.  Your questions involved the details of some estate being moved or added (I guess that's your concern anyway).  Live Chat doesn't deal in land issues except maybe some very general questions about tier, etc.  The techicalities of an estate being moved or purchased is pretty far outside general questions about land.  Since you say you have been an estate owner since 2006 you would (or should) know more about the details than she..........if you don't then a ticket will get you to the proper person to ask your questions.


And I got a question for you.  It sounds as if this move (or whatever it is) is scheduled..........why did you not address these questions with the person you spoke to (or communicated with) when you made the arrangements?


I've had about 6 or 7 occassions to use Live Chat (by the way, I'm not conceirge level..........just a premium member) and every time I've had a pleasant experience (that might be that I was polite and asked only one question at a time without reminding the rep who I was or now long I've been in SL).    I did not get the answers I wanted on all those chat sessions, but I got answers and was treated very politely and professionally.  My last occassion to use Live Chat was 3 or 4 days ago when I got a mainland sim restarted for entry issues..........I was in chat for a total of about 15 mins for a simple sim restart but I believe the rep was helping more than just me too (plus he seemed a little new).  The sim was restarted and I left the chat session satisfied.  Other times I've been in a session for less than 5 mins with a resolution to my request for a sim restart.  The times vary depending on the amount of requests.  I didn't read anywhere in that session where you were treated any way except politely.........it just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.  There was some rudeness............but it wasn't from the scout.

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The answer to your question is, yes they can be different estates.

Do not just put on the ticket that you want it to be a separate estate, actually tell them what estate name you want it to have or they won`t know what you want it called and will most likely just use the estate name that your other sim is on.

If the ticket hasn`t been dealt with yet, edit it to show the estate name you want.

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To answer your question:

I moved two Islands together.   They did not automatically become one estate.  I filed a ticket and had them made into one estate.  The only reason I had for making one estate was that voice will carry within the same estate.  


I suggest you file a ticket for the move and specify that you do not want them to become a single estate.  

Note that prim management will be by sim whether the sim are joined in an estate or not.




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So I guess I should be OK, as I did exactly like you mentioned, I've added in my ticket, not only as simple comment that I really want to make sure they will be separate estates, I also gave a different name to the new estate.

I was more disappointed with the response from the chat support agent - I can understand that maybe a new front line worker may not have all the answers while is still learning, but what I cannot accept is the fact that a more senior rep or a level 2 support or maybe a supervisor with more experience was not available, not in particular to chat with me, but to assist the agent chatting to me and providing them with the right answers.

Thank you for your input.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

"To be honest if I were that representative I probably would have been a little less patient with you. "


..As a customer support rep, you have to be patient and answer to questions coming from your customers.. It's part of your job... You probably wouldn't be very successful at this job...

"She answered your questions......"


..No she/he did not answered to my questions....

"....you needed to address those questions with a ticket. "


...yes, I did addressed them in my ticket...

"It's obvious that was not the answer you were looking for but that's the answer she gave you."


I was not looking for a particular answer. 

" Your questions involved the details of some estate being moved or added (I guess that's your concern anyway).  Live Chat doesn't deal in land issues except maybe some very general questions about tier, etc.  The techicalities of an estate being moved or purchased is pretty far outside general questions about land."


so help and support in your opinion is just to general questions..??.. If your car brakes down and needs a part to be replaced, you go to a auto repair shop, just to ask general questions, not to fix your car..??..


" Since you say you have been an estate owner since 2006 you would (or should) know more about the details than she..........if you don't then a ticket will get you to the proper person to ask your questions."


 ..All tho I am not an expert, I know allot about estate management... That's why I was contacting live chat, to avoid any future issues of the new sim being under the same estate... And once again, for the last time, I had the ticket in as well...

"And I got a question for you.  It sounds as if this move (or whatever it is) is scheduled..........why did you not address these questions with the person you spoke to (or communicated with) when you made the arrangements?"


 I have an answer for you.. I purchased this sim from another resident... The seller has nothing to do with the fact that the two connecting estates will be separate or not...

"I've had about 6 or 7 occassions to use Live Chat (by the way, I'm not conceirge level..........just a premium member) and every time I've had a pleasant experience (that might be that I was polite and asked only one question at a time without reminding the rep who I was or now long I've been in SL).    I did not get the answers I wanted on all those chat sessions, but I got answers and was treated very politely and professionally.  My last occassion to use Live Chat was 3 or 4 days ago when I got a mainland sim restarted for entry issues..........I was in chat for a total of about 15 mins for a simple sim restart but I believe the rep was helping more than just me too (plus he seemed a little new).  The sim was restarted and I left the chat session satisfied.  Other times I've been in a session for less than 5 mins with a resolution to my request for a sim restart.  The times vary depending on the amount of requests.  I didn't read anywhere in that session where you were treated any way except politely.........it just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.  There was some rudeness............but it wasn't from the scout."


I am not sure you fully understand my concern... I am not questioning the fact that the chat rep was polite... What I am disappointed with is the fact they where unable to answer to my question, not even after more than 5 minutes waiting "on hold"... I can understand that the agent chatting with me maybe was somehow new and still learning, what I cannot accept is that no senior rep was available, or no rep with more experience was available, or no sup was available, not in special to chat with me, but more to help the agent chatting with me with the right answers so he/she can pass it on to me, "the customer"...

I am also not sure you fully understand the concept of "customer support"

P.S. I've identified myself as a concierge customer and a estate owner so the agent I was chatting to can narrow down the category of the issues we will address in the chat session... For no other reasons that exactly that.

In the end I would conclude with this comment for you.

When you're paying thousands of dollars (US$, real dollars I mean) each and every month to Linden Lab™ as an estate owner, you expect a specific level of support in return.

I take pride in the quality of customer support we - me and my team - provide in-world for our customers, residents living on our estates. In our case, if we don't have an answer right away, we will find someone that has the answer and the customer will be served to his/her satisfaction.

But I guess you wouldn't understand that until you "walk a mile in my shoes"...

I wish you good luck and I hope someday you will be an estate owner requesting help and support from Linden Lab™... I am sure at that point you will understand.

Thank you as well for your comment, I'm glad to see an active community


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I expected you to defend yourself.  And in that defense you, again, pointed out what I was getting at.  Live Chat is not the venue for technical help with land purchases.  That's what concierge support is for...........you used the wrong support and came to the forum to bitch about it.


There is an Answers section for "Land".............that's better than Live Chat.  You know Live Chat cannot help with billing issues too, don't you?  Now you know Live Chat cannot help with land issues above basic level.  And, if my vehicle breaks down and I call a repair shop and they tell me they can't fix it and I must take it somewhere else to get the necessary repairs (or to replace it), then the repair provided exactly the service anyone would expect.  Get the proper support by going to the proper place.


Thanks for wishing me luck...........since I have no desire to be a land owner in SL (ever), I doubt I'll ever "walk in your shoes".  I guess I don't need all the much luck afterall.:matte-motes-big-grin:

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The reality is that the scouts on live chat have no expertise in any area, in fact most don`t appear to have ever even been into SL, judging by their complete lack of knowledge about even the most basic things.

The problem is that most times instead of saying they don`t know an answer, they just make one up :D

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You'd have been less patient with a customer if you were being paid to deliver and represent a business's customer services? 

I'd fire an employee with your attitude.  There are plenty of people out there who will work knee deep in sewerage just to have a low paying job, so I'm sure there are people who will be persistently polite to even one's difficult customers if there's a job in it for them. 

It's not getting back at the customer when one treats them with anything less than the deference their employer is paying for.  It's ripping off the employer, the entity who hired them and is paying them to be polite to all of their customers. 

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