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I did something dumb. I clicked on Adavanced>Character Test>Test Female

Debbie Bulloch

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That's cool.  You did just the right thing. :smileywink: That's an excellent way to cure all sorts of appearance issues, like showing up as a white cloud or with half your body missing.  Now that you're a newbie, just open your inventory and drag/drop your favorite shape, skin, and attachments back onto yourself and you'll be good as gold.  I keep all of those things in a special outfit folder that I have labelled Emergency ME.  When I need to rebuild my av with the Character Test, allI need to do is drag that one folder onto myself.  I can go from a walking disasater to brand new and clean in less than 20 seconds.  :smileyvery-happy:

/me waves to Debbie.

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Rolig is right, excellent reflex you had! Now relog from a safe sim (Smithn Aqua or Pooley). Let your inventory FULLY loaded withhour moving. Then wear your usual shape, skin hair, etc, before you TP anywhere.

ETA: and when you're done, HAVE FUN! :smileyvery-happy:

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