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Looking for a specific set of skins...


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I'm not sure this is what it was actually called, but I had a set of skins called something like "Seven Deadly Skins." They were all rather pale, and there were two different skins for ever Deadly Sin, one with and one without freckles.


Unfortunately, my old account was hacked, and now I don't know where to find them... Does anyone have any idea? I'm certain they were either free or 1L$, as... well, that's all I've ever really had... But I'd really appreciate if anyone could point me in that direction. Many thanks~ ♥

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think it's these skins, they were released with full permissions. You can download the PDS files yourself. 



Edited: Ah, I posted the reply too quick. It looks like the Seven Deadly Sins has no PSD files. You can try to search for Another skin, or use the Starlight PSD files, or the Pleiades PSD files. 

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