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PBR EEP's...

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Finally (re)installed the newest FS viewer as having both the new one and the previous non PBR FS was doing glitchy things to my FS experience.

Anyway, is there an EEP I can buy that doesn't make my blacks blue? I'm currently using Midday (Legacy) as it's kind of the most "accurate" color palette I can find (to take pics for my shop)...but if anything is slightly glossy, esp if the texture is black, there's a blue sheen to it. I'd like my pictures to reflect the actual black color and not the bluish haze. I'm not really into mood lighting, I just want my pictures to portray the actual colors. These are not PBR materials/textures, just normal ones.

Gyazo: https://gyazo.com/8f2b6022e236a686bd2247f83dc184ec

Thanks in advance!

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5 minutes ago, SylviElle Zaftig said:

Finally (re)installed the newest FS viewer as having both the new one and the previous non PBR FS was doing glitchy things to my FS experience.

Anyway, is there an EEP I can buy that doesn't make my blacks blue? I'm currently using Midday (Legacy) as it's kind of the most "accurate" color palette I can find (to take pics for my shop)...but if anything is slightly glossy, esp if the texture is black, there's a blue sheen to it. I'd like my pictures to reflect the actual black color and not the bluish haze. I'm not really into mood lighting, I just want my pictures to portray the actual colors. These are not PBR materials/textures, just normal ones.

Gyazo: https://gyazo.com/8f2b6022e236a686bd2247f83dc184ec

Thanks in advance!

This unfortunately is a known issue with the new rendering engine. I haven't found a PBR-compliant EEP that works entirely to my satisfaction, but you might try some of the dollarbie or freebie ones on the MP. JuicyBomb makes some, a few of which are not bad, and Onsu has a pretty good set.

One way to reduce the blue sheen is to make sure that the Blue Horizon setting of your EEP uses a grayscale value, and not colour. Then adjust Blue Density to get the right sky colour.

I've been experimenting myself; if I come up with any brilliant solutions, I'll let you know.

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12 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

This unfortunately is a known issue with the new rendering engine. I haven't found a PBR-compliant EEP that works entirely to my satisfaction, but you might try some of the dollarbie or freebie ones on the MP. JuicyBomb makes some, a few of which are not bad, and Onsu has a pretty good set.

One way to reduce the blue sheen is to make sure that the Blue Horizon setting of your EEP uses a grayscale value, and not colour. Then adjust Blue Density to get the right sky colour.

I've been experimenting myself; if I come up with any brilliant solutions, I'll let you know.

Ah ok, yes, i've been experimenting myself with personal lighting at least...I'll keep trying and giving that a go...thanks so much!

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10 minutes ago, SylviElle Zaftig said:

Ah ok, yes, i've been experimenting myself with personal lighting at least...I'll keep trying and giving that a go...thanks so much!

Sylvie, I'd forgotten this. It's very short but not unuseful.


There's another video out there that I know of, but its main suggestion was to play with exposure in the graphics preferences, which I think is a bad hack.

I thought Firestorm had produced some guidelines, but I can't find them now. If I do, I'll post them here.

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19 minutes ago, SylviElle Zaftig said:

Ah ok, yes, i've been experimenting myself with personal lighting at least...I'll keep trying and giving that a go...thanks so much!

Oh, and these. I find the daylight one a bit bright for my taste, but the night sky one is now my default for when I want it dark.


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19 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Sylvie, I'd forgotten this. It's very short but not unuseful.


There's another video out there that I know of, but its main suggestion was to play with exposure in the graphics preferences, which I think is a bad hack.

I thought Firestorm had produced some guidelines, but I can't find them now. If I do, I'll post them here.

yeah I already have my exposure to the lowest (.5). I'm really frustrated atm cuz there's a gown at VS that I wanted to wear to my Monster event tonight and it looks like this ugh.


And it's supposed to be black (in the store pics anyway), it has PBR textures (I can mod and remove but it makes the mesh invisible).

I'll watch the vids, thanks so much Scylla!

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6 minutes ago, SylviElle Zaftig said:

yeah I already have my exposure to the lowest (.5). I'm really frustrated atm cuz there's a gown at VS that I wanted to wear to my Monster event tonight and it looks like this ugh.


And it's supposed to be black (in the store pics anyway), it has PBR textures (I can mod and remove but it makes the mesh invisible).

I'll watch the vids, thanks so much Scylla!

That is VERY blue! Yikes.

And unfortunately, of course, you have no way to ensure that other people can see it the way you want it to be seen!

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I also wanted to add...everything will look different if others are using the region EEP settings.  You could TP to the venue for the party and see how the dress appears using their lighting.  It may look perfectly fine.  

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27 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I also wanted to add...everything will look different if others are using the region EEP settings.  You could TP to the venue for the party and see how the dress appears using their lighting.  It may look perfectly fine.  

I have, it's not sadly, the owner only uses normal day cycles. She's not on PBR either. She also tries to make sure everyone kind of gets the same experience.

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

These really aren't terrible!

It's a lot less blue...but still blue-ish... https://gyazo.com/0ffdb42a44df78ee484e78738686d3e9, and that setting isn't moddable. :(

And, I know I can't do much about how OTHER people see me, but I'd like to be able to control how I see myself. Maybe normally I wouldn't care so much about this if I didn't have store clothing pics...but I really do want to depict the actual color ppl will be getting on their clothing.

PS. And I don't want to have to re-install the non PBR FS version again (and get glitchy!) - also, we're eventually going to have to go full-in ont he PBR viewer anyway, might as well get rid of my "problem" now. :)

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2 minutes ago, SylviElle Zaftig said:

It's a lot less blue...but still blue-ish... https://gyazo.com/0ffdb42a44df78ee484e78738686d3e9, and that setting isn't moddable. :(

And, I know I can't do much about how OTHER people see me, but I'd like to be able to control how I see myself. Maybe normally I wouldn't care so much about this if I didn't have store clothing pics...but I really do want to depict the actual color ppl will be getting on their clothing.

Yeah. Is Bristol in that pack? I think so, you might trying using it?

The REAL answer, unfortunately, is that the club owner needs to install a reflection probe. And that sounds as though that's not going to happen.

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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yeah. Is Bristol in that pack? I think so, you might trying using it?

The REAL answer, unfortunately, is that the club owner needs to install as reflection probe. And that sounds as though that's not going to happen.

ATM, probably not (re. reflection probe). She might, eventually, when the viewer she uses (Genesis I think? One of those really pared down viewers) gets PBR, I think she said they're waiting for LL to get all the PBR bugginess fixed.

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9 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yeah. Is Bristol in that pack? I think so, you might trying using it?

The REAL answer, unfortunately, is that the club owner needs to install as reflection probe. And that sounds as though that's not going to happen.

Bristol will work... thanks! it's a bit dark but at least the skirt is now finally black -_-



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23 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Not bad at all. It's one of those EEPs that reduced shadows, but you may not care about that.

Oh yeah I've been using it since windlight was a thing...I don't mind the reduced shadows...for daily use and for taking store pics (I adjust the sun position if I really want some shadows), it's ideal for me. I don't take too many moody pics that need too much depth/shading.

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Heres a few EEPs ive found to be well made for PBR without destroying the value for PBR content while offering different options for people beyond just "midday (not legacy)"


*free* Studio SABERHAGEN

*free* Artsy

*in world free demo* Specter Skies

*free demos* DHS


Edited by Crexon
update to show which are free
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8 hours ago, SylviElle Zaftig said:

Finally (re)installed the newest FS viewer as having both the new one and the previous non PBR FS was doing glitchy things to my FS experience.

Anyway, is there an EEP I can buy that doesn't make my blacks blue? I'm currently using Midday (Legacy) as it's kind of the most "accurate" color palette I can find (to take pics for my shop)...but if anything is slightly glossy, esp if the texture is black, there's a blue sheen to it. I'd like my pictures to reflect the actual black color and not the bluish haze. I'm not really into mood lighting, I just want my pictures to portray the actual colors. These are not PBR materials/textures, just normal ones.

Gyazo: https://gyazo.com/8f2b6022e236a686bd2247f83dc184ec

Thanks in advance!

See my previous post here for some possible EEP options to test out.

Midday legacy was more so to deal with anyone that had it set to their main environment ether by viewer or on land so it doesnt cause issues with people first time logging to a PBR viewer then anything else. The new Midday (not legacy) should be the one used going forward and not the legacy one while in a PBR viewer. Specially the new Midday was made to be as close as possible to Cloud Layers environment from Polyhaven, https://polyhaven.com/a/cloud_layers  And you can grab the HDRi environment for the new Midday here https://github.com/Jenna-Huntsman/Second-Life-Resources/tree/main/PBR/HDRi to be used in Blender/SP. This was meant so you have as close as possible reference environment between say Blender/SP and SL so you can do proper comparison between the two when creating content. 

You can even grab a color checker chart here to test and see how different colors will appear under different EEPs

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

FOUND IT! Ok, well, asked a friend who is in Firestorm support, and she found it.

Firestorm's guidelines on modifying EEPs to work with PBR.


My problem with their approach is how they go about the changes and how its poorly worded and misleading to people who are trying to find (hopefully) correct answers. Forcing SDR doesnt just effect PBR materials but also legacy(blinn phong) materials are also effected by this and will not look at they should.

Also calling the setting of sun to black to disable shadows a "cheat" for FREE FPS is not that. Why call it a "cheat" when you can just disable shadows in settings, its not a cheat, the option is right there for people. 

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8 minutes ago, Crexon said:

My problem with their approach is how they go about the changes and how its poorly worded and misleading to people who are trying to find (hopefully) correct answers. Forcing SDR doesnt just effect PBR materials but also legacy(blinn phong) materials are also effected by this and will not look at they should.

Also calling the setting of sun to black to disable shadows a "cheat" for FREE FPS is not that. Why call it a "cheat" when you can just disable shadows in settings, its not a cheat, the option is right there for people. 

Fair points, although I haven't tested them. I'll agree that I thought Jenna Huntsman's suggestions, although much more limited and partial, were less hacky.

Do you know of another, relatively accessible guide?

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6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Fair points, although I haven't test them. I'll agree that I thought Jenna Huntsman's suggestions, although much more limited and partial, were less hacky.

Do you know of another, relatively accessible guide?

I havent found any that goes into the detail as much as that guide from FS sadly, which could have been good except for the wording and misleading. Best Ive done is ether through my own experimentation or by trying out other creators PBR EEPs and seeing how they got to their results by going to personal lighting window. 

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