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How to Check Prims

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If you right-click > edit an object, you will see in the edit window that it says the number of prims (primitives) you have selected, just above the row of tabs.

For example if you havea sofa selected it will say something like:

Selected Objects: 1

            Primitives: 16


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Okay, here's what I did.  I went back to the store I just bought an easel from.  I right clicked it and chose edit, and it said 1 item, 6 Objects.  So I went into my home and clicked on the easel I bought and it said 1 item, 6 prims.  So, I went back to the store I got the easel from again and when I right clicked and chose edit, I could see a light small case p and an i hiding behind the word Objects.  So, it's like the word prims is hiding behind the word Objects and they are superimposed upon each other.   Anyhow, I guess objects are prims?  Because I also right clicked on a sofa in that same store that I do not own and it said 1 item, 17 Objects.  So, Objects is trustworthy then I'd assume? 

ETA:  I have v2, original from this website.  However, yes the words prims and objects seem to be superimposed upon one another.  I can barely read the word prims hiding there behind the more bolder white word OBJECTS. 

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I agree you have found a bug and that needs to be changed back to Objects/Prims instead of Items/Objects before it causes untold confusion.

But it sounds like you worked it out correctly, despite LL`s attempts to throw you off track with strange wordings...wtg!

BTW "Row of Tabs" meant the clickable tabs accross the edit box, called : General - Object - Feature - Texture - Contents....Assuming LL didn`t rename those too lol :D

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omg, it's a bug.  Well, how do I get rid of it?

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a SuperLinden to the rescue.  HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA:  I was also going to start a thread on my location area on the toolbar when I log in that lets you get to your home because it's gone.   I don't have a location area of my screen when v2 is fully loaded and ready to log in.  I can't log into my home, even tho it is set to home inworld.    IOW, my starter screen only has basic and advanced to chose from, and that's it.  No location area?

I HAVE A BUG.  What do I do now???????????  Help!!!!!!!!!!!  SOS

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Okay, will go and do that next. 

I'm afraid someone is going to tell me that we have to redo our whole OS; do a complete wipeout, then reinstall.  I hope not.  Is this bug going to be fixed?  omg  Sorry if I sound overdramatic but I just bought a bunch of paintings, and I don't want them to get corrupted.  So ya, I'm a little upset. 

I wonder if upgrading our spyware to their newer upgraded spyware would save us from having to do our whole OS over again? But we just paid for updating our spyware this May and I sadly doubt my rl bf will be willing to pay for another spyware for me because we had huge rl plumbing  expenditure recently.  *sigh*

Anyhow, going inworld now to try to reinstate a location because all I have on login screen is:

username  password  a green log in bar  and a mode with only advance or basic, so let me see if I can fix this first. 

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Oh breathes a sigh of relief.  Yes, all the items I checked yesterday to check the prims the easel and the sofa were YES on sale, but said OBJECTS.

However, the easel I bought once rezzed in my SL home, did say prims, not objects. 

Phew, I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief. 

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LOL don`t panic!!...The bug is not in your computer :D

We meant that the person that designed the box on the viewer wrote the wrong words on it. It will need a JIRA submitted to get it fixed and the next update release will have the correct words.

You can check to see if someone already noticed that bug and created a JIRA for it or you can create one yourself.

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Okay, I'll wait a bit because I saw a Linden in an art Gallery (didn't want to disturb the Linden because I didn't know if he was just looking at art and enjoying the art, so I didn't want to bug him).  However, when I went to start viewer about half an hour ago; it said something like viewer not available at this time or some sort of message like that.  So I think perhaps a Linden shut it down for a bit while the bug gets investigated.  Could be, could be not.  Anyhow, message said cannot open now or somethin' like that.  lol.  I don't remember.  I just assumed someone shut it down for a while to fix the bug. 

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