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Certain items disappearing after relog.

Jayvell Villota

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Okay, so last night I had rezzed a building in Plum's Sandbox, which I had been messing around with and trying to improve it for my needs, but something came up else where, so I had to log out and leave everything as it was, as I was only going to be gone say, 10 - 20 minutes.

Once I logged back in, I found my avatar falling, as everything I had placed down no more than an hour ago had vanished entirely, with no trace of it in my inventory, in lost and found or in trash.

The thing is, the building I had was non-copyable, I contacted the merchant who originally supplied the building, but as of yet I've had no response, so I'm trying to figure out what's happened, and if I can get a Linden to do some sort of rollback on my account so that I can get such items back, if not, then I just want to figure out what's happened, so that I can prevent it from happening in future.

Now, the sandbox I regularly use is situated next to a welcome area, named Plum, I've had no issues with using the resources the sandbox provides, and the return time is supposely 3 hours, however I've seen things placed in the same spot for much longer, so there's a little bit of a glitch with the returning of objects.

But, I wasn't ever expecting that there would be a problem with keeping objects there and having them completely removed from the database which leaves you empty handed.

I want to know if anyone else is experiencing such issues, or if it's just sheer bad luck on my part... And if others are experiencing it, then how are they coping with it?

I just find it strange how EVERYTHING I had placed down no more than 20 minutes of me departing to attend to reality would of vanished by the time I came back, another issue I've had is: As far as I'm aware, and the merchant has stated, the building was Modifyable, Copyable but non-transferable, however the item had also vanished from the box it came from, so I'm starting to question if it was or not.

Or perhaps, if there's such a script that exists for it to activate on user's log out and erase every object which came with it, and if that's the case, then that would be strictly illegal, would it not? As it'd be classed as fraud / scamming.


Anyway, I just want to fix this issue, but because this site has changed so much and I can't seem to find the good old 'Ticket a Support' feature, I'm just having to rely on the community and hope that a Linden will view this, as I strongly believe there's an issue with my inventory, as I had to submit a ticket about a year ago, pretty much with the concern of a similar subject, where items were suddenly vanishing and clearing the cache wouldn't work at all.


Which brings me to another question: Does the inventory cap to the point if there's too many items that they begin to delete themselves from the database?


But I strongly believe that I'm asking too much now, and I'm sure not many people like reading huge blocks of text, so I'll leave my question as it stands, I just hope I can get some answers into why I am having such issues lately.


EDIT: The items were supposed to be copyable, but they had acted as if they were Non-Copy, which is why I found it even stranger that the items would just vanish from the database.


I am aware of such issues concerning placing non-copy items down and then leaving, I have been around long enough to know how and how not to build, it's just there's been so many technical issues as of late, mostly revolving around my inventory that I'm starting to think it's because my inventory is too full.


Thank you for all your comments so far guys, I'm still coming up to no conclusions on why there is no trace of the mentioned items, so I'm just going to hold onto the re-purchased item I bought and see if the seller will contact me in the future, hoping that history doesn't repeat itself again.

But I was highly unaware of there being any notices or warnings about there being grid-wide issues, whether it just didn't catch my eye when loading Viewer 2, or if they even published it on the client screen at all, but I'm just holding that responsible until I can come up with a logical explanation other than "Linden Labs......" 


I've also been keeping track of how many items there are in my inventory as of late, and the total seems to be getting lower and lower, even if I do open the entire inventory up, whether that's by expanding it via-Phoenix / Emerald so that the assets can load quicker, or through typing a single letter in, for it to scan through items and load them that way. -- And it always seems to get lower, every time I clear my cache / inventory cache.

For example: I recall about a week ago I had just around 291,000 items, now it's gone down to 230,000 items, but of course, out of that total, it's hard to tell what exactly is vanishing, but at first I was led to believe it was only very rarely touched items would mysteriously get lost in the midths of the database, but now I'm starting to think it doesn't matter whether you have just recently obtained it or got it years and years ago.


But in all honesty, I've been with SL for 5 - 6 years now, and this is my third account, and I have never had quite so many issues with an account, this has just been constantly messing up, I think I must of picked a very unlucky name for this one, eh?


P.S: Sorry again for the wall of text for the edit, I just don't like keeping things short when it's something that bugs me and I have no idea on why such things occur with no cause or movement behind it.

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6 answers to this question

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Sadly, many inventory issues are reported recently. I would suggest you clear your cache then relog from a "safe" sim (Aqua, Smith or Pooley). When you are there, type anything the inventory search window and DO NOT MOVE untill your inventory is fully loaded. Then you can TP to another place. Also, as you were working in a sandbox, your items may have been returned to you in block. Search for a coalescent cube (it looks like a rubik cube) in your lost and found folder. If you find one (or more), go to a place where you can rezz objects. Click "edit terrain" then drag the coalescent cube to the ground. Then you will have to pick your items one by one back to your inventory.

Edited: the ticket form is here:


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I've often had things vanish, from places I've rented, to my own land, sometimes I rezz them and poof they gone, no return, just *not found in database*.  I have no idea why sl gets the munchies and things vanish, its really annoying especially things you have paid for.  Would love to know why, have never issued a ticket tho, think the lindens prob have more to worry about than a vanishing bath etc..


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Depending on what time you were doing your building and had your disappearing act, you may have run afoul of a server problem.  LL had grid issues yesterday.  They posted notices on the Grid Status page saying, "We ask that you please refrain from making any purchases in-world during this time and to make backup copies of any objects that you are currently building. "   

If you are a Premium or Concierge member, you can call Live Chat.  Otherwise, you can file a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ .  Select Land & Region from the pulldown menu.  

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i think rolig is right on the money. just bad timing for you :(

but leaving no copy items rezzed in a public sandbox and logging out is not what i would recommend anyone doing, regardless of what the auto-return is set to. sl plays tricks on you when you least want it to so do whatever you can to keep the odds on your side.

i am not sure what you mean with inventory cap. there is no such thing, but perhaps you meant the im cap limit?


if say the build was returned to your lost and found and you were gone max 20 mins and you had already reached the cap limit then (boi, your sl sounds busy :P) i'd suggest you go through your groups and turn notices off (they can still be viewed in the group notice archive). you will know for sure you reached the cap limit if you got a message saying so when you logged back on - "Second Life: Too many instant messages. Delivery capped".

and, i just want to say, there was nothing wrong with your post. we like a lot of info in the op. you should see the amount of single sentence posts we get around here - "halp, it doesn't, like, work!". i swear some people think we're psychics :D

i hope the issue gets resolved for you.

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Hey there one of long prose :D I read it all.

I had an issue long ago with that same sandbox. I have found, here and there and in various Linden public sandboxes that the info on the About Land tab often doesn't match what is actually happening in the sim.


As a rule in public sandboxes, always look at the About Land tab under OPTIONS to see what the autoreturn is actually set at. In the "olden days" The Labs would wipe the main public sandboxes at a certain hour -- twice a day if I remember correctly. It was really impressive to watch all that things disappear. Now, it is most often based on autoreturn.

I haven't had any issues in the big LL sandboxes but I stopped using the one you had problems with over a year ago.

 Actually when I was using that sandbox (again at least a year ago) the message in the about land tab said something about saving often as unexpected wipes happen. Have no idea if it still says that. Assume not since you would most likely have not put down a no copy item. I was always nervous building there and found some PRIVATE sandboxes to work in as well as 3700 meters in the sky at the public ones :D.

I agree with previous comments that it was a tough day in SL yesterday. It is most likely that they needed to wipe the sandbox unexpectedly.

I am guessing you already checked your Lost and Found as most Linden sandboxes WILL return no copy items when they wipe. If this was an unplanned occurrence though, I'm not sure it will happen.

One thing you can do when the server seems to be unhappy and things don't want to rez, is to ATTACH the item to yourself (assuming it isn't coalesced). This let's you know that the asset server has FOUND the item and can access it. THEN you can rez. Best choice though with no copy items is not to rez if you think there are issues.  Just a tip for another time.


And about your comment here:

I just find it strange how EVERYTHING I had placed down no more than 20 minutes of me departing to attend to reality would of vanished by the time I came back, another issue I've had is: As far as I'm aware, and the merchant has stated, the building was Modifiable, Copyable but non-transferable, however the item had also vanished from the box it came from, so I'm starting to question if it was or not.

You said in the paragraphs above that the item was NO copy. In that case it would disappear from the packing box. If it is a no copy item, it is less likely the designer will replace. They could be a good guy, though.

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i have had the same thing happen to me, but this was in a different place where they dont even clean up at all! so i have to go somewhere else in Second Life, but the thing is that i have no idea how to save my stuff! Of course i checked back once but my shop was there, but then after like 4 minutes i check back again, its gone! I think people are purposly deleting your things! Isnt it annoyinng?! I hate it, but clearly someone must have deleted it on purpose! The reason why i know is because i acidentaly deleted a poster board that someone owned! Which just tells me anyone can delete your stuff! I know i may not have mad you happy, but this is the solution to your's and my problems! Your Solution guide,

                                     Cat (aka Leeanna041903) (but just call me cat)

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