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Avatar Complexity, Viewing Prim Count

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I keep getting kicked from Freebie Galaxy with this message: Too complex avatar - Prim count : 1006 (allowed 999)

So i want to adjust my outfit, But when i go to the Menu "Show Avatar Complexity Information" It displays it as 76393 Complexity. How do i view measure my Avi's prim by Freebie's measure?

Whenever i google this i just get Faq's on how to check Land Prim

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I'm not sure what that's counting or where you'd find it in the viewer. Here's a quick and dirty little script you could try dropping in an object (freestanding or attached, doesn't matter) and touching, to see if it's useful. If the total it gives isn't the same count you got at Freebie Galaxy, then I dunno. (Could try OBJECT_PRIM_EQUIVALENCE instead of OBJECT_PRIM_COUNT, but seems unlikely for an attachment—not that _PRIM_COUNT is all that sensible either.)

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        integer totPrims;
        key toucher = llDetectedKey(0);
        list attachments = llGetAttachedList(toucher);
        integer attIdx = llGetListLength( attachments );
        while (0 <= --attIdx)
            list details = llGetObjectDetails( llList2Key( attachments, attIdx ), [OBJECT_PRIM_COUNT, OBJECT_NAME]);
            totPrims += llList2Integer(details, 0);
            llRegionSayTo(toucher, 0, llDumpList2String(details, " : "));
        llRegionSayTo(toucher, 0, "Total Prims = "+(string)totPrims);


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11 hours ago, Lysistrata Szapira said:

That's ironic, considering Freebie Galaxy has so much antique prim clothing that would get a person booted. 

Right? XD

Though yeah, that's a new one on me. Does it also account for the LI of one's mesh attachments? O_o

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1 hour ago, SlammedSam said:

Does it also account for the LI of one's mesh attachments?

Exactly. That's what you'd get with the OBJECT_PRIM_EQUIVALENT numbers, which is obviously silly for attachments, but basic prim count is already a pretty low bar for silliness.

As for irony, though… if you think about it another way, if anybody ever needed to worry about total attached prim count, it would be a place that hands out high prim attachments.

In the interest of Science, I made a few 250-prim assemblies, attached them, and TP'd to Freebie Galaxy. Sure enough, a minute or so later it booted me with the message:


[04:25] SN Security 1.5: Sorry, we had to remove you from Freebie Galaxy.
Your avatar is consuming too much resources. Often bad designed hair, shoes or scripted huds cause this. Please do check your avatar before returning. You are welcome back in 3 minutes.
* Too complex avatar - Prim count : 1565 (allowed 999)

This was actually useful because my dopey little counter script only listed 1162 of those 1565 prims. What that means is that the other 400 or so prims are in HUDs (because a script can't see individual HUD attachments, only stuff that should be visible in anybody's viewer, but it can see the total number of prims associated with an avatar including the HUDs. I checked, and indeed just calling for OBJECT_PRIM_COUNT of the whole avatar did return all 1565 prims.

HUDs have a lot of prims. In my case, those 400 are split between body and head HUDs which I always used to remove but I got back in the bad habit of leaving them in outfits to make sure they'd be worn before teleporting to any stupid no-script land.

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2 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

[04:25] SN Security 1.5: Sorry, we had to remove you from Freebie Galaxy.
Your avatar is consuming too much resources. Often bad designed hair, shoes or scripted huds cause this. Please do check your avatar before returning. You are welcome back in 3 minutes.
* Too complex avatar - Prim count : 1565 (allowed 999)

This was actually useful because my dopey little counter script only listed 1162 of those 1565 prims. What that means is that the other 400 or so prims are in HUDs (because a script can't see individual HUD attachments, only stuff that should be visible in anybody's viewer, but it can see the total number of prims associated with an avatar including the HUDs. I checked, and indeed just calling for OBJECT_PRIM_COUNT of the whole avatar did return all 1565 prims.

HUDs have a lot of prims. In my case, those 400 are split between body and head HUDs which I always used to remove but I got back in the bad habit of leaving them in outfits to make sure they'd be worn before teleporting to any stupid no-script land.

So, should we think they are "silly" for using "Prim Count" instead of LI? (Whether that is "retro silly", or "ignorant silly"?)

I mean, "LI" has been used for years now as the "de facto" measurement..



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7 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

 it can see the total number of prims associated with an avatar including the HUDs. I checked, and indeed just calling for OBJECT_PRIM_COUNT of the whole avatar did return all 1565 prims.

this is the interesting bit. That PRIM_COUNT picks up HUD prims.  I suppose the  HUD count would be something like: PRIM_COUNT - PRIM_EQUIVALENT


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38 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

So, should we think they are "silly" for using "Prim Count" instead of LI? (Whether that is "retro silly", or "ignorant silly"?)

I mean, "LI" has been used for years now as the "de facto" measurement..

Oh, I think it's silly because counting these things seems pretty beside the point for whatever they're trying to do there. I'm not aware that attached prims, in and of themselves, consume resources of any significance to a region or its other visitors, except possibly as a poor proxy for other available metrics that not only more directly affect performance but are more easily seen and adjusted by the "offender." People gripe about OBJECT_RENDER_WEIGHT and script metrics, but at least they're trying to measure stuff that does affect performance. (Admittedly, I advocate for simple OBJECT_RUNNING_SCRIPT_COUNT as a representative enough proxy for potential script impact because it's valid immediately, whereas _SCRIPT_TIME is hugely inflated at first, and _SCRIPT_MEMORY counts the potential maximum footprint, not what's actually in use.)

30 minutes ago, elleevelyn said:

I suppose the  HUD count would be something like: PRIM_COUNT - PRIM_EQUIVALENT

I think PRIM_EQUIVALENCE is intended to be land impact (if rezzed freestanding instead of attached) but I'm not sure it means much for worn attachments. My avatar as a whole scored just 1, so I don't know what that's about, but also, for example, my "/ EYES /" report an EQUIVALENCE of 12, but rezzing them (in a no-scripts sandbox so the LeLutka spoilsport can't nuke them from the editor) shows a land impact of only 3, all accounted for by Server weight. I guess it's possible they gain a bunch of Download weight when worn and distorted to fitted size or something.

Edited by Qie Niangao
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1 minute ago, Qie Niangao said:

Admittedly, I advocate for simple OBJECT_RUNNING_SCRIPT_COUNT as a representative enough proxy for potential script impact because it's valid immediately, whereas _SCRIPT_TIME is hugely inflated at first, and _SCRIPT_MEMORY counts the potential maximum footprint, not what's actually in use

Back in the day, it was normal for others (say, hosts at events) to complain if you had a lot of scripts running.

But this whole, "too many prims" is a little silly I guess because it seems "new";  like a "dumbed down" version of "avatar complexity".   

It's not as if the region will run out of prims because you have a lot attached. That's not how it works.

Thats Not How This Works Thats Not How Any Of This Works GIF

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29 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

I think PRIM_EQUIVALENCE is intended to be land impact (if rezzed freestanding instead of attached)

i realsied I was just confusing myself so I had a quick play

ran your script and got PRIM_COUNT = 237 for my attachments

then tried:  (llGetOwner, PRIM_COUNT) and got 559

took off all my HUDs and got 237

so HUDs only = 559 - 237 = 322.  I never knew til now that we could get info on avatar HUDs

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  • 1 month later...

Hey there all, i keep getting kicked out of freebie galaxy, and im less the 3000 kb and less then 100 prims, well below their limit.

but now theres a Region Watcher, so now ive been banned 3 times, each over 100 hours. 

Now i have messaged the sim owner multiple times to find out why im banned, and guess what, the Sim owner NEVER answers back, your ignored, and banned, over and over again. the sim owner of freebie galaxy just dont care, not one bit..

All they care about is making money from their Ad boards, Trolls and griefers and Known Racists and Flashers are allowed there and nothing is done about it.. But if you want to go there and help out newbies, and you happen to look like Santa, you get banned.

My personal warning to everyone on SL, DONT GO TO FREEBIE GALAXY

its not changed one bit, still looks exactly as it did back in 2013.

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