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PBR and Primfeed ?

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Well, I did get a bit annoyed yesterday after reading a Facebook post from a top in-world creator who is really advertising Primfeed and endorsing it and saying "Exclusive Content: Get the inside scoop on upcoming releases before anyone else."

Is this how it is going to be now, getting encouraged to use it by many creators and those who don't want to use it stay in the dark longer, no thanks, I won't bother.

Edited by MadameGloom Ravenwood
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So what is new?

People are "convinced" to use Firestorm like a religion.
People are "educated" that an elephant ass is a must in 2020+
If you don't have a mesh head, you can best live under a bridge too.
Of course one needs shirts that are buttoned up the wrong way or only half tucked in.
Yes, everything is lacking a lot of shininess now PBR is there.
Cool kids will have mirrors everywhere.
Life without Primfeed is totally unthinkable madness.

Me sings (only in his head, to protect the innocent):
Go your own way.

And that is exactly what I always try do: Go my own way.


Edited by Sid Nagy
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55 minutes ago, MadameGloom Ravenwood said:

Well, I did get a bit annoyed yesterday after reading a Facebook post from a top in-world creator who is really advertising Primfeed and endorsing it and saying "Exclusive Content: Get the inside scoop on upcoming releases before anyone else."

Is this how it is going to be now, getting encouraged to use it by many creators and those who don't want to use it stay in the dark longer, no thanks, I won't bother.

It won't be much, if any, different from how it is already. If you don't follow some creators on discord, fb and whatever else they use, then you already getting news/previews late compared to if you would. Can't say it bothers me at all if I miss a few WiPs that some creators post on fb, I can wait for the actual release just fine. And in case of creator who posted it (I saw it on their flickr) - they've got fairly active discord server, so if anything exciting ever posted anywhere it's always talked about there too.

Edited by steeljane42
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