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Ask a Child Avatar

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While I do use other avatars, and play a character who's playing characters and has a whole backstory explaining it all, really all of it is an excuse and a way to fit into my chosen adoptive community in SL. I wear the monster avis as work uniforms, because it helps me fit in on the horror sim I live and work on. Prior to my current incarnation as Pheeby though, I was a full-time, nothing-but, SL kid. I had a mom and a brother and aunts and uncles, we did family things, and I lived an idyllic, pastoral childhood in my remote faery glen, surrounded by flowers and swimming in the duck pond, chasing the wildlife, and hiding the occasional trespasser's body in the woods.

As for why, well, it all started with finding out that I could.

Like many, I had a tremendously onerous RL upbringing. That wasn't my primary reason for being a kid in SL, though. I think a lot of my motivation was simply a desire to return to a time when I didn't have to give a damn about anything besides playing, reading, and having fun.

Life is hard, and we all escape in our own ways. I could say it's because I never got to have a real childhood but I'm not a victim, I'm a survivor. If it was a do-over on my own terms, so be it, but my main motivation all along has been rediscovering how to have fun and play and be happy. How to get back the magical powers I lost when I grew up and decided I was all sophisticated and boring and uptight.

I've never associated adulthood with fun, play, or happiness but I remember finding plenty of it even in my crappy version of a childhood. So yeah, I guess it's just sort of a theme, the way some people live for speed and like racing and wear racing jumpsuits and NASCAR caps, and some people wear camouflage and combat boots everywhere they go, some of us like to be little again and jump all over the place making goofy noises and forget about our adult selves for a while.

It's just how I like to play, because I can. There's nowhere else I can be this me and do all of this, so yeah. If not for SL I'd be off in a corner making earwax sculptures or carving toothpicks into miniature toothpicks or something. Or writing yet another convoluted horror novel. trust me, you're all better off this way, with this me.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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Why put up with the B.S. that goes with being a kid avatar in 2024? Is it the lack of other platforms to be one on?

After the events of early 2024 I'm not sure i'd be one again -at least, not any time soon!

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On 7/12/2024 at 3:29 AM, PheebyKatz said:

While I do use other avatars, and play a character who's playing characters and has a whole backstory explaining it all, really all of it is an excuse and a way to fit into my chosen adoptive community in SL. I wear the monster avis as work uniforms, because it helps me fit in on the horror sim I live and work on. Prior to my current incarnation as Pheeby though, I was a full-time, nothing-but, SL kid. I had a mom and a brother and aunts and uncles, we did family things, and I lived an idyllic, pastoral childhood in my remote faery glen, surrounded by flowers and swimming in the duck pond, chasing the wildlife, and hiding the occasional trespasser's body in the woods.

As for why, well, it all started with finding out that I could.

Like many, I had a tremendously onerous RL upbringing. That wasn't my primary reason for being a kid in SL, though. I think a lot of my motivation was simply a desire to return to a time when I didn't have to give a damn about anything besides playing, reading, and having fun.

Life is hard, and we all escape in our own ways. I could say it's because I never got to have a real childhood but I'm not a victim, I'm a survivor. If it was a do-over on my own terms, so be it, but my main motivation all along has been rediscovering how to have fun and play and be happy. How to get back the magical powers I lost when I grew up and decided I was all sophisticated and boring and uptight.

I've never associated adulthood with fun, play, or happiness but I remember finding plenty of it even in my crappy version of a childhood. So yeah, I guess it's just sort of a theme, the way some people live for speed and like racing and wear racing jumpsuits and NASCAR caps, and some people wear camouflage and combat boots everywhere they go, some of us like to be little again and jump all over the place making goofy noises and forget about our adult selves for a while.

It's just how I like to play, because I can. There's nowhere else I can be this me and do all of this, so yeah. If not for SL I'd be off in a corner making earwax sculptures or carving toothpicks into miniature toothpicks or something. Or writing yet another convoluted horror novel. trust me, you're all better off this way, with this me.

Thank you!!!

And I knew there were bodies in the quietest, darkest parts of that glen. When I;m a cat avatar I can smell them.

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2 hours ago, Harper Held said:

Why put up with the B.S. that goes with being a kid avatar in 2024? Is it the lack of other platforms to be one on?

After the events of early 2024 I'm not sure i'd be one again -at least, not any time soon!

It's really not that bad.  I've not noticed any change in how I am in second life.

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4 hours ago, Harper Held said:

Why put up with the B.S. that goes with being a kid avatar in 2024? Is it the lack of other platforms to be one on?

After the events of early 2024 I'm not sure i'd be one again -at least, not any time soon!

The only thing i can classify as "B.S. that goes with being a kid avatar in 2024" would be having to edit avatars and the Kid Haters club of SL.

Day to day issues are rare. The crappy  stuff is mostly on forums or outside Second Life. My friends are on Sl and i love SL so i never had any thought to go looking elsewhere. In world, many of my friends are kid avis or families of kids so none of them are gonna suddenly become anti-kid. I just ignore (Or block if absolutely necessary) the kid haters, they aren't worth my time. Even so, I can count the haters i have run into in world on one hand. And that's total over the last 15 years.

Other than the swath of complaining about (and confusion about) new rules that came with having to buy new/edit avatars last month, nothing has really changed for me that would make me feel like leaving. I admit i felt a bit of worry at first that i would be banned from being a kid when the new rules were so unclear, but with clarity of the rules that worry seems unfounded. 

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5 hours ago, Harper Held said:

Why put up with the B.S. that goes with being a kid avatar in 2024? Is it the lack of other platforms to be one on?

After the events of early 2024 I'm not sure i'd be one again -at least, not any time soon!

Some of us have very deep connections with families. I've been with my SL mom and dad for nearly 5 years now. As tiresome as the contempt for us can be, the good far outweighs the bad. 

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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I thought of one!!!

Do you plan to grow up one day (or not literally "one day", but "over time") in Second Life?

I think some people actually do that, yes. There's even the occasional fatpack of progressively-aged avatars on the MP for those who want to do that but don't feel like editing shapes and stuff as they go along.

No idea what the percentage of SL kids are who go that route, and people also change their minds sometimes, but yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a common enough thing to be a thing. The same way some people like having to eat inworld as part of their RP's realism, some people want to start young in SL and grow up as they go along.

I'd bet some people like to go in the opposite direction, too. Start off with an avatar that's a representation of their present self, and grow younger as they age in SL.

Me, I made a promise long ago, to someone who loved me very much, that I would never grow up, and I plan on keeping it. At least one of me in SL will always be my childhood self, no matter what.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I thought of one!!!

Do you plan to grow up one day (or not literally "one day", but "over time") in Second Life?

My Sl sister did that. when we became "Sisters" she was RPing a year younger than me. now she is an adult avatar. It was kinda funny to see her grow up while i stayed mostly the same! She enjoyed her time as a kid even went to school and such and is now happy as an adult. 

When i hit 10RL years of being 11 I "aged up" to 12 I had a birthday party and everything! I have considered going back down to 11 but i never do it.  12 feels kinda old haha.

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10 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I thought of one!!!

Do you plan to grow up one day (or not literally "one day", but "over time") in Second Life?

I'm a vampire, I don't grow!

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11 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I thought of one!!!

Do you plan to grow up one day (or not literally "one day", but "over time") in Second Life?

I think one of the main factors in age presented is the appeal of avatars in that age range. 

People seem to decide an age and then go with an avatar that is the most up to date / has the most clothing options. If they can't find what they want then they go for the next best thing. 

The most popular age at the moment is babies and toddlers followed by young children. This is most likely because of the popularity of bodies like TD, LB and Youth. Less popular are bodies for older children which are typically older version wise. Smb (the precursor to Tweenster) and Loki are practically ancient by now and AVIL and Tweenster are getting on now too. There was Rebirth recently but that body wasn't very well received. Last I heard they were working on solutions to be TOS compliant. 

These things seem to work in cycles though with child avatars aging up or down depending what's on offer. Some will age up and down frequently but that's typically quite rare. 

Put it this way though, if someone came out with a new child avatar tomorrow that looked better than the current offering, with better functionality / utility and there were lots of new clothes on offer then a lot of people would at the very least try it with a good number switching. 


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12 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I thought of one!!!

Do you plan to grow up one day (or not literally "one day", but "over time") in Second Life?

I am not sure at the moment, I think I am pretty fine with where I am currently. If I really wanted to change my avatar and grow up in Second Life, then I could easily do that if I wish. But for now... I shall remain with the avatar I have. 

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1 hour ago, brodiac90 said:

I think one of the main factors in age presented is the appeal of avatars in that age range. 

People seem to decide an age and then go with an avatar that is the most up to date / has the most clothing options. If they can't find what they want then they go for the next best thing. 

The most popular age at the moment is babies and toddlers followed by young children. This is most likely because of the popularity of bodies like TD, LB and Youth. Less popular are bodies for older children which are typically older version wise. Smb (the precursor to Tweenster) and Loki are practically ancient by now and AVIL and Tweenster are getting on now too. There was Rebirth recently but that body wasn't very well received. Last I heard they were working on solutions to be TOS compliant. 

These things seem to work in cycles though with child avatars aging up or down depending what's on offer. Some will age up and down frequently but that's typically quite rare. 

Put it this way though, if someone came out with a new child avatar tomorrow that looked better than the current offering, with better functionality / utility and there were lots of new clothes on offer then a lot of people would at the very least try it with a good number switching. 


Just a note, you didn't actually answer my question. 🙂


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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Just a note, you didn't actually answer my question. 🙂


I think my age will fluctuate with new avatars from time to time but no, I don't want to grow up. Also, how are the doggos? Are you back yet? 

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