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Animation makers: Please make non-looped moving animations so the avatar does not return to start

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I don't understand why people make action animations any other way. I just bought a couple of animations so my avatar can tri9p and fall.

A big problem with another is that it looped, so it didn't look realistic. This one had looping and non-looping versions, which I checked before buying it. But, it had the same problem as looping animations: Immediately after my avatar falls down, she pops right back up.

I have fighting gestures that allow my avatar to fall and stay there until I make her stand back up, so an animation can do that. It can leave the avatar seem to be on the ground or wherever it ends. Is there a workaround,? I know an animation can be made to do that. I use an animation maker to make some very simple ones, but I can only do very simple. But if full perms meant one could modify the animation, I could just make the one on the floor last as many frames as it allows, so she would stay down long enough it's a convincing fall.  I understand that the avatar doesn't move as far as the game is concerned regardless, that it just alters where she seems to be. but for the fall to look like a fall she can't just pop back up.

To creators: Please make your non-looping animations that cause the avatar to seem to end up in a different position than she started, end with her staying there. Otherwise, they often aren't useful.

While I'm sure this comes up all the time, I've never heard the answer: Why doesn't modify permission mean modify permission? Scripts can be modified in-game, so if the seller allows it, why does the platform prevent me? I bought full perrns to be able to put it in a gesture, in case one wonders why I paid extra for full perm I knew I wouldn't be allowed to alter it. More important is whether there's a workaround.

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1. What you are looking for are Loop-In animations where only the last pose loops and the avatar remains in an indefinite loop static pose, just like the skipping on an old vinyl record. Non-looping animations are not what you are looking for because, when they reach the end, they will just stop, returning the avatar to its default state. Think of it like playing a song to the end.

2. Animations can not be legally exported from SL (in fact only textures can) and there is no internal application that would allow user to make modifications. Therefor, you can not modify anything but animation name.

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It would be useful if there were some standard starting and ending poses, so people could construct animations that started and ended in standard positions. Then you could mix and match animations smoothly.

I'm always looking for full-perm animation sets for my NPCs. I need stand, walk, run, turn left, turn right, etc., all compatible and blended well enough that I can switch between those freely without sudden jumps.

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