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Nautical charts for sailing

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I'm a sailing newbie bumbling along the learning curve. One aspect I haven't understood   is how to go about planning trips. I can look at the world map and say I'd like to go from here to there. But if there's a section with no water connection there seems to be no way to find this out, except to go and see. I've found some nice charts from 2022 that are no longer updated, I assume the maintainer burnt out. I've looked at the Museum of MAps, but if there ar maps available I didn't find them. So my question is, how do people manage without decent charts ?

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i enjoy sailing too, i joined a group called "Leeward Cruising Club" who organize a weekly sailing trip providing a free hud in notices with directions to follow. You can go with them or sail by yourself using the hud, they are updated by the creators so you can follow a safe "route". Of course you can grab from the past notices other trips and try them.

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   I'll usually just plot a route via the world map, you can usually tell where there's navigable water by just looking at it, and over time you'll learn where you can and can't go, and also where you can re-rez a new boat when needed (i.e public ports and the LL lighthouses around Belli). Some routes simply aren't totally navigable, like currently Belli isn't (unless they've connected the waterways from east to west recently, haven't checked in a while), in those cases you'll either have to switch to a land/air vehicle, or just teleport to the other side.

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On 4/28/2024 at 1:04 PM, Bavid Dailey said:

I'm a sailing newbie bumbling along the learning curve. One aspect I haven't understood   is how to go about planning trips. I can look at the world map and say I'd like to go from here to there. But if there's a section with no water connection there seems to be no way to find this out, except to go and see. I've found some nice charts from 2022 that are no longer updated, I assume the maintainer burnt out. I've looked at the Museum of MAps, but if there ar maps available I didn't find them. So my question is, how do people manage without decent charts ?

It's generally easy when looking at the general world map once you get use to it.

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On 5/13/2024 at 8:35 PM, AWalphaomega said:



Yes the minimap is usefull also, though it stays a "locally" used item, opposite to the general world map that gives a more global idea


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