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Bavid Dailey

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Everything posted by Bavid Dailey

  1. thanks for the answers.I gather that there is nobody making a good map any more? What a pity. I shall make a feature requets of the moles ...
  2. I'm a sailing newbie bumbling along the learning curve. One aspect I haven't understood is how to go about planning trips. I can look at the world map and say I'd like to go from here to there. But if there's a section with no water connection there seems to be no way to find this out, except to go and see. I've found some nice charts from 2022 that are no longer updated, I assume the maintainer burnt out. I've looked at the Museum of MAps, but if there ar maps available I didn't find them. So my question is, how do people manage without decent charts ?
  3. Thanks all, you've all confirmed what I have since myself confirmed both with attachments and a HUD. It is working exactly as I hoped....
  4. I couldn't find any mention of this in the forums or the Wiki. I surmise that the linksetdata belongs to the root prim somehow - i.e. the avatar? That would make it a crap shoot; ideally I'd like my HUD to maintain its own LSD and it gives the illusion of doing so. Anyone have any idea ?A pointer to a document would be even better..
  5. I did send an inquiry to that mail address and had no response. In the end I added code to simply filter out %<x><y> and replace with ?? when I received the title...
  6. Good idea Xiija, however stymied by the Linden proxy, i received an error code 502; the station stream url is
  7. Bubbesort, interesting idea. Don't think it applies here, it was from a legitimate commercial internet radio stream - Jazz Groove. But it is a possibility in general.
  8. Not at the moment, it's a rare occurrance and this is the first time I have lookedinto it systematically. RAre = once every few days on a stream, I'd guess
  9. Yes I thought so too, but it doesn't pan out. I consulted chatGPT about this and it did no better than me.
  10. I have scripts that read the metadata from streams (forwarded by Firestorm) and there are occassions when the data has clearly been coded , but not in a way that I can make sense of. For example, I receive Enrico Pieranunzi/Thomas Fonnesb%3*%1-k/Andr%3* Ceccarelli - The Heart of a Child where I expect to see The Heart of a Child · Enrico Pieranunzi · Thomas Fonnesbæk · André Ceccarelli I should add that most of the time most ascii characters come through without issue, that is I see diacriticals and so on. I am baffled as to why these characters are encoded (presumably by the streaming service) and how to undo the encoding. Anybody have a clue ?. This behaviour turns up on serveral streams, although I'm not sure whether it is one or more stream providers.
  11. Oh thankyou Wulfie. Itt was the html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' that i was missing.
  12. I have a script that collects data from a HUD it dispenses and which allows people to vote on questions. THis all works and now I want to display the aggregated results in real time as they change. Not many ways to do this well in LSL, so I decided to write a small webserver to deliver a page with the results. According to the LSL Wiki, on the LSL HTTP server page The page goes on to refer to examples and discuss obvious applications, one example being what I am trying to do. Yet it appears to be impossible to deliver a simple HTML page in response to a request. As far as I can see, that ability has been deliberately crippled - as the content_type cannot be set to CONTENT_TYPE_HTML. I talked to one perosn who claims to have bypassed the restriction, but couldm't remember how they did it. I'm baffled, can any body help?
  13. Nope, neither. Provocative remarks don't disguise that Linden Labs have made a major change that affects many adversely and they made no attempt to inform people in advance As to comparatively products, mine do very well ty. But customers whose estate managers kow enough to look in top scripts but not enough to evaluate what they see, end up beign told they can't run these scripts and complain to me. So a big chnage in hwo my scripts get displayed matters to me. As for complaining about misleading performance figures, sure I've done my share. Anytiem you can give me a coherent explanation fo what pump I/O is, I'd be fascinated. I've been askign that question for a while...
  14. I'm am utterly astonished that Linden Labs did not feel the need to make these very significant changes known to developers BEFORE they were released on the paying customers. And please dodn't respond that they were mentioned in office hours. If all the affected scripters of second life ever turned up at an office hours meeting ... well there'd have to have been a lto of other stuff fixed, no? This last debcle has been the last straw for me; scores of hours of careful crafting to have my coral swarms be low cost accordign to the best available tools, and now you tell me that the figures were always rubbish! I look at the results now and I see I am up for starting over; or just giving up. Guess which I shall choose? It's so damnably unproffessional. Shame on you Linden Labs.
  15. For what its worth, I have self scripted animals that wander autonomously in a parcel or region. I am an an estate manager and quite familiar with the tricks of finding free roaming objects. Although all objects are driven by the same scripts I have been puzzled for a while by how one object runs well for a few days , but then disappears (usually just after weekly roll time) . By disappear I mean no longer appears on the region scripted object list. I have a polling process that tracks each object from an external server and the (infrequent) traces show nothing untoward. I've eliminated the obvious rather exhaustively. I've not been able to get to the bottom of a) the fate of the objects or b) why just 2 in 20 odd object exhibit this behaviour. It's not precisely what Dimpz reports, but I suspect he has a better case than might first appear.
  16. Thanks for the information, Both libomv and JVA look interesting, pity I don't run windows though :-(
  17. Ash, I'm astonished to find you have a tool that can collect this data; what is its provenance?
  18. There's very little point in having an in-world shop if it can't be found it using the in-world search. Search is so borked and biased as to useless. Hence in-world shops become less relevant to users and consequently less interesting to merchants. Maintaining a neutral platform is an arcane skill that appears to be beyond contemporary Linden Labs. That inability may kill the platform ....
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