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Break Legacy Content!

Greene Paine

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Ann Otoole wrote:

Oh I think you are wrong about making better content. The issue is the usage and how the costing works for specific use cases. In some cases the costing seems unfair. In others the costing only matters at upload since the object(s) will be worn or driven on LL land where PE won't matter.


So it just depends on what the mesh is and the use case for the mesh.

Um yeah, PE only matters for rezzed objects. And in that case PE makes mesh nearly worthless. This discussion is about the use case that PE effects, nothing more. Since PE doesn't effect worn objects and you can use the none physics type to side step it on vehicles there's no point in bring them up. They are not related to the topic at all, which is how PE makes it impossible to make a mesh object that has remotely the same prim cost as, well, prims and sculpties. So I don't see how being able to make something nice with mesh in a use case not effected by PE is relevant to the discussion on how PE is unfair to meshes in the use cases that are effected by PE. This thread was never about whether or not people could make nice things with mesh. The answer to that is obvious since 99.99% of 3d renders most people have ever seen are made of meshes. The thread is about how the current PE system is unfair.

And by the way that model doesn't have nearly enough tris to make wooden computers burst into flames. ^.^

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"Oh I strongly suspect we will be seeing superior content than that produced by the overworked underpaid game art employees of EA for EA"

We already have this, Ann. Tons.

"Might even see stuff made by some of them in their precious few off hours since they won't have the limitations of a console game spec and will have the freedom to express themselves."

We already have this, too. And if we get more, nice, but it will not help improving performance or justify breaking existing content. And freedom of expression is not very helpful if it comes to performance or saving resource, mesh or not. Btw, your  mega spaceship is a wonderful little bugger! Can´t wait to dogfight it with my megaprim fighter!

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leliel Mirihi wrote:


And by the way that model doesn't have nearly enough tris to make wooden computers burst into flames. ^.^

Neither do models made by professional game artists. The texturing and other features unavailable to SL mesh is what makes professional game models look detailed. So if you want detail on an SL mesh you are going to boost the tris significantly.

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Dain Shan wrote:


You will get used to Ann .. se always is that way.

Same with Vivienne .. it seems she has the strong urge to look down on anyone who claims to wortk with Blender and actually can do stuff that use less ressources and look better

I suspect some envy issues here.

I guess your right, apparently I'm not allowed to have an opinion and I insulted the entire population of Second Life, must be a tiring job speaking for everyone.

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There is a way for LL to be able to break content and not break content at the same time so that improved performance from new hardware and software could be embraced and mistakes made in the past learned from and fixed.  Curious? 


Why not have new grids added by LL?  Grids that have different settings and rules.  Grids that can start off from scratch learning from past mistakes.  Always keep the original SL grid as it is to satisfy content creators who designed and still sell their stuff on the original SL grid.  This will keep the lawyers away.

Here are a few examples of grids I like to see:

"Classic Prim Grid" a grid with no sculpties no mesh.  Maybe limit the number of linked prims and or limit the number of scripts that can be used  and distributed in link sets.


"Sculptie Grid"  A grid were everything is made with sculpties.  This grid would have an improved sculptie that is more accurate one that is not based on a three dimensional grid that is (RED) 256 unites by (GREEN) 256 unites by (BLUE) 256 unites but uses a TGA alpha layer info to increase the accuracy to a grid of 1000 unites by 1000 by 1000.  Perhaps double the number of vertices per sculpt and increase the max size to 256 meters.


"Mesh Grid" You guessed it a grid with nothing but mesh objects.  A grid where the cost of the mesh is reasonable.  Perhaps a grid where costs are based on file size not triangles.  A grid that has all the features a Collada mesh is capable of.  


Different grids different rules.  Different content and prim costs associated with the type of content that can be rezzed there.  Old content will always be good on the "Classic or Original SL Grid".  Let the residents decide which grid will be most popular.  Content creators who are here in SL to make money will migrate to the most popular grid.  


My guess would be that "Mesh Grid" would eventually become the most popular.

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Must you always interject stupid comments?  They could set up a new grid and allow all existing content, merely with new cost calculations.  It can even be the same grid, just some regions would run a different server and different cost calculations.  This is done already, where Homestead regions get a different prim allowance calculation per parcel area.  So it is not beyond the realm of possibility to have other differences in calculations between regions.

For people to choose the "new" regions rather than "legacy" regions, there has to be some advantage to do so.  The advantage could be in cost, performance, or some other features.  But if there are no advantages then nobody will choose them.

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I like that idea, and honestly I have a feeling that the only way SL can free itself of the unfair accounting of the past will be to "do everything right" on a new grid with a new brand. For example call it Second Life 3. Give it a new viewer with new V3 sims. 

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