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No viewer working since 4 days? Help!!!

valerie Inshan

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Okay, that must be my punishment for being away for 2 weeks of holidays. Since Sunday, NONE of the viewers works properly. I can't log in, or can't rez, cannot type in IMs, all my friends have gone "???" instead of their names... I have cleared caches, deinstalled nd reinstalled, logged in and out from Aqua, Smith, etc. Nothing worked! Either V1, V2; Phoenix, Firestorm, even Snowglobe. Please anybody has a clue what's going on here? :matte-motes-crying:

Thanks to you all for your replies. Yep, seems to be an issue with my internet connection. Awww, I will have to find another excuse to buy that brand new iMac! :smileywink:

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Jealousness? LL is jealous you went on holiday and left all of us here. :matte-motes-impatient:

Just joking... maybe...:smileytongue:

Did you try logging in somewhere else than your home? Maybe that region is having problems?


ETA: 4 Days! You had this problem for 4 days and you are just now asking for help!?!

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Oh no Valerie!!

really? 4 days? did you call live chat?

you cant log in, cant rez cant im or what?

you can log in but cant rez?

One step at a time. 

You can log in? you have several viewers. Ensure you have a seperate cache for each viewer.

Try logging into Smith with V2. What is your the problem?

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All your viewers not working as they normally do says that it's probably not a viewer problem.  And evidently it's not a grid problem since it's not widespread.  You mentioned that you have and use several different viewers.  And I think it probably has a lot to do with your issue.  When you uninstalled your viewers did you also manually delete the files that left when the viewers are uninstalled?  Yeah, you loose all your viewer preferences when you do that (also you loose any chat logs........you can save those before you delete them if you want to keep them). 


Try uninstalling every viewer again.  Manually search for any files left after each uninstall......I would say do this one at a time.  Then reinstall a viewer and try SL again.  If it fixes your problem reinstall another viewer but move the caches to another folder on your viewer.........try again.  Keep doing that until you get all the viewers you want to use installed.

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Thanks Charolotte, I cleaned all cache for each viewer, even deleted some (Kirsten, Snowglobe, Phoenix...) and yet I cannot be inworld. I will call live chat as soon as possible, thanks a lot, this is getting really upsetting indeed. The strange thing is I can login without any problem from my office Mac which is an old Power Mac and running V1. Go figure?

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Could it be a change in your firewall since you were gone? or is your internet provider changed or something like that? if you can get on your account from work then its not your account, right? and all of the viewers not working, it sounds very much like something at your house is blocking you.

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/me slaps your hand for waiting for 4 days to ask for help. You know we are here for you, hugs. :) If you can log on at... cough... work... cough, cough then you know it is not your account. So it has to be either your internet or your cache causing problems. I hope you get it worked out and get back Inworld soon. :)

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I've had severe problems with my Beta SL viewer since the last update.  I can log in with no problem but at that point, everything stops.  It acts as though there is so much lag that I can't even chat locally without hesitation.  I can't move, and it ends up quitting on me.  I've emptied my cache so that isn't the problem and I didn't have any problem with my viewer until this last update.  Anyone have any suggestions or perhaps I can get a message to the developers that are working on the Beta Viewer. 

Thanks for your input.


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