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PBR reflections

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I've been playing with the PBR project viewer. I can get the environment to reflect but not objects or avis. I'm clearing being dense about something but are object reflections impossible or am I not enabling something? I have enabled screen space reflections in preferences.

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There are 2 types of reflection probes. Those which the viewer does place automatically, and those who are created, and placed by users. Avatars are only included in reflections of manually created probes. In graphics prefs check Reflections > Static & Dynamic. And on the manual probe Dynamic has to checked as well. Avatars will be included when they are inside such a manual probe volume.

To create a manual reflection probe volume: Rez a prim > Features tab > Check Reflection Probe, Dynamic, change Sphere to Box. Near clip greater than zero will exclude objects from being sampled. Measured from the probe volumes center.

Screen Space Reflections are currently WIP. They aren't fully implemented yet. I keep them off for the time being.


Edited by arton Rotaru
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  • 1 year later...

I found a different instructional video and play around a bit with an existing "mirror" that I've had in my room for a couple of years now I think and was able to finally convert it to be a proper mirror.  it's got a distressed and grainy look on the glass it and it has some weirdly fun effects with the lights around the frame and I just love it.  it's not 100% clear on the reflection but it's pretty darn close.  It has sparked joy in me.  :)



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I haven't played with PBR at all, yet, but I was just thinking... is it possible to put a reflection probe somewhere else, farther away on the sim, and make something like a closed circuit TV, instead of a mirror?  Or maybe a magic crystal ball like the Wicked Witch of the West used to spy on Dorothy?  How far away can you put a reflection probe?

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2 hours ago, Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia said:

I haven't played with PBR at all, yet, but I was just thinking... is it possible to put a reflection probe somewhere else, farther away on the sim, and make something like a closed circuit TV, instead of a mirror?  Or maybe a magic crystal ball like the Wicked Witch of the West used to spy on Dorothy?  How far away can you put a reflection probe?

No further than the viewer can see at the moment. Reflections are a viewer-side thing.

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