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Second Life randomly closes with no error message

Jane Corvale

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Hi fellow Second Lifers. I sincerely apologise if a thread such as this has been written before, however I'm going to get straight to the point.

Recently I've been using Second Life and the latest viewer after a long break from playing. I made sure I had all the latest drivers and made sure SL updated properly, and yet for some reason, Second Life insists on closing the window after an hour or so, sometimes even less.

I've tried everything I can think of (I'm no tech wizard) and yet no matter what I do, the Viewer runs fine for a while, then randomly closes on me, giving me nothing but the "Send Report" button. I don't receive any error messages or popups which is confusing.


Second Life 2.6.9 (231165) May 26 2011 15:24:20 (Second Life Release)Release Notes

CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6400+ (3214.65 MHz)

Memory: 3327 MBOS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)

Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series           

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.85-110419a-118906C-ATI

OpenGL Version: 3.3.10750 Compatibility Profile Context
libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1

J2C Decoder Version: ???

Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000Qt

Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)

Voice Server Version: Not ConnectedBuilt with MSVC version 1600


Can anyone help? I've tried other viewers with only the same results, and I can't work out what's wrong.

Thanks in advance.

- JC

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Thanks for the reply, Thinkerer.


The problem is not that it's logging me out, or telling me the sim may be unavailable.. it's the Viewer itself actually closing down without warning, and then giving me the usual "Second Life appears to have crashed" window.

I don't use a router, I have a cable modem plugged straight into the PC from an ethernet cable and as far as I'm aware, my bandwidth is fine (I'm on a 10mb connection).

Prior to reading your message, I also completely reinstalled Second Life in addition to completely removing the cache in the local and roaming folders, so naturally I had to redo all my settings again.. but I'm still having the same problem.


I'm at my wits end here. Tonight alone as I type this, it will be the 6th time it's crashed.

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Sorry to hear this. 

I crashed seven times or could not log in and then would get the message "darn, you've been logged out of SL".  However, after sending the crash reports, it got fixed.

So, you are getting the window that pops up that says "send crash report", but are you sending it? 

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Hello Mayalily, thanks for your reply.

To answer your question, Yes. Every time it crashes, I get the "send crash report" window, but no error message indicating what's causing the problem.

I've filled out a crash report and submitted it to LL, however I'm still suffering from the same problem that I've been having for the past couple of days now.

I recently found out I'm not alone on this either, a person who visits the same sim as me also has this problem, which was a relief to know it's not just happening to me.. but at the same time concerning that there seems to be little I can do to fix this.


To update on the situation, I have:


  • reinstalled the client completely
  • tried other viewers
  • updated java, flash and graphics drivers
  • disabled and re-enabled the ATI Catalyst AI
  • tweaked various graphics options both in the CCC and in-game
  • given the process a higher CPU priority
  • checked my bandwidth and network settings
  • ripped out almost all of my hair trying to figure this thing out

Here's hoping there's a fix for this *fingers crossed*

- JC

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Here are some things you may do to help prevent this issue in the future:

1. Send the Crash Report (which you've done)

2. Submit the issue as a bug with the details you've posted (Help>Report Bug)

3. Submit a ticket at support.secondlife.com and they will help you get through this situation.

*I dont have a solution for your problem at the moment, although I will look into and keep you posted*


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Hi Jane,

Again, sorry to hear this.

It's good you sent the crash reports.


I was wondering if lowering your spyware settings and/or going to windows/tools/options and making sure you add in allow cookies for SL and enable pop-up windows for SL. You have to type in under allow "secondlife.com" in the Windows tools. 

It could possibly be your spyware is fighting SL or you have too high a security setting on your computer?  My spyware hates SL and fights it tooth and nail.  (However, do not reveal your spyware on the internet, just like never share password). 

Also, when you get into SL; increase your bandwidth.  I increased my bandwidth today in SL and it was much better.  I also set my preferences to always move with arrows and I shut off all particles, killed scripts in my hair, and my computer was getting along better with SL today. 


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Jane Corvale wrote:

To update on the situation, I have:

  • reinstalled the client completely
  • tried other viewers
  • updated java, flash and graphics drivers
  • disabled and re-enabled the ATI Catalyst AI
  • tweaked various graphics options both in the CCC and in-game
  • given the process a higher CPU priority
  • checked my bandwidth and network settings
  • ripped out almost all of my hair trying to figure this thing out

Try using a large, fixed size for your windows page file.

(in XP, sorry i dont have win 7) It's System properties-->Advanced-->Performance settings-->Advanced-->Virtual Memory (change)

Select 'Custom Size' and enter a number between 5500 and 7000, BOTH initial and maximum size need to be the same.

It wants to be set a good safe margin above your peak usage, but not too high. You can monitor your current page file usage from the performance tab on windows task manager to get a rough idea how much you use during a SL session, then add a couple thousand MB's to get the right number to set.

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Persistant crashes after a period of usage is an indication that something might be heating up........specifically, your graphics card when using a graphics intensive program like SL.  There are many free hardware monitoring programs that will report your CPU, GPU, Hard drive, and memory temperatures while you are using your computer.  Check CNET/Download.com.


Most graphics cards have an upper limit of 105 celius as the shut down temp........most cards will shut down before the critical temp (which is good thing).  If you see temps approaching 95 celius you are getting close to having a problem.  Cleaning your computer case is something that is good to do on a regular basis (I do mine about once a month).  A can of compressed air and 15 minutes time is an excellent investment of both money and time.

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Hello Jane. For me also you need to clear your cache manually:

C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Roaming \ SecondLife and
C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ Secondlife

Log out and delete everything in those folders and restart first your computer and after the program. Usually the folder Appdata is a hidden folder. (Windows Tools \ Folder Options \ View & enable Show Hidden Files/Folders)

Have in your mind that if you clear your cache manually you will lost all your private conversations which are saved in your computer. To avoid it copy the folder with your username in the folder Secondlife in another position in your hard disk.

If you have more that 1 viewers installed in your computer, you must to do it for all following the same paths in your hard disk.

For example C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ ApplData \ Local \ PhoenixViewer

Good luck.

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If you will look in your cache you will not see any logs.  The typical location of the cache is:

C:\ Users\ [username]\ AppData\ Local\ SecondLife

Follow that path and you will find no logs to save........there are none. 


The first path you listed:

C:\ Users\ [username]\ AppData\ Roaming\ SecondLife

is the typical path to your logs......it's an entirely different path and there is no cache located there.  There is no reason to even go there unless you specifically want to view or save your logs (your settings, profile and other items are there if you want to view or save them).  No need to delete anything following that path.  If you are doing a re-installation of your viewer you may want (or need) to manually delete those folders but otherwise it's best to leave them alone.  Deleting your texture cache folder merely causes the viewer to take time to rebuild the cache.  Deleting logs, settings, and profiles causes the user to spend time re-doing their settings, profile and loss of the logs.

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Persistant crashes after a period of usage is an indication that something might be heating up........specifically, your graphics card when using a graphics intensive program like SL.  There are many free hardware monitoring programs that will report your CPU, GPU, Hard drive, and memory temperatures while you are using your computer.  Check CNET/Download.com.


Most graphics cards have an upper limit of 105 celius as the shut down temp........most cards will shut down before the critical temp (which is good thing).  If you see temps approaching 95 celius you are getting close to having a problem.  Cleaning your computer case is something that is good to do on a regular basis (I do mine about once a month).  A can of compressed air and 15 minutes time is an excellent investment of both money and time.

I agree that this is the most likely cause of the problem. I have also had the seemingly random crash without any messages, but since I bought a cooling stand for my laptop, the problem has more or less gone away.

- Luc -

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The ATI card has some driver issues. Search the forum here for more information. The usual advice is to get the latest driver. But, in the case of ATI that is NOT good advice. Some of the newer drivers are a problem. You'll need to find which driver version is best. Just to be fair... the latest nVidia drivers in the 275 range are causing some problems for some.

That just the SL Viewer crashes suggests it is more a viewer issue than a hardware issue. If the video card were overheating, you would have problems with everything that is running. You can try KirstenLee's S21(8) RC2 viewer. It is very SLV2 like but has a better render pipeline.

There is an SL bug known as Time Warp that is crashing people. The Lindens are having a hard time find the cause. They actually have test software running on some regions to help track it down. I don't have the region names or a specific JIRA they are working on, sorry. You can search the JIRA to find a list of 'viewer closes' JIRA issues. Be sure to read how to report issues, that will give the info to submit a report that is likely to get some action.

Some versions of the SLV2 have memory leaks that can cause the viewer to suddenly close.

Also, the viewer does keep a crash log. After a crash you can read it to see what happened. It will give you a clue. Start at the end of the log. You'll find it here: C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs. If you use more than one viewer make sure you get the correct log. They have obvious names.

There was a series if SL Viewers that tended to crash. I'm not often using the std viewer or the Beta. I have been running the Development version. It updates everyday and some times several times per day. Plus there is a snapshot version that rapidly changes. The Snapshot can be unstable so unless you are into helping test the viewer, skip it. The Development viewer is a bit better, as in more stable. The Dev Viewer has the newest stuff and fixes. Unfortunately it has the collection of the newest bugs too. But I use it for most of my time in SL, so it is not all that bad.

When you crash out of the viewer it is a good idea to restart the computer. The latest versions are better about crashing and not needing a computer restart. But, give it a try.

System Explorer from SystemExplorer.net has a memory fragment cleanup utility in the Explorer and shows you what is happening with the computer. Using its mem cleanup is a pretty good idea to run after a crash if your not rebooting. Watching it you can see if a viewer is suffering from a memory leak.

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I am having the same issue and I have a good machine that is water cooled. Seems that every update forced upon me causes more and more problems. I can't take a photo without crashing. Now my viewer doesn't even let me save the photo to my harddrive. I have to keep rebooting to make it work. It was never like this a few months ago. I am yep...a photographer on sl and this interferes with my work. I love viewer 2 because the photos are so crisp but what good is it if I have to keep relogging. I don't have this issue on Phoenix...period.  No crashing...I can take all the photos I want at highest resolution..and save them without a hiccup. I have got to wonder why there is a difference.  Is it really my computer needs tweaking or there is a problem with viewer 2.

I don't really like Phoenix but I am FORCED to use it just to get my work done.


I just tried cleaning the cache manually under local ( never done before ) and was successful and getting a photo and saving it without a problem. Maybe this cache shouldn't be cleaned often but an ocassional wipe just might be necessary.  Now I will wait and see if I keep having the crash issue. Reinstalling over and over is just not something I want to do...I hate having to rebuild my custom windlight settings.

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The only viewer I have tried is Phoenix..latest version. I know Firestorm is in beta right now. I will definitely be looking into Firestorm soon. If the graphics can match the crispness I desire..and I can get the UI I want then I will switch permanently.  I prefer the viewer 2 UI and how it doesn't clutter my screen up unless I want it that way.  As I said I don't have these issues on Phoenix.  My photos are working fine right now since cleaning local cache. I don't crash often but I still crash more than I would like. When I began using viewer 2 before the auto updates started I could stay on all day..dance..teleport...and MAYBE have one crash if any. Now I get 2 or 3 crashes per day..sometimes more. Certain sims...I rez in and start walking and bam...crash.  I don't get that result on Phoenix.  I REALLY LIKE viewer 2 but I am not happy with the performance at this time. I will keep reading the boards for answers if there is one :(

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