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49 minutes ago, callmecupsxx said:

Not long got the Legacy body. Looking for places that have nice clothes for it?

Either dark, gothic, classy - Or anything good quality really.

Thanks :)

Most creators make Legacy sizes so.pretty much any store.  Maybe hit Cosmopolitan event.  They have an item or 2 from a lot of different places on sale.  It would give you an idea of what's out there.  

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Might also try:  TWE12VE Event which happens on the 12th of each month and runs through to the end..  Actually Evil Bunny Productions has several events including TWE12VE  check them out https://www.evilbunnysl.com/

Also if you shop Market Place,  put in Legacy in search and a whole whack of stuff comes up, and you can try that in search in your viewer search as well.  It is not just the big well advertised events in SL that have Legacy items.. many of the smaller events do as well and is often where you will find affordable items in all sorts of styles. 

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