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Item automatically unlisted? what gives? or what changed?

Gearsawe Stonecutter

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Today (5/31/2011) I recieved the message on logging into the marketplace shortly after updating an image on an item I sell.

"We've removed one or more of your listings under our Marketplace Listing Guidelines. For the specific content removed, please check your marketplace inventory. Before listing items, please review the Marketplace Listing Guidelines."

The last update to it was in February. I have read thru the guidelines and really have no idea as to what this might have been automatically flagged as "spam or abuse to the guildlines".

Is this something I can contact suport about? I have gone back and selected "List" and so far for the past couple hours has been fine. I am just about to spend many real life dollars in advertistment then I run into this problem with the markeplace.

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If one or more of your products was unlisted but you are unsure why, it is recommended that you submit a Support Case instead of just re-listing the item.

if you had to delete the original listing to re-list the item, then that is a violation of the Marketplace Listing Guidelines.

If you just click on the List link on the entry on your Manage Inventory list without correcting the issue, there is a good chance your product will be removed/blocked on the Marketplace if the item is found again with the same Listing Guideline violation.

When you submit the Support Case choose Marketplace - Marketplace Listing Issues as the options when you Create a Ticket in the Support Portal.

Also include the exact name of the item as it is shown on your Manage Inventory List and if you can, the direct URL link to the listing on the Marketplace.

You can get the direct URL link by clicking on the Preview link that is on the Manage Inventory entry for the item.

If that is no longer available, than ensure that you include the name so that I or one of the other members of Customer Support can quickly locate the item on your Manage Inventory list.

We can then assist you with understanding why your product was unlisted or blocked so that the issue can be corrected properly.


Dakota Linden
Linden Lab
SL Marketplace Customer Support

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Dakota Linden wrote:



If one or more of your products was unlisted but you are unsure why, it is recommended that you submit a Support Case instead of just re-listing the item.


if you had to delete the original listing to re-list the item, then that is a violation of the Marketplace Listing Guidelines.


If you just click on the List link on the entry on your Manage Inventory list without correcting the issue, there is a good chance your product will be removed/blocked on the Marketplace if the item is found again with the same Listing Guideline violation.


When you submit the Support Case choose Marketplace - Marketplace Listing Issues as the options when you Create a Ticket in the Support Portal.


Also include the exact name of the item as it is shown on your Manage Inventory List and if you can, the direct URL link to the listing on the Marketplace.


You can get the direct URL link by clicking on the Preview link that is on the Manage Inventory entry for the item.


If that is no longer available, than ensure that you include the name so that I or one of the other members of Customer Support can quickly locate the item on your Manage Inventory list.


We can then assist you with understanding why your product was unlisted or blocked so that the issue can be corrected properly.




Dakota Linden


Linden Lab

SL Marketplace Customer Support

How very bureaucratic...  Wouldn't it be easier to just tell him why it was delisted in the first place ?

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It is very difficult to make an automatic system work for everything. Such as when it comes to a SL "tools" and using key words. Such as my system makes poses in world which I have been selling for many years. So lets say some one needs to have a pose for a bike. A customer might search for bike poses. So among some of my key words I have ..., bike, ...,poses,... These both would relate to this product but are not next to each other or in quotes. But since bike stands alone they consider it to be you are trying use a word to an item you do not sell directly. When in my case it a word I use for an item that my tool may service. What I am not 100% clear still on is the use of quotes in my key words. It appears I must use "bike pose" with quotes so it is thing my tool may make for an item it would be used in. Which in my opinion is about the same thing as my tool makes poses for bikes and other.

I don't know if listings are flagged then an employee must then decided weather it truly abides by the rules. And I am sure after looking at 1000s listing some bad judgment calls will be made.

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Well I have tried several times to submit a ticket and get errors all over the place just trying to get simple answers as to what exactly it is that I am doing wrong with my listings. I have been told that I have used direct words to logos or trademarks and not using search words correctly. I've had my account suspended for 7 days because of this lack of understanding. I have tried many times to get answers and continue to get the auto response run around and I attribute this to lack of having the money to be a *Premium* member, nor can I speak to an actual person to give me answers because of that status. The brand names you said I've violated can be searched on Xstreet and find literally many pages of the very same logo's and trademarks you claim I've violated, and even use of the exact trademark is named in the description of the items. I've even tried to reword the items and relist them because others have the same related items clearly listed with direct brand names and trademarks and got suspended for it because I simply do not understand what I am doing wrong that others are obviously doing right. Below is the email I sent to the Market Place Listing Team and of course I got the lovely auto response as predicted.

No I am not a premium member, however I have been a premium member of your community for over 3 years, and Linden Labs has profited from me being in your community too. I am also an officer for 3 years with the Relay For Hope and the Relay For Life team for the American Cancer Society in Second Life which has generated literally thousands of US dollars towards the fight against cancer.
Because I do not rate your so called *premium* services such as being able to actually speak to someone as to just exactly what it is that I am doing wrong, I would be more than happy to fix it, and have tried. Obviously not to your approval though. If this letter is not the right department, Please pass it to the right department since the email I was sent to notify me my account was suspended is a no reply return address
Here is exactly why I do not understand the so called *Terms of Service you claim I have violated. But since I'm a free member I doubt I even rate the fact that you'll bother to read this and send me back the lovely auto response. But its going to make me feel better to type it anyway so hear goes
I have been a member of SL for over 3 years now, and allot of my money and my earned Linden in SL has went into your accounts, either by paying tier, buying items and the person selling them paid their bills and it pretty much has all went its circle back to you. No I cannot afford a *Premium* membership like others. But I have worked hard in SL and I've been productive here.
You claim I have violated your *Terms of Service* using a trademark or search words involving a trademark. Well I can type in for example the word *Harley* and come up with pages of direct logo's, posters, shirts, jackets and vest that state *Harley* on not only the description but the actual item carries the so called trademark logo. You have not punished my shop for this so called violation, you have punished my account. Why is my shop still in business? Why not put my shop out of business instead of my avatar? None of this makes any sense to me at all. And when I can search ALL of the names you said I am violating. I can type any of them in Xstreet search and find many others proudly labeling the so called *trademarks*
I have no idea what I am doing wrong that rates me this violation when I see others doing it in the same Market Place as I have been. You have not made clear exactly what I am doing wrong so I can even try to fix it, or I would. I simply have no idea why this is happening. And being locked out of my account so I can't even try to fix it makes sense? Can they all list with *trademarks* because they're premium members?
I have honestly tried to understand the *Terms of Service* even reworded things and I'm sure you have seen that I have.
Here is the end result of this for me. I really loved coming into SL, have spent endless hours inworld. Second Life used to be fun for me. That is now changing. Your grid is starting to feel to much like RL. The difference is in RL at least you are treated with the dignity to plead your case to a person and be heard no matter how much money you do or don't make, or if you are a *Premium* member.
Now that its become un-fun, I look for me to fade from your grid as well as the qualities and profit for you I brought with me because I'll be afraid that I once again will unknowingly violate your Terms of Service and be punished.
Next time I may have my account suspended for life and still do not understand exactly what it is I am doing wrong. If you made it clear exactly what to change I would, but I don't rate that except your *link* to the Terms of Service, which tells me nothing when I see it all over the Market Place from others.
Be sure and send me the nifty auto response too, as if that clears anything up for me, nor will it allow me to even login to my account to attempt to fix what you claim I am doing wrong... Thank you
And if you do bother to answer this be sure and explain how SL is suppose to be about *Fun* when this is what we must endure? There is NOTHING fun about this
Thank you for your time

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