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Space/cyber sims?

Liaa Nova

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Hi everyone,


I'm looking for some cool sims (even better if rez is possible, but not essential) to take some photos. Do any of you wonderful forumites have any landmarks or names of places that fit space themed, kind've mordern or futuristic, cyber (lot of the neurolab stuff seems to be some things we may wear) . . . it's not my usual style so not well explained, just some things mentioned are black holes, post apocalyptic etc


Thanks if anyone can help!

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It is the year 2488. Enter Cocoon space station, a medium-sized commercial hub that has grown exponentially in the past decade, home to mega-corporations, crime syndicates, and much more. With shady deals taking place in every dark corner, Cocoon is the one stop for commuters or even those who make a home in the station. Come for the neon, stay for the intrigue.

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