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Does anybody know when the marketplace listings will be fixed?

Cordelia Serenity

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Since beginning of December I have the problem that when I click on "Marketplace listings" (in Firestorm Viewer) nothing happens at all. I have checked the grid status and there it is said they are working on the issue .... just this was December 7th. Does anyone know when this problem is fixed? Or what else to do? It is not really funny when I can not list my products on MP ..... I think I am not the only one with this issue, right?

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The list is somewhat long now, but not sure your issue with opening Avatar>Marketplace Listings (where the pop-up doesn't open) is part of that list?  Perhaps I missed a forum report of it.  Sharing I just tried it in Firestorm, opening that, and my pop-up opened and populated as expected.  Good to be certain if your issue is included in the list.


Perhaps checking this, to rule it out:  https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/missing_windows


Adding:  New issue?  Delivery delays a given: I have consistently experienced, over three very different account avatars, for many days, across many different Marketplace purchases, significant delay (compared to pre-lift) in delivering purchased items from the Marketplace.  Before it was within 15 seconds or less like clockwork, over many years with very rare exceptions.  Now it is many minutes, regardless of region, always, and its so long waiting is just wasted time.  I am hoping this isn't the new norm.  It significantly slowed down my time, first waiting for demos, then wasting time and giving up it was such a delay on most days...  This could mean anything from they are fixing things on MP, to they are not, to just one more issue, to being the new norm.  If its the new norm, I will quickly lose interest in shopping.  And that's saying a lot.


Edited by Kyrie Deka
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Kyrie just contacted me inworld and gave me a tip to have a look at this:


I tried step B in the advanced menu and after playing a bit with the settings the window showed up again! Thank you so much for your help Kyrie, I think that may help others too. I had no idea I have moved that window .... but things like that just happen, right .... *big smile

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I'm having issues that my descriptions are not updated or listed also. They are also spacing any odd characters which i assume means my store is no longer searchable - since it contains an @ symbol. 
Honestly LL marketplace is a joke. Hope someone makes an alternative again. LL certainly doesn't listen when it has no competition

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On 1/3/2021 at 8:40 AM, Kyrie Deka said:

I have consistently experienced, over three very different account avatars, for many days, across many different Marketplace purchases, significant delay (compared to pre-lift) in delivering purchased items from the Marketplace.  Before it was within 15 seconds or less like clockwork, over many years with very rare exceptions.  Now it is many minutes, regardless of region, always, and its so long waiting is just wasted time. 

I was wondering if it was just me but I have also experienced this. Buying for myself or for gifts. In over a decade I have never seen that message before "Your purchase is scheduled for delivery.", and now I've seen it many times, almost every purchase I end up standing around waiting for delivery.

Edited to add, and listing updates still don't work. Either individually or mass editing. Can't list, can't fix, can't buy. Great job LL!


Edited by Artorius Constantine
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  • 5 weeks later...

Since beginning of December I have the problem that when I click on "Marketplace listings" (in Firestorm Viewer) nothing happens at all. I have checked the grid status and there it is said they are working on the issue .... just this was December 7th. Does anyone know when this problem is fixed? Or what else to do? It is not really funny when I can not list my products on MP ..... I think I am not the only one with this issue, right?

Well for me nothing happens in my default set browser (the one i set in settings)  - but it pops up in explore (windows default)  - which is very annoying. But some how work able. 

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