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I'm lost and confused, let's be friends :D


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Yo, I'm new. A friend and I joined SL on a whim, and it's a bit overwhelming. I played SL very briefly back when I was a teen and my only memory of it is being bombarded with screaming spongebobs in a sandbox, so... Neither of us know what we're doing. Still, I want to give it another shot.

I'm a guy, but right now my avatar is one of the default girls because the default guys aren't doing it for me. I haven't changed my avatar at all except for a party hat that I equipped by accident. I plan on changing to a guy once I wrap my head around customization and find something worth wearing. Not sure if that matters, but I figured I'd warn you guys about my excessively newbie-looking avatar.

I don't know what to put in my profile yet. All I know right now is that I'd love to meet people, play games, roleplay, and see what SL has to offer. I'm LGBT so anything under that umbrella is a bonus. If you have some advice on literally anything that could help me figure out how to get started, please throw it my way. Any help I can get would be appreciated.

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