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My House is a little over the ban line


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40 minutes ago, Lickra said:

Hi my parcel is oddly shaped and has to small pieces that are pretty much useless . Some i have trouble finding a house for it and the one i have is alittle too wide is there a way o change the parcel limits but keep the sqm?


The parcel boundaries determine the size (square meters) of the parcel, so there is not any way to move the parcel boundaries out without increasing the square meters UNLESS you also moved some of the other the boundaries in, reducing square meters, in another area of the parcel - which might be helpful in making the parcel less "oddly shaped". 

However, your ability to move parcel lines out would be based on whether the land where you wanted to move them out into was available to purchase (or request for purchase from LL if it's abandoned land).  You can't just arbitrarily decide to move a parcel line over by several meters into a different parcel.   You can decrease your parcel boundaries (move them in, by selecting a portion of the land you no longer want  - like an odd shaped small piece - and divide that out into it's own parcel, which could then be abandoned).  This would also decrease the land impact you have available, so I would not suggest getting rid of small odd shaped parts unless you were expanding by the same sqm on another side of the parcel. 

There are limits on how small of an area you can divide out - I think it's 16 sqm - so sometimes that can lead to some odd shapes if a parcel has been divided and joined and divided a lot over the years.

You might be better off looking for a slightly larger, more standard shaped parcel to buy or rent, that will fit the size of house you are interested in using, and then either sell or abandon your current parcel.    

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1 hour ago, Lickra said:

Hi my parcel is oddly shaped and has to small pieces that are pretty much useless . Some i have trouble finding a house for it and the one i have is alittle too wide is there a way o change the parcel limits but keep the sqm?


This is why oddly shaped parcels are often priced less that square parcels of the same size.  Have you tried editing the house to fit?  If it's mod and the change isn't too great, it may work out.

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2 hours ago, Lickra said:

Hi my parcel is oddly shaped and has to small pieces that are pretty much useless . Some i have trouble finding a house for it and the one i have is alittle too wide is there a way o change the parcel limits but keep the sqm?

If the land around your parcel is owned by Linden Lab, file a support ticket and ask if LL is willing to swap some of the bits you can't use for some of the bits you want, just like MoiraKathleen suggested. There's no harm in asking and there's a good chance they will agree to such a swap. They aren't very happy about the oddly shaped parcels either. If the bits you want are owned by somebody else, it may be a bit trickier but again, no harm in asking. ONly remember to partition off and abandon some of bits of your existing parcel before you buy any new land.

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