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TDB Avatar Looking For Modeling Job


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Hiya! So I'm looking to get into modelling clothes here in SL! I wear the toddledoo baby avatar, so the clothes would have to be that size of course. I'm not picky about the pay since I'm just starting out, pay me based on how well you think I did the job or how helpful I was to you.

Contact me inworld: evvenus Resident

Or you can email me: evenusplays@gmail.com

Here are some pictures of me, sorry it isn't much, I'm not really much of a photographer, haha, and I'm really just jumping into this head first to see if I'm any good at it:


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44 minutes ago, ChibiDragon007 said:

First of all hate to burst your bubble but nobody is going to want a toddledoo/child avatar model. Almost all models in SL are adult avatars. Second, create a Flickr page to post your photos which will double as a portfolio for people to look at and gauge what you can do.

Someone who makes clothes for those avatars might.  Can't use an adult model to model children's clothes.

ETA:  Most sl models are the creators' alts anymore.  It's cheaper to make an alt and use that than hiring someone you have to work with and organize your time around.

Edited by RowanMinx
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1 minute ago, JoannaMoonElf said:

I would like this job because i have no money and i am saving up for a house! so, A model is very well-payed so if I do it i will get Money for a house!

you forget the saving for the ground to place it... that will be weekly or monthly payments... every time again... and again...

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17 minutes ago, JoannaMoonElf said:

I would like this job because i have no money and i am saving up for a house! so, A model is very well-payed so if I do it i will get Money for a house!

This isn't an ad offering a job.  It's an ad from someone looking for a modeling job just like you.

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