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wanted land for amusement park


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hi  i am an amusement park designer
  and i would just like to say that when i first came to sl my dream was to have an amusement park that i could shier with everyone here in sl.
 and i went a long time before i had that dream come true.
 but eventually it happened...
   in fact the first ride i ever got was a dark ride called The Spook house by Atom Burma  and  that was at a bar that was known as THE GLASS DANCE HOUSE i was djing at. no park with it,
but that is where it really all started. and then  later on down the line as i got more rides.  eventually as i said the dream became to be a virtual reality.
  like i always wanted.
  i couldn't  then and still Cannot aford to buy or rent land to this day
  for a park
  so over the Years i would meet up with people that wanted a park on there land to attract people to their club or store or what ever,
 but it always would eventually fall through.
  i would get the park built on their land and the longest it would last is about a week.

 then the land would get sold without anyone telling me or like the one time a whole group i was apart of got land and said i could put a park there.
 then all of the sudden after about a week or so.
  i was building a new ride one day next thing i know i am out of a park.
cause the people that were paying stopped without letting me know.
over the years i have had about maybe 5 parks all fell through like that.
and dynasty's kingdom is the first park that has ever lasted.
 it went  on for about 13 ,14 years some where in there .
 it started  june 12 ,2014. and the land held 182331 prims
 and  land size was 53104 m2

and i just lost it this year 2020 about  this passed February.

and how dynasty's kingdom got started is i put an ad in sl saying
 i don't have money to get land to start another park .
but i would like to build a park on someones land that needs one.
well this real estate owner contacted me saying she wanted me to build my park on her land.
and all i would have to do is advertises  for her real estate company..
at the park on a billboard or something
 i agreed
 and that was the deal.
and that is how dynasty's kingdom happened.
and it was great.
and i told her my stories of trying to get a park going but it always falling thru eventually.

and she said that she had been in sl with that land since 2005 and she said that she was not going anywhere.
well i beloved that.
And for many years she did not go anywhere.
and my park never fall on bad times until this year...
i thought the park was in trouble awhile back.
 it turned out i was not going to lose it cause the guy i was talking to
 was talking about getting the land next door that my land lord lea had.
 and he had seen her store there and thought it was mine and said it had to go.
well i misread thought he was talking about the park.
  but we talked and i found that that was not the case.
   then everything was fine. until last the one day in February of this year.  
   all of the sudden i logged in and i get this message that kept popping up
    such and such an object will not rezz cause owner will not allow it
 and i thought ok i guess i must not have the group to the land activated.
so i check and it showed that the group to the land i had it activated had the tag on.  
but i could not rezz anything and i could not fly.
here they were turned off i thought that was strange cause for me they were not supposed to be.
tried to contact my landlord by message  and note twice
still never heard from her.
 tried to contact her partner about it heard nothing
  tried everyone in her group hoping someone maybe could help me or at least contact her.

i only heard from one person from her group and they said that they did not know her.
then  i checked the land to see if she still had it.
well her name was not on the land anymore
 her group that i was in  was still around .
 but it was not on the land anymore.
 and in owner of land it says guy linden instead of Leia Lulu
  now here is the thing about Guy Linden
   here is what the profile said...

(Hello!  I work primarily with the Linden Mainland, abandoned land and auctions.  If you have an issue with land, please detail the concern specifically in a support case.) and that is what it said
 just to give you all an idea where he is coming from.
 now this guy as you see deals in abandoned land and he is a linden.
which means the land that my park sat on at the time was abandoned.
and the only way that could be is if lea up and left it without telling me. witch means the lindens are gonna want to take the land back

He or should i say THEY  were the same ones i talked to earlier on like i mentioned. anyway it meant that my park was doomed..
 but the weird thing is even though i could not fly or build. all the rides and everything i put there at dynasty's kingdom was still here at the time.
Cause no one returned anything to me.
which i was glad  at the time.
But i find it strange.
 i didn't know what was going on..
  i  was scared for the park. but i thought that it was just a matter of time before things start getting returned.
and that did of course eventually happen.
At the time  i did not know when it would happen..
but i thought  it would at some point happen.
 i put a lot of time and effort into that park.
 and i even in more recent years started bringing rides from rl that were gone.. back to life there at that park
 like some of the bill Tracy rides like the wacky shack.
 and the journey to the center of the earth and
 the coal mine /gold mine that was at dorney park in rl.
 and i had plans for more of those,
  i put a lot of time and effort into this park.
  At the time i  could not do anything  except invite you all to the park and watch over it and that is pretty much it.
cant do much when you cannot rezz things or fly.
 if a ride malfunctioned i could not fix it.
That park  brought more traffic to her land witch means it  drove the value of her property up.
and it could do the same for you too.
if you are interested in taking my park in.
i had someone interested in doing this. after i lost the land.
but then for some reason they changed their mind. they owned a resort.

anyway thank you for your time in reading this.
  and  so if you or someone you know or if you could help me let me know
   I'd appreciate it
   . if you can find someone who wants a park on their land to draw a crowd to their place for whatever reason i can advertise for you what ever agreement you want to make,
 someone out there let me
  know what you can do please
  i hve links to videos down below so you can see what it looked like.
  if you find the prim allowance is more then you can give lets talk about it we can work something out.
i am will to work with anyone on this matter.
it is negotiable..
you can message me here

  this is links to video's of what Dynasty's Kingdom looked like when it was in world.





THIS IS NOT SPAM.. this is a business opportunity

to co own a park and have a park on their land and they do not have to do any maintenance.

so anyone that sees this and is not interested move on and say nothing.

i had to repost this again cause the other post got locked cause of some trolls.

this is the last time i am going to post this please anyone with unkind comments keep them to yourself.

this is a dark ride i had at the slb last year. i plan on doing a different ride there this year. i will not say any more cause i want it to be a surprise. any way there is another example of my work 962158761_thewhakyshack..thumb.png.916add0b6c8075e9240b82ba5dcb4a82.pngin the pic.

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