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second sim mainland

Dale Hefferman

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there should be a button "Make contribution with deed" if you check that, your tier will be contributed to the group and all is well.


have fun



BTW, if that doesn't work, you can set the land for sale to yourself, then buy it for the group, i'm sure you get a "contribute to group when buy" option there

Edited by Kardargo Adamczyk
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2 hours ago, Dale Hefferman said:

I have a question maybe you can answer I think some you own more land than me, anyhow I have now started owning my second sim of land and my group says I don't have enough land credits to deed it ? should I be deeding the land or not I see my group has land and now I have land.

Go to the land manager section in your dashboard page, specifically the tab marked 'Land Use Fees' and scroll down the page to the section 'Update Tier'. You need to specify the amount of land that you're willing to pay for by clicking on the radio button next to the maximum amount you're happy to go to, and then press the 'save changes' button. It's a protection system so you don't buy more land than you're happy to pay tier for.

Edited by Walpurgisnacht
added notice to scroll down
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Maybe this page: https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php

[ETA: You should have the ability to add another quarter region, I think, and then another and another, etc. At least you should always have an option to increase your ceiling, down in that Update Tier section @Walpurgisnacht described above.]

[ETA2: But I've been worried about what you said before. If you already own the land, you shouldn't need to increase your tier level merely to deed that existing land to the group. So unless there's more land acquisition planned that needs additional tier, there may be something you want to do instead, to avoid increased tier costs.]

Edited by Qie Niangao
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Square meters owned:

Square meters donated: 0
Premium Bonus in Square Meters: 1024
Paid Tier Level: 65536
Available Square Meters: 66560
Monthly Cost:* USD 175.00
USD 175.00
As you can sort of see I pay for a full region now and I have another 18128m being added to it which is another $112.00 in tier fees what i can't do is deed the 18128m to my group?









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13 hours ago, Dale Hefferman said:

Square meters owned:

Square meters donated: 0  
Premium Bonus in Square Meters: 1024
Paid Tier Level: 65536
Available Square Meters: 66560
Monthly Cost:* USD 175.00
USD 175.00
As you can sort of see I pay for a full region now and I have another 18128m being added to it which is another $112.00 in tier fees what i can't do is deed the 18128m to my group?









The way I read this, although you have selected the entire region radio button, you only actually own 18,128 sqm which as you say, puts you in the $112.00 billing level. The full region that you own must be a stand-alone region for which you are billed separately as you don’t even need to be a premium member in order to own a full private region, as it says in the note above the section you have posted here, “Note: Island billing is separate from mainland use fees” . You have no tier donated to any group.

Set up correctly as group land you could, in fact, only be paying $67.00 for this land, The problem is to get the land transferred to your group without increasing your next month’s payment in the process. If you need help in order to do this, please feel free to contact me in world via IM.


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Yeah, you have nothing donated to group yet, but tons of spare tier. You should be able to do the "Make contribution with deed" and make that all happen at the same time, but I guess that's not working. You have so much tier to spare, you could make the tier contribution to the group first, and then it should let you deed it without choosing to "make contribution with deed", but I'm still puzzled why you should need to do that. Is there any chance that you've picked the wrong group to which you've set (and will now deed) the land? Or that somehow you don't have permission to make land transfers for that group? (I still can't explain why that would give you the "insufficient land credits" error, though.)

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4 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

Yeah, you have nothing donated to group yet, but tons of spare tier. You should be able to do the "Make contribution with deed" and make that all happen at the same time, but I guess that's not working. You have so much tier to spare, you could make the tier contribution to the group first, and then it should let you deed it without choosing to "make contribution with deed", but I'm still puzzled why you should need to do that. Is there any chance that you've picked the wrong group to which you've set (and will now deed) the land? Or that somehow you don't have permission to make land transfers for that group? (I still can't explain why that would give you the "insufficient land credits" error, though.)

I’d not advise doing the “Make contribution with deed” here as it will surely push the tier for the month to the next level from $112 to $150, unless money is no object of course.

The land fees page is really quite misleading. Although the bottom shows a monthly cost of $175 in the example above, that only relates to the max tier selected, and NOT the amount due. As Dale has stated, they only pay $112 which is the correct level for the 18,128 sqm owned. The fact that they say they own a ‘sim’ elsewhere is not reflected at all in the mainland use fees.

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12 minutes ago, Walpurgisnacht said:

I’d not advise doing the “Make contribution with deed” here as it will surely push the tier for the month to the next level from $112 to $150, unless money is no object of course.

The land fees page is really quite misleading. [...]

Perhaps I'm confused, but the "Make contribution with deed" is supposed to avoid pushing tier above the level that's needed for the land, so you don't need to first contribute tier to the group while still needing the additional tier to cover the individually-owned land. But you make a very good point that the $175/mo tier is about the maximum selected, not the amount actually charged, so I made a bad suggestion about using all that spare tier to first contribute some to the group: it's not spare at all. (The fact the whole maximum tier level shows as "Available" is how I concluded that there is currently no group contribution at all.)

But I admit to being baffled by the whole thing about also owning a full region. Maybe you're right that there's some private region completely separate from this; I certainly have no better explanation.

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4 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

Perhaps I'm confused, but the "Make contribution with deed" is supposed to avoid pushing tier above the level that's needed for the land, so you don't need to first contribute tier to the group while still needing the additional tier to cover the individually-owned land. But you make a very good point that the $175/mo tier is about the maximum selected, not the amount actually charged, so I made a bad suggestion about using all that spare tier to first contribute some to the group: it's not spare at all. (The fact the whole maximum tier level shows as "Available" is how I concluded that there is currently no group contribution at all.)

But I admit to being baffled by the whole thing about also owning a full region. Maybe you're right that there's some private region completely separate from this; I certainly have no better explanation.

The thing that makes the ‘contribution with deed’ scenario here treacherous is the fact that Dale owns the land that needs to be bought by the group. Would the contribution to group have to be initiated before the land is released from Dale resulting in the tier increasing? It’s not something I would want to risk.

The fact that Dale has no contribution to any group is shown in the image “Square meters donated: 0“.

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2 hours ago, Walpurgisnacht said:

The thing that makes the ‘contribution with deed’ scenario here treacherous is the fact that Dale owns the land that needs to be bought by the group. Would the contribution to group have to be initiated before the land is released from Dale resulting in the tier increasing? It’s not something I would want to risk.

The fact that Dale has no contribution to any group is shown in the image “Square meters donated: 0“.

Oh, good point about the 0 donated line. But if you think it's risky to do "contribution with deed", are you proposing putting the land for sale to individual, then buying for the active group? If so, is there some way the group can buy the land using the tier that the individual won't be needing when they no longer own the land? (I'm trying to avoid needing to pay for tier to cover the land owned as an individual and at the same time the group tier contribution needed for the group to buy it from that individual. I thought the "contribution with deed" was supposed to be the way to avoid this problem but maybe there's another, surer way to do the same thing.)

ETA: Here's a knowledge base article that might be useful to illustrate this discussion.

Edited by Qie Niangao
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4 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

Oh, good point about the 0 donated line. But if you think it's risky to do "contribution with deed", are you proposing putting the land for sale to individual, then buying for the active group? If so, is there some way the group can buy the land using the tier that the individual won't be needing when they no longer own the land? (I'm trying to avoid needing to pay for tier to cover the land owned as an individual and at the same time the group tier contribution needed for the group to buy it from that individual. I thought the "contribution with deed" was supposed to be the way to avoid this problem but maybe there's another, surer way to do the same thing.)

ETA: Here's a knowledge base article that might be useful to illustrate this discussion.

Thank you very much for that link Qie, it has clarified the 'contribution with deed' procedure somewhat. I've never actually used it, having always contributed to the group before purchasing any land. It sounds as though it does indeed get around the situation where a person has to have donated tier to the group in order that the group has enough allowance to add the land, as well as using tier for currently owning the land. Hopefully that will work for your situation. The only other alternative is to either get someone to temporarily donate tier to your group, or, if there's enough leeway in available tier, partition the parcel and sell off to group in increments, adjusting the donation to group with the freed up tier after each transaction.  Kind of messy, and a great deal of faff. Makes much more sense to be able to use that 'contribution with deed'.

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Yes this is confusing, to simplify I own a full sim of land which has been over the last year been and bought by me and  donated to my group piece by piece.

In the last couple weeks I have been buying more lots where now I have  18000m plus added to the 65000m the problem lies with I can't add the 18000m to the 65000m under the same group because some how I don't have enough land credits ? There seems to have been a glitch which changed what I have donated  ( 65536m over the last year) into 48432m of group land (today) which is wrong because i still have the 65536m in the group.

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