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Items NOT DELIVERED from Marketplace


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My last ordered items were not delivered from SL Marketplace because I was logged out as I was logging in, so items were NOT delivered.  However, on Marketplace page, it says they were, but they WERE NOT!  (I have already tried logging in again, but items were still not there. 


Also, Marketplace should be updated to say not delivered until boxed item is clicked on as accepted and received once fully logged into SL.


What can I do about this problem now though? 



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Claim for redelivery: you must contact each merchant dropping them a notecard explaining the problem you have had and specifying the date and transaction number of your purchases as a proof. You should not have problems to get the items re-sent to you.

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Thanks for answering.  I was thinking I might have to do that, but was hoping there was an easier way. 

Hopefully, SL can fix this problem by not saying item is delivered UNTIL IT IS CLICKED ON INWORLD.



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Hello Mayalily, Sorry to hear you experienced a failed delivery. Linden Lab is working to make this process smoother & more reliable. I agree it could probably be clearer, the wording about the various end status of delivery orders often leads to much confusion. Just think of that delivery notice like your proof-of-purchase or receipt for the items.

By the way, if you have much trouble contacting any particular merchant, you can always contact Linden Lab support (as a last resort, if there is no response from a merchant after a few days) they can ensure a delivery completes for you properly (or return funds), although in most cases it is much faster to contact the merchant. Best of luck resolving this quickly!

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Unfortunantly, this happens often for many reasons.  Most merchants are well aware of the problem and spend a good deal of time each day re-sending failed deliveries.  It is one of the reasons many Market Place merchants sell their stuff as No Transfer.  It just makes it easier to look at the transaction history and redeliver the same product with out feeling like they are being scammed.

In short, just ask for a redelivery and include the transaction number if you can.  To get the transaction number, log in to the secondlife.com home page.  Then from your dashboard go to Accout > Transaction History.  And don't worry; the merchants will be familiar with the problems.

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"Delivered" means that the Marketplace web site received notification from the sellers Magic Box that the item was sent/delivered to the receiver in world.

It is not possible for the Marketplace web site to verify if the receiver accepted the item in world.


Dakota Linden
Linden Lab
SL Marketplace Customer Support

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Thanks for the reply Dakota.  I was thinking there might be something that could be tweeked so it would work better...maybe in the future they will figure out something since, afterall, men have walked on the Moon.  :)


In the meanwhile, I figured out a couple of things that helped me with this problem a little.


1)  Make sure your computer is relogged after updating anything on your computer before using Marketplace and logging into Second Life.


2)  Log into Second Life first and make sure everything is working okay.  Log out of SL again, and then log into Marketplace and checkout.  Then log into Second Life, and hopefully your packages should be there.


Hope that makes sense. 


Also, if u get this message a wish list area on the Marketplace checkout would be nice. 

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Can LL add a small code to magic box doing this?

My inworld vending system already uses this to avoid delivery errors and lsl functions already exists.


replace llGiveInventory() by


then add

Dataserver(key id, string data) {

if (data == "0") { recheck buyer online status in X mins }

if (data == "1") { llGiveInventory(Buyerkey,Object)



That way magic box only deliver if the user is online.

Not sure if LLGetAgentInfo is SL wide, but if it is the magic box sould also check for away/busy status before delivering.


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It is not possible to add the code to the Magic Box.

Even if the code was added to the Magic Box, every resident who has a Magic Box would need to download the new version and change out all of their Magic Boxes in world.

By the time everyone updated their Magic Box, Direct Delivery will be live and the Magic Boxes would be obsolete.


Dakota Linden
Linden Lab
SL Marketplace Customer Support

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Dakota Linden wrote:



It is not possible to add the code to the Magic Box.


Even if the code was added to the Magic Box, every resident who has a Magic Box would need to download the new version and change out all of their Magic Boxes in world.


By the time everyone updated their Magic Box, Direct Delivery will be live and the Magic Boxes would be obsolete.




Dakota Linden


Linden Lab

SL Marketplace Customer Support

Sadly Dakota has said more about what is happening with Direct Delivery and what the LL Development has and has not listened to about our concerns than the promises Brooke has given to the Merchant community in early April when she promised by the end of April she would Blog the details of the up coming Direct Delivery.

So Dakota has stated that the LL Development Team will not provide the DD function that leverages the MagicBoxes as a Source of SLM items.  They are still on their single-minded track to force ALL MERCHANTS to migrate all their content from all their magic boxes and into their own PERSONAL MERCHANT INVENTORIES.

So..... a million plus SLM items will be transferred into our Avatar's inventories instead of just leaving them all where they are and making the transition to DD safer and with near zero disruption.

The laughable part about Dakota's point is.... "in order to allow for the Magicboxes to properly managed failed deliveries - Merchants would be forced to upgrade all their magicboxes - and that is sooo terrible"  but.... what she implies but doesnt say is that DD will force all us Merchants to migrate ALL our items from the Magicboxes to our own inventories and this aparently is acceptable??

BTW... since Dakota is the only Linden to talk about DD... Dakota... how will LL address the issue that Avatars already are facing inventory size limits and issues with these limits - yet DD will force all our inventories to grow anyway?

I feel sorry for the Merchants with 1000's of items in SLM that will now have to be transitioned to and managed in their inventories.

Thanks Dakota for at least providing some hints where LL is going with DD.  BAD as I suspected.  LL was not listening.... AS PER NORMAL!

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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

BTW... since Dakota is the only Linden to talk about DD... Dakota... how will LL address the issue that Avatars already are facing inventory size limits and issues with these limits - yet DD will force all our inventories to grow anyway?

I feel sorry for the Merchants with 1000's of items in SLM that will now have to be transitioned to and managed in their inventories.

Thanks Dakota for at least providing some hints where LL is going with DD.  BAD as I suspected.  LL was not listening.... AS PER NORMAL!

Greetings Toysoldier,

As you are aware, we extended an invitation to users asking for those who wish to participate in the Direct Delivery alpha and beta testing.

Since you clearly believe that you have many ideas that Linden Lab should have considered, and seem to believe that you understand how that system will work, even without any information being released, I am dissapointed to see that you are not part of the assembled group.

As you are also aware of, all members of Linden Lab, and the users who are members of the group, are bound by an NDA.

Since you have chosen not to participate in the User Group, I would recommend that you not attempt to speculate about how the system will or will not work, since you obviously are not privy to the details.


Dakota Linden
Linden Lab
SL Marketplace Customer Support


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Dakota Linden wrote:


Toysoldier Thor wrote:

BTW... since Dakota is the only Linden to talk about DD... Dakota... how will LL address the issue that Avatars already are facing inventory size limits and issues with these limits - yet DD will force all our inventories to grow anyway?

I feel sorry for the Merchants with 1000's of items in SLM that will now have to be transitioned to and managed in their inventories.

Thanks Dakota for at least providing some hints where LL is going with DD.  BAD as I suspected.  LL was not listening.... AS PER NORMAL!

Greetings Toysoldier,

As you are aware, we extended an invitation to users asking for those who wish to participate in the Direct Delivery alpha and beta testing.

Since you clearly believe that you have many ideas that Linden Lab should have considered, and seem to believe that you understand how that system will work, even without any information being released, I am dissapointed to see that you are not part of the assembled group.

As you are also aware of, all members of Linden Lab, and the users who are members of the group, are bound by an NDA.

Since you have chosen not to participate in the User Group, I would recommend that you not attempt to speculate about how the system will or will not work, since you obviously are not privy to the details.



Dakota Linden


Linden Lab

SL Marketplace Customer Support


So Dakota, you are confirming that Brooke is pulling back on her word from the last April's last open office meeting (do you want me to pull out and quote her statement in the transcripts) where she clearly stated that before the end of April she would blog more details on what the DD is and how it works.  This was clearly understood by the Merchants that this was a public posting from Brooke to the community.

Many of us suspected this would be the cast when we read the recent DD ALPHA invite where Brooke changed her story and said basically for those Merchant's brave enough to risk there SLM items and inventory to the new mystery DD service, LL will reveal these deep secrets.

So ... why has Brooke pull back on her word to inform the general community on how LL plans to deploy DD?

As for why I didnt participate in the LL NDA'ed DD Alpha testing, since you nor the rest of LL staff actually read any of the Merchant forums where this topic was already discussed why some of us refused to participate...


  1. I will not risk my SLM Items, store operations, and revenue on LL's risky DD Alpha / Beta testing
  2. Moreso, the arrogance of LL to invite and ask their customers to risk their operations testing LL code with ZERO details from LL before hand on what we would be getting ourselves into??? So its a "we cant tell you anything but since up and trust us ... once you sign up.. we will tell you how deep and dangerous the DD service will actually be"
  3. Try being honest and open with the community for once... Are you telling me that LL's DD code would make any fundamental changes to the DD code that myself would suggest if I even were to join the DD??? Make me laugh.  NONE of the DD testers will have any say on changing the DD design... they are only there to find the bugs in the already designed and developed DD code.  My input would have fallen on just as deaf ears as they have here in the public forums.
  4. So Dakota, you are saying ALL the discussions ... longgg detailed incredible discussions between the merchants on our concerns about DD and the Merchant's inventory as a source and the options we presented and talked about... they all were not listened to by any Lindens???  There you go fellow SLM Merchants.... you heard it live.

I am not going to waste my time joining a secret LL NDA club for DD development where I know 100% full well no LL developers or Commerce staff would have totally dismissed.  You know it too.

But I give you credit Dakota... at least you are willing to openly post in the forums.  Brooke has quickly taken the same approach and communications strategy that Pink Linden evolved to in the later half of her short career at LL.  "Stop being transparent and only work secretly with the SL Merchants you like"



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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

Dakota Linden wrote:


Toysoldier Thor wrote:

BTW... since Dakota is the only Linden to talk about DD... Dakota... how will LL address the issue that Avatars already are facing inventory size limits and issues with these limits - yet DD will force all our inventories to grow anyway?

I feel sorry for the Merchants with 1000's of items in SLM that will now have to be transitioned to and managed in their inventories.

Thanks Dakota for at least providing some hints where LL is going with DD.  BAD as I suspected.  LL was not listening.... AS PER NORMAL!

Greetings Toysoldier,

As you are aware, we extended an invitation to users asking for those who wish to participate in the Direct Delivery alpha and beta testing.

Since you clearly believe that you have many ideas that Linden Lab should have considered, and seem to believe that you understand how that system will work, even without any information being released, I am dissapointed to see that you are not part of the assembled group.

As you are also aware of, all members of Linden Lab, and the users who are members of the group, are bound by an NDA.

Since you have chosen not to participate in the User Group, I would recommend that you not attempt to speculate about how the system will or will not work, since you obviously are not privy to the details.



Dakota Linden


Linden Lab

SL Marketplace Customer Support


So Dakota, you are confirming that Brooke is pulling back on her word from the last April's last open office meeting (do you want me to pull out and quote her statement in the transcripts) where she clearly stated that before the end of April she would blog more details on what the DD is and how it works.  This was clearly understood by the Merchants that this was a public posting from Brooke to the community.

Many of us suspected this would be the cast when we read the recent DD ALPHA invite where Brooke changed her story and said basically for those Merchant's brave enough to risk there SLM items and inventory to the new mystery DD service, LL will reveal these deep secrets.

So ... why has Brooke pull back on her word to inform the general community on how LL plans to deploy DD?

As for why I didnt participate in the LL NDA'ed DD Alpha testing, since you nor the rest of LL staff actually read any of the Merchant forums where this topic was already discussed why some of us refused to participate...

  1. I will not risk my SLM Items, store operations, and revenue on LL's risky DD Alpha / Beta testing
  2. Moreso, the arrogance of LL to invite and ask their customers to risk their operations testing LL code with ZERO details from LL before hand on what we would be getting ourselves into??? So its a "we cant tell you anything but since up and trust us ... once you sign up.. we will tell you how deep and dangerous the DD service will actually be"
  3. Try being honest and open with the community for once... Are you telling me that LL's DD code would make any fundamental changes to the DD code that myself would suggest if I even were to join the DD??? Make me laugh.  NONE of the DD testers will have any say on changing the DD design... they are only there to find the bugs in the already designed and developed DD code.  My input would have fallen on just as deaf ears as they have here in the public forums.
  4. So Dakota, you are saying ALL the discussions ... longgg detailed incredible discussions between the merchants on our concerns about DD and the Merchant's inventory as a source and the options we presented and talked about... they all were not listened to by any Lindens???  There you go fellow SLM Merchants.... you heard it live.

I am not going to waste my time joining a secret LL NDA club for DD development where I know 100% full well no LL developers or Commerce staff would have totally dismissed.  You know it too.

But I give you credit Dakota... at least you are willing to openly post in the forums.  Brooke has quickly taken the same approach and communications strategy that Pink Linden evolved to in the later half of her short career at LL.  "Stop being transparent and only work secretly with the SL Merchants you like"



Hello Toysolider,

Again, you are speculating about things to which you have zero direct knowledge.

Since you are so quick to judge Linden Lab in unfavorable light, I suppose it was too much for you to consider that there were unforseeable delays that occurred because of outside issues?

Everything on the Marketplace web site was delayed because of the staffing changes that occurred last year.

Brooke has been nothing but amazing in joining the team and getting up to speed, but she, and the rest of the team, are still dealing with issues that came up before she joined the team.

I do really hope that in the future when you are extended the opportunity to help improve the system that you will actually join us, instead of chosing to be the voice of derision.



Dakota Linden


Linden Lab

SL Marketplace Customer Support



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And as fro speculating on what LL is doing based on the limited information LL is providing the general SLM public.  I will continue to do this until LL decides to not develop and deploy services and functions and policies in secret until they spring it upon us.

Do you want me to stop coming up with speculation and theories and educated guesses on what LL MIGHT be secretly doing that will affect the Merchant community?  Start being more transparent and communicating out in public and not to the secret community.

SLM has no competition.... why the NDA?  What is LL afraid of in openly communicating the design and progress of the DD service that will affect so many of us and that you trust only a few Merchants will know enough about to address all our concerns.?

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Hello Toysolider,

Again, you are speculating about things to which you have zero direct knowledge.

Since you are so quick to judge Linden Lab in unfavorable light, I suppose it was too much for you to consider that there were unforseeable delays that occurred because of outside issues?



Dakota Linden


Linden Lab

SL Marketplace Customer Support

Yes - in these statements you are 100% correct.  I have near zero knowledge of LL's internal politics and staffing issues and secret plans and designs.  Why?  Because until you mention these issues in posts like you just have... how would I know?

QUICK TO JUDGE LL NEGATIVELY?  And you think this was a quick judgement?  I have 2+ years of history of watching and experiencing how LL has time and time again almost completely ignored our requirements, blindly pushed painful damaging initiatives upon us (like the teenification of the grid, the maturity filters, the horrible SLM migration, etc...), and utter silence from your teams when we scream for attention.

It was not a quick judgement.  This aniticipation of how DD has already been designed (with NO input from the Merchant community) and will be deployed with no regard to what clear concerns and ideas we have posted publicly in the forums (which Brooke herself even asked me why I had concerns in the forums) is based on an extremely strong history of how LL develops and operates and does not listen to their customers.

External business survey sites whom have interviewed LL current and past staff have already proven that even LL staff know this is the case when they were asked to be candid about LL as a company.  The #1 complaint recorded from LL staff about their company was: LL does not listen to the great ideas and concerns coming from their customers.

So... dont stand there and tell me that I have made QUICK NEGATIVE JUDGEMENTS.  Its been far from quick.

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