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Weird shadow in Blender?


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Hi all! So I'm making a bookcase in Blender to later upload to the Marketplace but I keep getting this weird shadow in object mode. When I go into edit mode the side the shadow's on looks weird while the other side looks the way I want it to. Will this be an issue when I go to bring it into SL or is it just a shadow that Blender is making? Thanks!

*I uploaded photos for better understanding.

one side.png

other side.png

weird shadow thing.png

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31 minutes ago, xomollykatxo said:

*I uploaded photos for better understanding.

From your third picture (good to upload screenshots for sure) it looks like you have two extra triangles that need to be deleted. If you go into wireframe mode (edit view - Z_key) you should be able to see what needs to disappear.   as an alternate you could delete an outside face or two to see the inside.

NOTE that your right and left sides don't really match. That part doesn't rally matter -- just sort of shows how you may have found a way into trouble :D


example although there is no face here that ACTUALLY NEEDS to be deleted. 


It is a very easy fix. Likely to happen again so now you know. 

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3 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

It is a very easy fix. Likely to happen again so now you know. 

Okay. So, I fiddled with it and the shadows are gone. Only thing now is that in edit mode it looks like this (see pics). In object mode it looks fine. No shadows, no weird patches, etc. Is that okay or should I try to fix it? I was just gonna have it be a white bookcase with some kind of metal texture for the knobs but is it going to cause trouble when I go to UV map it?

whoops 2.png


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14 minutes ago, xomollykatxo said:

Okay. So, I fiddled with it and the shadows are gone. Only thing now is that in edit mode it looks like this (see pics). In object mode it looks fine. No shadows, no weird patches, etc. Is that okay or should I try to fix it? I was just gonna have it be a white bookcase with some kind of metal texture for the knobs but is it going to cause trouble when I go to UV map it?

Well unfortunately you still have the same TYPE of issue, but not the exact same one.  On both sides you have extra "something". I am thinking it is an edge but I really can't tell well enough.





You have some extra edges that likely don't need to be there. I can't see "why" they are there. In theory you could remove those edges with - delete > edge loop. 


If this isn't making sense to you -- I get that. I am sure I did this same thing a few times (maybe many) while learning. It may be simplest to remove all the side faces and whatever else you have that is causing the issue (now up top on both sides) and then fill that section in.  

It CAN be fixed but it is pretty difficult to explain all the steps especially not knowing what you know.  Sorry.  

And good luck

Again, sure that most of us have been here a time or two. 

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Here is an example of something similar. See how the ONLY edges are where they were needed? Also both sides look exactly the same.  Aim for something close to that. Any time you see something that looks "odd" and not "clean" then yes, you very likely have an issue that needs to be fixed and yes, it will likely cause problems inworld and often can up your land impact as the uploader gets confused. 


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16 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

Here is an example of something similar. See how the ONLY edges are where they were needed? Also both sides look exactly the same.  Aim for something close to that. Any time you see something that looks "odd" and not "clean" then yes, you very likely have an issue that needs to be fixed and yes, it will likely cause problems inworld and often can up your land impact as the uploader gets confused.

I did some more fiddling and I think I got all the unnecessary bits. I also made separate textures for the bookcase and for the knobs. Now I'm getting to the UV mapping point. I just used 'Smart UV' on this one because 'Unwrap' made the mapping look really weird. Does this look normal for what I'm making? I think I'm actually watching (and working from) your tutorial series on youtube lol

*Note: the stuff in the upper right corner is the knobs that I moved and sized so you could actually see them cause they were super small before.

bookcase uv map.png

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2 hours ago, xomollykatxo said:

I did some more fiddling and I think I got all the unnecessary bits. I also made separate textures for the bookcase and for the knobs. Now I'm getting to the UV mapping point. I just used 'Smart UV' on this one because 'Unwrap' made the mapping look really weird. Does this look normal for what I'm making? I think I'm actually watching (and working from) your tutorial series on youtube lol

*Note: the stuff in the upper right corner is the knobs that I moved and sized so you could actually see them cause they were super small before.

bookcase uv map.png

Too hard to tell but Smart UV can be very problematic and "not so smart". 

Here is a video that might help. Be particularly careful of the direct of the woodgrain and the relative size of the  textures per each peice. That's in the video.  Note that mapping is an art unto itself :D. Some of us love it, some --- not so much :D.


Here is the playlist, there are some beginning ones with mapping and some more complex things as time goes on. Hope that helps some.    Hopefully you can get to the LIST from this video. That is what I am pasting in but it is just coming up with the first in the playlist :D.   Good luck!!!!!





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Like was said above, u have huge topology errors in model. Those odd shadows are caused by trinagle surfaces https://gyazo.com/5aa655dcc9edd376bfd4e0e732992f1c right here, inside squerish faces. U dont rly need those tris there. U shall remake model or merge verts to get proper quads there and aslo remove unneesary edges so every face will be quad (4 verts). If u making something from quads pls stick with it, otherwise it can cause many glitches and errors. For example when u mix tris with quads in blender it can cause rly odd gliches when subdivide ( but not everytime ). I aslo had problems when i tried upload mixed quad and tris model to secondlife.

 I see other wrong topology practises inside your model. At first pic and at others maybe but its hard to see, you did used a NGON, what means u made one face from more than 4 verts what u shall avoid even more than mixing tris with quads. https://gyazo.com/fa3c984f3c5d11659f135e94488a35fe


Those stuffs usually causes glitches like that. Sometimes it can be aslo normasl what shall be flipped. 


If u have any questions feel free to PM me anytime. 



About UV - https://gyazo.com/1cea237be4dfbe55d8653683f70c39d9 

Details so small at 1024x1024 map will loose any details and wont look ok. Always mark seams manualy then unwarp, its not easy at begin but with practise u will slowly understand it, its like cutting paper model to make it flat. After all u can optimize your UV space by scaling up small elements like that, especially when they are spearate island. 




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Update: I wound up restarting the whole bookcase over again today. I decided to try it with cubes this time instead of planes. Now my main issue is making sure all the pieces are aligned so I don't get anymore shadows. The reason I think I'm getting the shadows is since the outer shelves aren't the same length as the ones that make up the outer shelves for the cabinet so I had to use separate pieces. I tried extruding the tall outer pieces and then resizing and moving them down on the original one I made but that just cause more problems. Is there a way to change the Blender setting so when I'm using the 3D Scale Manipulator it doesn't scale the whole thing but just one of the sides? I think that's the main reason for my alignment problem.

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1 hour ago, xomollykatxo said:

Is there a way to change the Blender setting so when I'm using the 3D Scale Manipulator it doesn't scale the whole thing but just one of the sides?

You can always split it into separate objects that can be manipulated indivudually but really, for an object as simple as this, you do all the work in edit mode, nothing whatsoever in obejct mode. And of course, in edit mode you can always select exactly the parts you want to change

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