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new clothes files icons


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Newbie questions:  Many new clothes packets come with some file icons whose meaning is not obvious.


1) What is the red and green dotted square?  What am I supposed to do with such files?


2) What is the greenish piece of paper with the dot in the corner?  What am I supposed to do with such files?


3) What is the computer monitor?  What am I supposed to do with such files?

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some merchants include more than their clothing in the package. like notecards, textures (pic of the clothing/item) and sometimes the unpack script belonging to the package you unpacked either by rezzing or wearing.

i think the icons varies slightly from viewer to viewer (there are more viewers out there than the official one), but the red and green dotted square sounds like a texture. and the greenish piece of paper with the dot in the corner could be a script. they do have names/descriptions i assume. what do they say?

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In answer to Darren, I don't know how to show a picture of what I mean.


I don't have anything in my textures folder, but now you mention it, the folder has a teeny icon that looks like the first icon I described.

The scripts folder has an icon that seems to match the second one I described.

I don't see the computer monitor as an icon on a folder, but the icons are too small to be sure. If it MUST be on one of the folders, the only one it could be is the photo album folder. But they don't look much alike.

1) The first type (texture?) is usually just titled with the name of the packet: Dolly; Amore; Pearls Jewelry Set - gold cream.

2) (scripts?) Titles like: erase me!; Give Contents; Hover text; rotate object; Set Text; Set Texture

3) (photo album?) Like 1) above, titles are just the name of the product: Buckled calf boots; Knitted Love.

I took a chance and selected "open" for the possible photo of Knitted Love. It opened a window with a photo. The window was titled "Texture: Knited love" [sic]. Oh right, keep the newbies confused! So I tried the buckled calf boot one. It did NOT open a photo, and again the window was titled Texture.

So there are two kinds of texture files? How does that work? How am *I* supposed to treat them?

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No, the third icon behaves as I described in my comment above. In my viewer a landmark has a pushpin icon. Opening it would produce a Landmark window, not a Texture window.


Yeah, bracing myself is the hard part.  And I often don't understand what DOES happen.

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> Is there some reason that you haven`t just done what I said and looked in your filters?


Because RL comes first.


Yes, Show Filters (I use Phoenix viewer) says the icons I'm wondering about are textures, scripts, and snapshots respectively. Which raises the question of why the snapshot windows are called "Texture" windows and why the buckled calf boot one I mentioned doesn't have a snapshot in it.... There are two more file icons I've run into that aren't on the Show Filters list, but I'll worry about them later.


So now I know what they are, I still need to know what I'm expected to do with them.


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LibGwen wrote:

Yes, Show Filters (I use Phoenix viewer) says the icons I'm wondering about are textures, scripts, and snapshots respectively. Which raises the question of why the snapshot windows are called "Texture" windows and why the buckled calf boot one I mentioned doesn't have a snapshot in it.... There are two more file icons I've run into that aren't on the Show Filters list, but I'll worry about them later.

So now I know what they are, I still need to know what I'm expected to do with them.


Scripts: If you have bought clothes and there are loose scripts in the folder, then the chances are they are something like unpacking scripts or hovertext scripts that were used when the folder was packed in a box for delivery. You will be able to tell from the name & in either case you don`t need them, just delete them.

Textures & Snapshots: double click them top open on your screen & see what they are, if its a picture of an avatar modelling your new outfit or some sort of advertising then its up to you if you want to keep it or not, delete them if you don`t want them. Occasinally you will buy an item that supplies you with a texture for a reason, for example a TV that gives you the screen texture or something that gives you an alternate texture to use on the object, once you open them on you screen its usually fairly obvious if its something you might need and there would be a notecard with instructions anyway.

Any icons that you have that do not appear on the filter list, are clothing layers, these are all covered by the clothing filter. Most are obvious from the picture what layer it is, such as a pants, shirt, jacket etc  the ones that have a less self-explanatory icon are "Tattoo Layer" and "Alpha Layer". Tattoo layer is worn as the first layer on the skin, below all the other clothing layers and Alpha layer is below that & makes you skin invisible.

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