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HTTP Command Not Working With The Marketplace


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i figured i would start a new thread, because after reading the recent topics, nothing applied to my question.  i am a very good mostly self taught programmer, and i'm having an issue with http response and request commands (llhttprequest()).  the recent moderator thread about MIME doesn't seem to apply to this problem.  

i don't think it's needed to post any code, because i've been trying all different ways within LSL and i always get the same return.  i'm simply trying to check if a marketplace page is there or not.  i want to be able to optionally automatically notify my customers who have bought something from my shop (everything in my shop is free) about when there is an update, without using the spam most creators do every time the particular creator decides there is a minor update to an item.  

without going into more detail, the problem is with this event 
http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
the "status" alway returns 499 when i try to visit any page on
whether or not the page exists.  i tried everything i could think of, even all the https (as opposed to http) things on the wiki and read all the caveats and read the jiras.  it's like the sl marketplace doesn't know how to handle that command.  in fact after looking the source of a marketplace page i saw literally the command httpresponse, as if the page is intentionally blocking that command.  i didn't understand what the source was doing with that command.  generally professionally created software is difficult to understand anything going on with the code, becuse it links to so many other places, so it would take hours just to figure out what is happening.     

every other website i've used the http response it returns the body or a different "status" code, and even the other sl website the event seems to work (https://secondlife.com) but no matter what i do i always get a 499 for the "status" response from the marketplace website.  
i'm writing this on the SL forums because i don't think trial and error will solve this.  i thought of accessing the marketplace site with a sort of spider or webbot which automatically writes to a page on my personal website, and then using the llhttpresponse event to that page on my personal website, but that's a lot of work for something which should be easy to do within LSL when accessing SL's own website.  apparently https is supported with this command and event from what i have been reading, so i wanted to see if i'm missing something or coded something wrong.  all i'm asking is how to access the sl marketplace with this command.  posting invalid tries seems useless to me.  i can post a hundred ways it doesn't work.  all i need is one way it does work.  give me the body of a page on the sl marketplace, or give me some code other than 499 and i'll be happy.  if i get the body i can run an auto word search i created from scratch within LSL to determine if it's the page i want or not.  

regardless, any advice anyone has will be helpful.  i'll keep checking this thread for a few weeks to see if anyone posts anything.  several customers have asked me for an automatic updater, and sending messages to everyone 'whether they like it or not' seems an unprofessional way to notify about updates to items i bought, like most creators in sl do.  i swear i get a dozen of these unwanted updates every day because i paid for things i never or rarely use.  i know i can simply block the sender, but most people don't know that, or don't think of doing that.  i'm not asking "because i can't figure out how to stop creators from spamming me".  i'm asking "because i don't want to spam my customers".  

sorry for the rant.  

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No rant. B|   I've heard the same from quite a few people who would love to stop getting unwanted messages.  Frankly, I've never tried it but I have always heard that Marketplace is behind a hefty firewall for security reasons. You may have just hit an impenetrable barrier.

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it's a shame web browsers tend to see the my marketplace website just fine, but i can't seem to get any reply from SL commands.  i guess i do get a reply, that the website is there or not.  if i put in an unknown domain it doesn't give me a status code.  why is all i get a status code?


as for the unwanted items you can probably just block the sender and it will stop it.  i wanted to keep things i give out non auto update by default, but if someone wants to be notified automatically about updates, i want them to have that option.  my fallback is to make an item and rez it in my home, and try to get items i give out to communicate with that.  it's a bad way of doing it because it's all tied to an item i created forever, and i can't really change that item in the future or remove that item from my home because it's communicating with all the products i've given out so far.  it's much more elegant to have all items people get from me be able to have an object which checks if the webpage they got the item from is still there.  i can simply cancel the old items (i don't actually update my items on the marketplace like i imagine most creators do, i make an entirely new upload page for each version update, like an entirely new item).  


i think second life is very good for being so customizable, but why make a command which communicates with websites, and then make it not work with all websites?  it doesn't have in the caveats how there is some way the command does not communicate with websites but web browsers can communicate with those websites.  how hard would it be to have a command which can communicate with all websites?  i thought that's what httpresponse and httprequest is supposed to do.  why is it kicking back an unknown error to a website which obviously works with web browsers whether the browser is signed in or not?

Edited by Electorite
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On 5/8/2018 at 10:11 AM, Electorite said:

without going into more detail, the problem is with this event 
http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
the "status" alway returns 499 when i try to visit any page on
whether or not the page exists.

For security reasons, LSL is not allowed to make marketplace requests of any kind.

I agree that the error indication is not all that it should be.

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thanks for the reply dr oz!


this simplifies things.  now i don't have to figure out how to get it to work.  i can explore other alternatives in notifying about updates automatically.  it seems my free shop is taking off.  i seem to be getting an increase in messages from random users every few months who are asking for help or giving feedback on the items i have in my marketplace . i don't know if that's a good or bad indicator for second life health, seeing how it's a free shop i have, if users are spending less money on SL turning to free items, or there are more users in second life overall.  maybe my shop is simply becoming higher on external search engines.  i don't really check my actual sales because i make free things, even though i think i can see how many people have gotten my items.  


well that's the answer i wanted, even though it's not the answer i wanted.  it's good there is an actual staff member replying to forum posts.  so many games and community forums are entirely user reply driven.  i don't like when there is money being transferred from users to games or businesses , and they can't even dedicate a staff member to reading and replying to users on their forums.  kudos to second life for that.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you tried marketplace ANS? If you know a little about php, mysql and have some server space you can accomplish what you want.

If you want to try this route (not sure if you have yet), here is a great starting point :

Make sure to read to the end of the posts as some of the variables have changed.

I hope this can help point you in the right direction.

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