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WOW! I just got ripped a new one by LL

Steph Catseye

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I usually don't give into Linden Bashing but if they deserve they deserve it!

I intended to place a classified ad for 143,500 to promote my new mainstore!

Made a nice new picture and did all the right things!

I entered the amount of 143,500 L$ hit publish and while I hit the button it AUTOMATICALLY changed the amount to 99,999!

I thought live Chat Support will straighten it out... they aren't online at this time!

So i called billing support, 5 times to wait in line, when it was my turn it said CALL COMPLETED and hung up!

Eventually i got a Supporter, let's call him Mr Douchebag since he didn't wanted to tell me his name!

He was sleepy and... well i can feel for that, it's late where he lives!

I explained my situation to him and asked him kindly to refund the unwanted ad since this was not the amount I wanted!

He said i should of entered the amount I wanted, there is nothing he can do!

I explained again and he obviously doesn't know how this process works so he didn't get it!

I told him this was 20 minutes ago and i wanted a refund before the ad gets published!

He said it was my fault, didn't even want my real name nor the Avatar name!

I informed him that deducting an amount i didn't confirm is stealing and fraud and I would hate it to involve a lawyer for 300USD! I created a ticket beforehand but we all know this can take up to 2 weeks before this gets even looked at!


He profoundly refused to even consider helping me since he claimed it was my fault! Which it wasn't the amount was changed without my notice and my permission, no confirmation "do you really want to pay this amount?" nothing!

Of course I had the money and of course I entered the amount correctly, that's an amount you enter with a slightly raised heart beat and double check 500 times! Eventually i asked him for his name, and he refused to tell me, i asked again and i got a "call comleted" message!


Awesome, i just got ripped off and the one person that gets payed for helping me at this hour refuses to help me since he didn't get a grasp of the issue, since he doesn't know how the process works!


Thank you so much Linden Labs

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Well I feel for you but at least you were able to create a ticket and try Live Chat at all.

I pay $300 USD  per month* and cannot access Live Chat nor can I complete a ticket. When I hit send, I get an error message even though I filled out and chose every drop down or typed text option. I know how to do a ticket after all. But it says "error, please choose one from this menu" and then the menu is inoperable. And that's after I had already chosen something from all menus and filled in the text boxes too.

My Live Chat page is a blank. It just says Live Chat then nothing at all.

So I'm not sure what to think either. Or what to do. Hope things get better for ya. Maybe you can get someone on the phone Monday who can help. Call during PST business hours (SL time hours) and ask for a manager. Maybe that'll work?


*that's just in tier. I also shop heavily, and more I don't want to go into here, and there seem to be 'mystery charges' the same times per month which we can't figure out nor can LL...I need to call them (again) about that sometime...Fingers crossed for each other hey? I know I'm not a land baron but my honorarium to LL each month is about half my RL bills ;) Maybe more, to be honest I'm a bit in denial and don't want to add. LOL

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leliel Mirihi wrote:

I'm failing to see how charging you less than the amount you entered is fraud and a rip off. Especially since the classified will perform as expected for the amount you did pay.

The poor customer service you received as a result of this does suck tho. So rant on.

I would imagine the amount chosen was to get prime placement, if you're not getting that the amount paid isn't worthwhile.


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leliel Mirihi wrote:

I'm failing to see how charging you less than the amount you entered is fraud and a rip off. Especially since the classified will perform as expected for the amount you did pay.

The poor customer service you received as a result of this does suck tho. So rant on.

It's not difficult to realise how charging less than intended, and refusing to deal with it, is a rip-off. The amount entered was the amount needed to get very high prominence. Charging much less will mean that the ad is less prominent. Taking 99,999L$, and the prominence that goes with that amount, was not what the OP ordered or wnated. If it's not dealt with, then it's a rip-off.

You can think of it like this: suppose you order an expensive hi-fi - expensive because you want its quality and features. But they are out of stock of what you ordered and send you one that costs half as much and has half the quality and features. They also refund the difference in price. What you get costs you a lot less than you intended to pay but it's not what you ordered and not what you want. If the company refuses to take back what they sent to you, and refund the amount that they kept, then they are ripping you off.

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Ciaran Laval wrote:

I would imagine the amount chosen was to get prime placement, if you're not getting that the amount paid isn't worthwhile.

If that were true then no one would bother with cheap classifieds. But that's clearly not the case given the wide range of prices paid for them.


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Phil Deakins wrote:

It's not difficult to realise how charging less than intended, and refusing to deal with it, is a rip-off. 



To be clear I don't have any problem with ranting about the poor customer service and demanding a refund. It's the claims of fraud and rip off (and talk of RL lawyers) that I'm against.


You can think of it like this: suppose you order an expensive hi-fi - expensive because you want its quality and features. But they are out of stock of what you ordered and send you one that costs half as much and has half the quality and features. They also refund the difference in price. What you get costs you a lot less than you intended to pay but it's not what you ordered and not what you want. If the company refuses to take back what they sent to you, and refund the amount that they kept, then they are ripping you off.


I think a better analogy would be if you ordered 20 gallons of gas but only got 10 gallons because that was all the gas station had left. Would you call those 10 gallons a rip off?

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The amount you paid equates to around US$400 which is a large enough amount to fight over. In your position, I would do one of two things:- (1) IM and NC the person who manages classifieds and insist on a refund, and (2) IM and NC the CEO and insist on a refund. The second of those would probably be the quickest since his name is known - that's if you can't get the manager's name quickly enough. But first, I'd go through the process again, without clicking the final button, to make absolutely sure that there is no indication of a 99,999L limit. If there is, then you'd have to swallow what happened, imo.

If there is no indication of a limit, and you send a NC, I would include as much information as possible about the way you were dealt with in the "help" process.

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leliel Mirihi wrote:


Ciaran Laval wrote:

I would imagine the amount chosen was to get prime placement, if you're not getting that the amount paid isn't worthwhile.

If that were true then no one would bother with cheap classifieds. But that's clearly not the case given the wide range of prices paid for them.


You're closer to the issue than you seem to realise, if you're not getting prime placement then paying a high price isn't worthwhile, you're better off spending a lot less for the visibility you will get.


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leliel Mirihi wrote:

I think a better analogy would be if you ordered 20 gallons of gas but only got 10 gallons because that was all the gas station had left. Would you call those 10 gallons a rip off?

Your analogy doesn't work. A gallon of gas does exactly the same job as the next gallon of gas, regardless of whether 10 or 20 gallons were bought, but a 135,000L ad does a lot more than a 99,999L ad. Your analogy would work IF the difference in price ONLY meant a difference in how long the ad runs for.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

leliel Mirihi wrote:

I think a better analogy would be if you ordered 20 gallons of gas but only got 10 gallons because that was all the gas station had left. Would you call those 10 gallons a rip off?

Your analogy doesn't work. A gallon of gas does exactly the same job as the next gallon of gas, regardless of whether 10 or 20 gallons were bought, but a 135,000L ad does a lot more than a 99,999L ad. Your analogy would work IF the difference in price ONLY meant a difference in how long the ad runs for.


A better analogy would be you ordered 20 gallons of gas and there was a discount because you were buying 20 gallons, but they only have ten and the per gallon rate for ten doesn't carry the discount. You wouldn't have purchased at that rate for ten, you were only purchasing because the 20 gallon rate was preferential.


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Phil Deakins wrote:

Your analogy doesn't work. A gallon of gas does exactly the same job as the next gallon of gas, regardless of whether 10 or 20 gallons were bought, but a 135,000L ad does a lot more than a 99,999L ad. Your analogy would work IF the difference in price ONLY meant a difference in how long the ad runs for.

I'm not going to debate about this any more. As I said above in my edited post, I don't have a problem with asking for a refund. The claim of being ripped off is my only issue.


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It is fraud because the system cannot decide for me what i am paying without asking for my permissions!

The classified ad will not perform the money worth, before monday I am out of the "thumbnail spots" and from there it is an illusion that it would pay off! Charging less would be a good thing if I was on the position I was aiming for. This is a gigantic difference and I am speaking from experience here! I pay less and get less, It is like you buy a house without a roof, great in summer adn sucks in winter!


Having said that... LL cannot change the essentials of my advertising without having the chance to decline or confirm it!

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@ Phil

I sent a notecard to Torley, and hope he will point with the finger to my ticket!

I don't know who is in charge of classifieds, if someone drops his/her name i am more than happy to pester this person!

I still have hope that love support might be able to escalate the issue enough to get it done!

There can't be another solution but a refund even when support would pick up my case in 2 weeks and the ad ran out naturally! This is CLEARLY a legal issue and a bug in the system that won't ask for confirmation on the changed amount!

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@ Steph. I hope that Torley will pass it to the right person but he's not in a position to do anything himself. If it were me, and if I didn't know the name of the person in charge of classifieds, I'd certainly send the full story in a notecard to the CEO. Bagman Linden, isn't it? Apart from the full story, and the reason why a 99,999L classified is definitely not what you want or ordered, I'd ask him for the name of the person in charge. I'd move in every direction to get it sorted out.

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@leliel. I did see that you agreed with the complaint and that it was only the idea of it being a rip-off that you disagreed with. I said words to the effect of, if LL refuses to give Steph satisfaction in the matter, then it most definitely will be a rip-off. It isn't one at the moment, but it would become one if LL doesn't either refund the full amount or change her ad to the correct amount.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

@leliel. I did see that you agreed with the complaint and that it was only the idea of it being a rip-off that you disagreed with. I said words to the effect of, if LL refuses to give Steph satisfaction in the matter, then it most definitely will be a rip-off. It isn't one at the moment, but it would become one if LL doesn't either refund the full amount or change her ad to the correct amount.

This I do agree with. Regardless of whether or not the classified performs well it was not for the amount Steph wanted. I think he should get a refund if requested and the customer service representative he talked to should be reeducated.


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