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Visual Outfit Browser, sadly does not do me any good

LadyPetunias Audion

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I love the idea do not get me wrong. That is if I could use it. They way I have my outfits set up it will aways come up with my body base as my current outfit Elven Body with Ears......this is what it will always come up as no matter what I wear. I have folders I can say Wear  or Remove from my current outfit cause my body body IS my current outfit...I have it set up this way, for a reason...I can change bodies...but still wear the same outfits I created with out saving it yets again..not sure if that made sense LOL but I do think it is a great idea and long over do. but sadly I cannot use it. :matte-motes-crying:

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- Save an outfit and name it body1 for example
- Open Inventory / "Outfits" / body1
- delete all entries that do not belong to your body, clothes shoes and whatever

- Save an outfit and name it dress1 for example
- Open Inventory / "Outfits" / dress1
- delete all entries that belong to the body, only keep the dress

Repeat for other bodies and dresses. Then you can add remove dresses or bodies independantly.

The entries under outfit are just links so you can delete without affecting the originals.

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I do not want to have many bodies.. the point is keeping it to few as possible.. like 2 bodies saved...and wear any outfits I want with either body. I want to limit the number of links possible it helps with rezz in time and it does lag your viewer to have so much in your inventory.  I been in sl for 6 years and have under 20,000 items in my inventory.. I know people who been her 4 years and have close to 100,000 in thiers. Trying to keep stream lined as possible.



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Everyone's needs will be different. And I guess the thing with SL is that there are many things that some people won't use.

So, while it's ok that it doesn't do you any good, it does help others.

LadyPetunias Audion wrote:

I do not want to have many bodies.. the point is keeping it to few as possible.. like 2 bodies saved...and wear any outfits I want with either body. 

You are lucky.

My adult body has 8 alpha versions. Full naked, pants only, pants and jacket, pants and tshirt, shorts only, and so on. As it's only a link I save the pre-alpha'ed body in with each outfit. Each of these alpha states might have 2 outfit styles, but generaly I wil manually swap those around every few months.

Same for my kid body.

Special low script/low ARC bodies for flying and sailing on both adult and kid.

Then I have 2 horse bodies (One foal, one adult) each with 2 states (PG/Adult)

1 feral wolf body with 2 states (PG, Adult)

1 feral kitten (only one state on this, yay)

3 RP bodies based off an alternate adult form

LadyPetunias Audion wrote:

I want to limit the number of links possible it helps with rezz in time and it does lag your viewer to have so much in your inventory


I'm not convinced this is factual, rather than just an old wives tail. There is an inventory cache on the hard disk, and to me I don't really notice much difference between a new alt and my decade old main.

The only time I notice it is a few extra minutes should I clean cache. I don't do that often enough to worry about.

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Callum Meriman wrote:

Everyone's needs will be different. And I guess the thing with SL is that there are many things that some people won't use.

So, while it's ok that it doesn't do you any good, it does help others.


Exactly!  And to be honest, I do not see why the need for a post about this at all.  It is what it is, it either works for you or it doesn't.  It doesn't totally work for me either, but it doesn't work for me because of my own choices, so I am not about to complain.




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Why post about anything really.., it is a form of communication or expressing thoughts or opinions.. if it was soo unessesary why post to my thread? Maybe, I was hoping for opinions and insites I have not thought of or considered just beause to you is is unnessesary does not mean it is to me or someone else just like the post you quoted..from Callum Meriman, everyones needs will be differnt. So to YOU it is unessesary, and you know what, that is totally fine:matte-motes-big-grin: I am ok with that. I am not you and you are not well me... LOL 

Now back to the Visual Outfit Browser topic.. I wish it could work for me and the way I set up my outfits and avatars...I was hoping I was wrong. Thank you for every ones input.. 

Mods you can put this thread to rest.:matte-motes-yawn:

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LadyPetunias Audion wrote:

I do not want to have many bodies.. the point is keeping it to few as possible.. like 2 bodies saved...and wear any outfits I want with either body. I want to limit the number of links possible it helps with rezz in time and it does lag your viewer to have so much in your inventory.  I been in sl for 6 years and have under 20,000 items in my inventory.. I know people who been her 4 years and have close to 100,000 in thiers. Trying to keep stream lined as possible.




Nova's answer doesn't mean you have to have many bodies.  If you haven't already, save just two bodies if that is all you want to do.  Then save each outfit and within the outfit folder delete the links to you don't want to change, in this case the links to the bodies you've already saved. That way you only have two bodies in your outfits.

Of course the picture you choose to use for the Visual Outfit Browswer won't show the outfit on both bodies just the one you happened to be wearing at the time you took the picture.  You may want to take a picture of each body just wearing the body alone (naked) so you have a visual to use in the gallery.

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For me, the Visual Outfits system is essentially lipstick on a pig

I have a lot of outfits. but the Linden system is flat. Each outfit is a quasi-folder, but there's no way of organising outfits. You can do things with outfit names, but you're still scrolling through a big folder. Does adding pictures in the Outfits window change anything that matters?

I don't use the Outfits folder. I have a folder in my inventory, with sub-folders, that have useful names like "Aviation" and "Sailing". That "Aviation" folder could have subfolders for "Vintage" and "Airline" and "Fast Jet". And in the "Vintage" folder there might be different sets of outfits for "WW1" and "WW2". I set up the folder in the right place, get the set of clothes right, use the outfit save function to put the links intp a known place, and the copy and paste the links.

I like the idea of having a complete body, and then a whole range of clothing sets for that body, but I can see it getting a bit complicated/

The last time I tried to count them, I had reached 180 outfit-folders when I stopped.

Notoriously, Phillip Linden had just the one outfit, and needed help to update it. It doesn't much surprise me that the Outfits system with the range of clothes that customers use.  The rest of the inventory has the folder hierarchy that microcomputers have been using since the days of 8-inch floppy disks.

Pictures? What'[s the point?

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Whats the point of the pictures? Well i assume it will cost 10 L to upload each picture, so the point is to make LL a whole lot of money from a totally new, previously untapped source.

I personally don't have outfits, each clothing item is in a descriptive folder, for example "a mesh dress short red" but as for creating outfits i prefer doing like in rl, rumaging and finding things i think go good together. True it takes me 30 minutes to get dressed instead of just clicking "wear folder" but i enjoy taking the time to pick and choose.


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I am with you!  I much prefer to mix and match diff parts of diff outfits with hair and accesories, according to my mood.  That way I get way more mileage out of the items I own.  I have a few outfit folders but those are mostly for emergencies when I don't have the time, and I rarely use them anyhow.  As for pictures lol well I don't have the time to take a pic of and outfit and add it to an outfit folder.

But having said that,  my partner on the other hand, hates having to dress piece by piece,  and he forgets where he puts stuff in his inventory.  So for him outfits are a blessing lol.

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