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I bought L$ yesterday and they have not been added to my account yet.


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Hi Nicholas,

I'm gonna guess that you did indeed to it wrong, but you're not alone. You probably placed a "best rate" buy because who wouldn't do that? But best rate buys won't execute until someone offers to sell their L$ for the price you offered. That may never happen. Go back to the Linden Exchange in your dashboard and select "Manage", just to the right of "Buy L$". Then select "LindeX Order History". You'll probably see that your order is still open. If you want your money immediately, cancel that order. Your funds will be released into your US$ balance and you can place an "Instant Buy", which will execute immediately at whatever the current exchange rate happens to be.

If you're willing to wait, click "Market Data" and look at the fluctuations in exchange rate, which appear to have a weekly cycle. You might be able gain a percentage point advantage by setting your price to catch a peak.

Good luck!

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When in doubt, read the instructions.  The LindeX is a currency exchange.  If you want to place Limit orders and hope for a seller (or a buyer) who is willing to meet your terms, you may.  In fact, as Maddy says, it looks like that's exactly what you did.  If you'd rather just accept whatever the current going rate in the market is at the moment, place Market orders.  You won't necessarily get the best possible rate, but unless you're dealing with hundreds of dollars that's not much of an issue.  Most importantly, you won't have to wait.

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