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Door Physics


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Hello everyone,

I’m not quite sure why this is happening, but when I put my door script in a door, that door opens and closes as expected, but when I link the door to the mesh building I’m working on, the entire floor underneath it gives way and I sink!  I say entire, because I sink into the floor even if standing far away from the door!  I’ve used the script often and this is the first time I’m experiencing this physics issue. 

The door has box (analyze) physics as usual.  However, the difference between this house and previous builds is that for this building I’ve used triangle (no-analyze) physics. I could add an extra prim to cover the floor, but I’ll be putting doors on the building’s second floor, where I won’t be able to stretch the prim due to how that floor is designed (there is a large open space). There I’d probably have to use several prims. 

Does the building need to have box physics in order for the door to function properly?

Thank you for your help :)

The building and the door will be here:


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Not really explained though. It looks like something the particular no-mod (ei can't look at it) door script is doing to the physics of the linked mesh, but all sorts of different effects with different meshes that Aquila made. Sometimes looked like switch to convex huill, sometimes phantom or None. Sometimes transient, sometimes lasting. I think it might have something to do with making the door physical. That needs a vehicle expert to offer an explanation, which I am not. Other door scripts didn't have the same effect in the same door.

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If your door script uses a llTargetOmega function to rotate smoothly, the build needs analized physics shapes, or it will act as convex hull physics as soon as the omega kicks in. Standing inside the house while rotating the door will push you out on the shortest way possible, that might be straight through the floor.

I have described this behavior in a jira comment a couple of years ago.


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“And Aquila too. WOW that's service LOL.”

Hehe, I’m so grateful.  Yes they both came to help.  Aquila and Drongle tested everything and it’s fairly certain now that the problem was not the physics of either the door or the building, but an issue with the script I was using.  I’ll gift the script to Arton to have a look at as his homework assignment (hehe), as suggested, as he may find it an interesting puzzle.  I’ll buy other scripts to try (other scripts that Aquila tested worked normally) but will also direct the maker of my script to this thread, as I haven’t the foggiest idea how to explain it myself!


Arton, just saw your post. Will send you the script as soon as I log in......

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It is always good to know that it isn't ALWAYS US :D


That's my alt over there with the wood and glass modern house. After a huge database fiasco some months ago (and a week getting things back to a semblance of order) I don't journey over to the beta grid "personally" - LOL.    And it gives her something to do so that's good too.






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Devriv wrote:

...but an issue with the script I was using.

Some old door scripts are made to set the door phantom when it opens and if the door is linked to the building, it's quite possible the script will set the whole building to phantom. Isuppose that's what happened here.

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Chic, It certainly was a relief, hehe  Regarding Aditi, for months I’ve been a cloud (I get all the weird problems!) so last week I finally picked one of the new avatars to look “solid”.  I don’t see your wood and glass house, but I’ve seen some of your buildings before.  I follow you on Flickr already and inworld I remember looking at the ones you had at Fantasy Faire, and they were truly beautiful.

Rey the script actually provided a menu to choose either phantom or solid, and we tested both, and had the same result.  I think Arton got it in one, but I sent him the script anyway in case he likes to take a closer look

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Drongle McMahon wrote:

"If your door script uses a llTargetOmega"

Very likely the case, as it did produce a nice slow, smooth rotation.


Yes, Devriv has sent me the door script. (Actually he has sent me a fresh box from the Marketplace as a gift.) Despite I can't look into the scripts, because they are no Mod, it does say "Smooth opening" right on the box. And that is usually done utilizing the _OMEGA functions. I dropped the script into my test mesh, and it does show the same funky behavior as described in the jira from 2011.



thanks for the scripts. Unfortunately it's that old target omega problem with tri based physics. Looks like you need to analyze the physics of the house, or you need another door script, which is able to rotate the door just in steps, rather than using smooth opening.

It might be a good idea for the script creator to offer a non smooth option (no _OMEGA) in these door scripts. Although, I can't blame the scripts as they are in any way. They seem quite good from what I could see so far. That Bug is something LL should have addressed IMO.

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Well I could see you all day today LOL. Maybe my draw distance is longer. And thanks :D. Happily I had a no problem day (always a thrill). That's "me" in spirit anyway and Lani has to open the change appearance menu EACH TIME she logs in in order to get alphas to show up. Things have been odd over there for months. 


But still, better than wasting lindens. She has "spent" 10,000 since she took over for me a couple of months ago.

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Thank you very much Arton. I think I'll redo the physics using box/analyze as I think smooth rotation would be best.  An hour or two of extra work but worth it.  The entire physics cost of the house was less than 5 LI, and now will probably be 30ish. 

One tool that Aquila and Drongle spoke about and which I was not at all familiar with was "Navmesh".  I told them I'd have to "google" it (hehe), but Drongle explained that,

"It's the walkable surface and obstacles...It gives a more accurate physics view than Renderb Metadata/Physics shapes.
You are supposed to be able to look at it with Build/Pathfinding/View...."

So I'm going to learn more about that. Never heard of it being mentioned before.


"Things have been odd over there for months.Chic it's selfish to say but I'm relieved to know that it's not just me then! hehe

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I'm not sure, but I don't think the navmesh will show you dynamic physics chnges like these that are affecting your buildings. It's more accurate than physics shapes view* for objects that you have made into static obstacles, via the pathfinding menu, but I think that's all. You have to force a rebake and download the navmesh even for that. So it probably wouldn't have helped here.


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