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Where do I post: Seeking AO Creator?


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You might want to look around and collect animations and poses you like. I made my own and it's changed over the years. So over the pacing animations, for instance. Then you can put them together for your own AO. I use actual static poses and a few minima movement animated along with one walk I love, a run and then several sits and ground sits. I'd say my animations come from 10 different pose and animation makers and no one has the AO I have. 

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MzSarken wrote:

I'm looking for
an artist
to create a personal AO for me. I'm a writer not a
graphics arstist
. So, I need to hire someone to do this for me. Where do I post an advert / request?

I emphasized the parts that make me wonder if maybe this is about Ambient Occlusion maps, rather than Animation Overrides.

Either way, though, if the need is for somebody else to make the thing, you'd post to either Wanted (most likely) or Inworld Employment, whichever seems to have posts most similar to the content you're seeking.

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Thanks everyone.. therre's actually been a mix up here. I posted what was 'recommended / suggested. Turns out it's not what I was looking for. I'm thinking the person either is confused or wasn't listening to me. Although the information on AOs and animations is truly valuable and appreciate. What I'm looking for is a custom avatar. I'm asuming I post in the same area though. 

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