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Defeating "Avatar Online" Scanners

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tbf it isnt that stuff cant be delivered while we are offline

merchants like using DATA_ONLINE so that their stuff is delivered in a way that is in our face

or as they have mostly constantly argued it:

a) people don't always look thru their inbox on login

b) as a merchant I get tired of people who send me IMs asking where is the stuff I already sent them

c) once upon a time I had a customer who said they never got the stuff I sent then while they were offline

that the conveniences of merchants outweigh privacy concerns of the grid residents at large, is also a ongoing RL issue. citizens vs business

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"Block" is a repetitive process when you deal with new alt after new alt, created by someone you used to be married to and who knows your social circle in SL.

Big Picture; RL restraining orders are difficult and expensive to enforce in SL, so the options were limited to "leave SL" or develop an alt.


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wherorangi wrote:

tbf it isnt that stuff cant be delivered while we are offline

merchants like using DATA_ONLINE so that their stuff is delivered in a way that is in our face


Well the issue is that if the recipient has already reached their IM cap of 25 messages, delivery via scripted objects will FAIL and be lost automatically.  It's not about being in the customers face but more about attempting reliable delivery due to the decision of those in charge of the platform, to automatically cancel inventory offers from a scripted object at a low capping threshold.

So when people ask where the item is? please re-send, it's completely plausible that they didn't get it if they were sent it while offline.

Were LL to raise the cap or change the delivery process so that it didn't get discarded at all, then the need for such workarounds by merchants would be reduced, it is after all a kludgy and unwelcome workaround, aimed at reducing support and sometmies a belief from the customer that the merchant never sent.

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Chic Aeon wrote:

Block only works for folks you KNOW not for the long line of folks that appear one by one as the "game" (their words - certainly not mine) continues. You could of course block those avatars also but there is not much point when a new one will just show up.

If you don't respond to the little flashing window that says some name sent you a chat message... they eventually go away on their own.

It isn't thar others have no experience with these matters, it is just that they moved past them less drastically.


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is the cap 25 just for sent objects only when we offline ? I am never sure

Is just that when I login (pretty much every day) i usually got heaps of notifications, over 100 most days. Like today I had about 140 when I logged. Since so far I have 204 in my box

i can remember when LL slowed it down, bc greif. Griefer would send heaps and heaps of objects as fast as they could. Give give give until the viewer totally stalled and fell over. Greifer can still send us heaps like before but takes ages (compared to before) so get time to block the greif and the storm stops


if only sent [offline] objects are capped then I would have thought that in the (newish ish) notifications dialog then LL could have made a new panel (objects or something) and just stick them in there, where we can get them


eta [offline]

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Yes it's 25 for IM's, which includes inventory offers and it's an offline cap.  See Limits http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits

The messages that you refer to as being 204, are locally stored. 

It's an old problem and I think we all agree that 10+ years later, something that could do with improvement as there should be a distinction between an object that is being sent and an IM that is discarded.  IM's can be redirected to email even though the inworld version is discarded so they're easy to mitigate against "loss" but inventory offers shouldn't just vanish.

I guess it should be throttled at some limit otherwise you risk inventory offers being sent via a scripted object with the intent of griefing but the way it works right now is just "the way it has always been" and not the way it necessarily should be.

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I've just re-read the limits and noticed something that I hadn't picked up on before.

Capped at 25 messages, unless the account has a Premium Subscription, in which case the cap raises to 50 messages. Number of offline messages (involving IMs, inventory offers, group notices, group invitations) received before messages get capped. Note: If autoAcceptNewInventory (debug setting) is set to TRUE (the default is FALSE), then all inventory offers, even above 25 (or 50 in the case of Premium members), go directly to inventory and do not count against the cap on offline messages.

Which if I read it correctly would solve the lost inventory that people suffer at 25 (50 for premium) message cap.

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Hmmm. A viewer debug setting would seem  an odd way to affect offline message delivery.

It makes me wonder if there might be a whole different way messages can be lost: capped delivery while online. I have no idea if this happens, but one can imagine an anti-griefing measure that puts a ceiling on the number of unacknowledged messages accumulating inside the viewer during a login session. [EDIT: Although no plausible reason a viewer-local thing should / could have an elevated Premium-specific limit.]

Or maybe that viewer debug setting indeed does get sent to the servers and affects offline messaging, but that seems a weird design choice.

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that probably explain it for me then. As I mention I get heaps of stuff every day and never seem to have much problems

altho I take your point about stuff getting sent thru the IM system. Maybe LL will change that one day, so is more like other kinds of messages/notifications


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