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Bullets need to long to "stay still"

Walter Fanwood

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Its a bit hard to explain what i mean but i give it a try.


Since i work on a own battle system i used a simple t3 weapon as "sample" and add the damage input into it. but becourse i dont wana hurt myself with the bullets (which sadly happend if i fired the gun and just run/walked forward) i tried something like this:



integer channel =10;
float force_amount = 0.0;
    on_rez(integer start_param)
        collision_start(integer total_number)
        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_PHYSICS, FALSE]);
        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_PHANTOM, TRUE]);
        key id = llGetOwner();
        key owner = llGetOwner();    
          if (id == owner)
             if (llDetectedType(0) & AGENT)
integer chan = -956535255;
key target = llDetectedKey(0);
string command = "DAMAGE";
string modifier = "5";
string sender = "Pistol Bullet";         
             llSay(chan, (string)target + " )( " + command + " )( " + modifier + " )( " + sender);
            llPushObject(llDetectedKey(0), force_amount*llRot2Up(llGetRot()), ZERO_VECTOR, FALSE);
           listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) 
     if(llGetOwner() == llGetOwnerKey(id))
            if(message =="Remove");


After all, the bullets sure dont hurt myself anymore, they still need a long time now to react - which means they bounce still of walls a long time before they finally dissappier. So my question is, how can i change it that the bullets well..."stay faster" at one place after they hit "something" (walls, enemys, maybe even myself) or is there a way to make it easier that my own bullets dont hurtmyself without changing the rez-place from the bullets to much (which i dont wana change coz i could "shot truh walls" if i let them rez to far from me - if you know what i mean)?


Maybe someone can edit the parts for me, im not that good even if i really try hard ^^;

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I kinda did this already as i add the lines


collision_start(integer total_number)        {        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_PHYSICS, FALSE]);        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_PHANTOM, TRUE]);...

but i guess its a reaction time which needs to long "loading" the full script. Or at least its not the right outcome, sadly. Still thanks.

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I have no idea why you have coded it like this, but am only going by your post and also there is a syntax error.

 if(llGetOwner() == llGetOwnerKey(id))        {            if(message =="Remove"); // ; is a syntax error           llDie();        }
if(llGetOwner() == llGetOwnerKey(id) && message == "Remove" )		{			llDie();		}

You also are not useing


or this


Am just confused with the rest as you have this lot inside a code block as it is global and stuff that should be in the state entry.

integer chan = -956535255;string command = "DAMAGE";string modifier = "5";string sender = "Pistol Bullet"; 

Just well confused with that script

Am clearly missing the point on this issue.


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I'm a bit puzzed when you write, "Since i work on a own battle system i used a simple t3 weapon as "sample" and add the damage input into it. but becourse i dont wana hurt myself with the bullets (which sadly happend if i fired the gun and just run/walked forward)."

That's very strange behaviour for a bullet, and I'm wondering how you are firing it.    I think if we get the firing mechanism right, that's going to solve a lot of your problems, or at least make them easier to understand.

What does the gun script look like?   

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As i said i use a simple T3 weapon as sample

integer clipSize =      12;    // How many bullets you can fire before having to reload the gun.    float reloadTime =      2.7;    // How many seconds it will take to reload the gun when it is out of ammo.integer numRezSlaves =  0;    // The number of "T3.Gun.free.rifle.rez" scripts in this gun.    // Makes the ammo count correct.float velocity =        44.0;    // The forward velocity of the bullets as they are fired.    // SL cannot move things faster than 200 meters per second.    integer auto =          FALSE;    // Is the gun fully automatic? If so, you can fire repeatedly by holding down the mouse button.    // If not, you must click each time to fire.float accuracy =        0.5;    // How the bullets will spread out as they move. 0.01 is almost nothing, 10 is HUGE.    // Reccommend .05 to 5    // The bigger rez_spread, the more effect this number has.    // LOWER is more accurate.    float rez_spread =      0.1;    // How the bullets will be spread out as they rez.    // You need about 0.1 per "rez slave" script to minimize bullet collisions.    vector rez_offset =     <0.6,0,0>;    // How far away from the center of your view in mouselook the bullets will rez.    // +x = Forward    // +y = Left    // +z = Up    integer delay =         0;    // Only matters if the gun is not automatic.    // The number of seconds between shots.    integer listen_channel= 5;    // A chat channel that the gun will listen to its owner for commands on.    // Public chat will always work.    string reticleName="tiny";    // T3 Ultimate Reticle HUD API:    // This is the reticle/crosshair to show for someone wearing the T3 Ultimate Reticle HUD.    // Leave this blank and the weapon will not override the users' existing reticle./// ====================/// Animations and Sounds/// ====================// To replace the animations and sounds, you can add the following inventory items to the gun:// Otherwise, default animations and sounds will be used.// ANIMATIONS://  reload.anim - when you're reloading//  active.anim - when you're in mouselook//  idle.anim - when you're not in mouselook// SOUNDS://  reload.sound - plays when you reload//  fire.sound - plays when you fire, loops if "auto" is TRUE//  safety.sound - plays when you try to fire while the safety is on./// ====================/// SCRIPT STUFF, you can ignore the stuff below this line./// ====================integer has_perms=FALSE;integer safety=FALSE;integer listen_handle;integer alt_listen_handle;integer notext=FALSE;integer activated;integer deactivated;integer ammoLeft;integer holstered;integer lastFireTime;integer desiredPerms;integer controlList;float usevel;integer useauto;integer damage=0;integer useclip;integer reloading=FALSE;string reload_anim="";string reload_sound="ad01461e-a54c-43ba-61b8-bd289f6b7ebd";string fire_sound="88026413-b829-0df2-0e57-8212227a652c";string safety_sound="f1c12ed9-7f5c-cb7f-9741-b940715b7e7e";string active_anim="aim_r_bazooka";string idle_anim="hold_r_bazooka";init(){    desiredPerms=(PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION | PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS | PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA);    controlList=(CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON | CONTROL_DOWN | CONTROL_LEFT | CONTROL_ROT_LEFT | CONTROL_RIGHT | CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT);    listen_handle=llListen(0,"",llGetOwner(),"");    alt_listen_handle=llListen(listen_channel,"",llGetOwner(),"");    safety=TRUE;    notext=FALSE;    ammoLeft=clipSize;    lastFireTime=0;    usevel=velocity;    useauto=auto;    useclip=clipSize;    reloading=FALSE;        request_permissions(llGetPermissions());              if(llGetInventoryType("reload.anim")!=INVENTORY_NONE)        reload_anim="reload.anim";    if(llGetInventoryType("reload.sound")!=INVENTORY_NONE)        reload_sound="reload.sound";    if(llGetInventoryType("fire.sound")!=INVENTORY_NONE)        fire_sound="fire.sound";    if(llGetInventoryType("active.anim")!=INVENTORY_NONE)        active_anim="active.anim";    if(llGetInventoryType("idle.anim")!=INVENTORY_NONE)        idle_anim="idle.anim";    if(llGetInventoryType("safety.sound")!=INVENTORY_NONE)        safety_sound="safety.sound";    holster();}fire(){    if(safety)    {        llPlaySound(safety_sound,1);        return;    }    if(!holstered && ammoLeft >0)    {        vector spreadVector = <(0-(rez_spread/2)) + llFrand(rez_spread),(0-(rez_spread/2)) + llFrand(rez_spread),(0-(rez_spread/2)) + llFrand(rez_spread)>;        // We offset the rezzing randomly, within rez_spread        rotation rotBetween=llRotBetween(<0.01,0.01,0.01>,<0.01,0.01,0.01>+(DEG_TO_RAD*accuracy*(spreadVector*llGetCameraRot())));        // The rotation to look from DEAD CENTER to where we were rezzed...                rotation modRot = llGetCameraRot() / <rotBetween.x*llPow(-1,llRound(llFrand(1))),rotBetween.y*llPow(-1,llRound(llFrand(1))),rotBetween.z*llPow(-1,llRound(llFrand(1))),rotBetween.s*llPow(-1,llRound(llFrand(1)))>;        // We rotate to put us on a straight line in THAT direction.                llRezAtRoot(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0),llGetCameraPos() + (rez_offset + spreadVector)*llGetCameraRot(), llRot2Fwd(modRot)*usevel, modRot,damage);         if(!auto)        {            lastFireTime=llGetUnixTime();        }        ammoLeft -= 1;                if(auto && useauto)            ammoLeft-=numRezSlaves;                if(ammoLeft<0)            ammoLeft=0;        setFloating();        if(ammoLeft<=0)        {            reload();        }            }}request_permissions(integer perm){    has_perms=TRUE;    if(perm != desiredPerms || llGetPermissionsKey() !=llGetOwner())    {        has_perms=FALSE;        llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),desiredPerms);    }else    {        llTakeControls(controlList,TRUE,TRUE);    }  }string getTextString(){    if(safety)        return "[ safety on ]";            string textString="[ " + (string)ammoLeft + " / " + (string)useclip + " ]\n";            if(auto)    {        if(useauto)        {            textString+="[ auto ]";        }else        {            textString+="[ semi ]";        }    }        return textString;}  setFloating(){    if(!notext)    {        vector floatColor=<255,255,255>;        if(!safety)        {            floatColor=<41,219,0>;            if(ammoLeft<=useclip/3)            {                floatColor=<219,216,0>;            }else if(damage<100)            {                floatColor=<86,185,255>;            }        }        llSetText(getTextString(),floatColor/255.0,1);    }}holster(){    safe(TRUE);    llListenRemove(listen_handle);    listen_handle=llListen(0,"",llGetOwner(),"draw");    llListenRemove(alt_listen_handle);    alt_listen_handle=llListen(listen_channel,"",llGetOwner(),"draw");    llSetTimerEvent(0);    llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,0,ALL_SIDES);    holstered=TRUE;        if(has_perms)    {        llStopAnimation(idle_anim);        llStopAnimation(active_anim);    }    llSetText("",<1,1,1>,1);    }draw(){    llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"uroverride", reticleName);    llListenRemove(listen_handle);    listen_handle=llListen(0,"",llGetOwner(),"");     llListenRemove(alt_listen_handle);    alt_listen_handle=llListen(listen_channel,"",llGetOwner(),"");      llSetTimerEvent(1);    llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET,1,ALL_SIDES);    deactivated=FALSE;    holstered=FALSE;    safe(FALSE);}safe(integer t){    safety=t;    llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,(integer)usevel,"velocity","");    llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"rez_spread",(string)rez_spread);    llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"accuracy",(string)accuracy);    llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,0,"rez_offset",(string)rez_offset);    if((auto && useauto) || (auto && !useauto && safety) || !auto)        llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,safety,"safety","");    llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,useauto,"auto","");    llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,delay,"delay","");    llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,damage,"damage","");    setFloating();}reload(){    if(ammoLeft==useclip || reloading)        return;    reloading=TRUE;        if(!notext)        llSetText("[ reloading ]",<255,60,0>/255.0,1);    llStopSound();    llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,TRUE,"safety","");    llPlaySound(reload_sound,1);    if(has_perms && reload_anim!="")    {        llStartAnimation(reload_anim);    }    llSleep(reloadTime);    ammoLeft=useclip;    if(!(auto && !useauto))        llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,FALSE,"safety","");    setFloating();    reloading=FALSE;}default{    state_entry()    {        init();    }        attach(key id)    {        if(id!=NULL_KEY)        {            init();            llOwnerSay("Say 'draw' to draw me, then enter mouselook and click to fire.");                    }    }        run_time_permissions(integer perm)    {        request_permissions(perm);    }        listen(integer channgel, string name, key id, string message)    {        message==llToLower(message);        if(message=="draw")        {            draw();        }else if(message=="holster" || message=="holst" || message=="sling")        {            holster();        }else if(message=="reload" || message=="r")        {            reload();        }else if(message=="safe" || message=="safety" || message=="safety on")        {            safe(TRUE);        }else if(message=="unsafe" || message=="nosafe" || message=="safety off")        {            safe(FALSE);        }else if(message=="notext" || message=="textoff" || message=="text off" || message=="no text")        {            notext=TRUE;            llSetText("",<1,1,1>,1);        }else if(message=="text" || message=="texton" || message=="text on")        {            notext=FALSE;            safe(safety);        }else if(message=="damage" || message=="db" || message=="d")        {            llOwnerSay("Damage Bullet selected. Does 0 LL damage.");            damage=100;            llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,damage,"damage","");            setFloating();        }else if(message=="training" || message=="tb" || message=="t")        {            llOwnerSay("Training Bullet selected. Does 1 LL damage.");            damage=1;            llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,damage,"damage","");            setFloating();        }else if(message=="a" || message=="auto" || message=="automatic" || message=="full auto")        {            if(auto && !useauto)            {                useauto=TRUE;                llOwnerSay("Full Automatic firing mode selected.");                llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,FALSE,"safety","");                setFloating();            }        }else if(message=="s" || message=="semi" || message=="semiauto" || message=="single")        {            if(auto && useauto)            {                useauto=FALSE;                llOwnerSay("Semi-Automatic firing mode selected.");                llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,TRUE,"safety","");                setFloating();            }        }else if(message=="version")        {            llWhisper(0,llGetScriptName());        }else        {            list parts = llParseString2List(message,[" ",".",":"],[]);            string command = llList2String(parts,0);            if(command=="vel" || command=="v" || command=="velocity")            {                integer newvel = (integer)llList2String(parts,1);                if(newvel<=0)                {                    usevel=velocity;                }else                {                    usevel = newvel;                }                llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,(integer)usevel,"velocity","");                llOwnerSay("Velocity: " + (string)((integer)usevel));            }else if(command=="ammo" || command=="clip" || command=="mag" || command=="m")            {                integer newclip = (integer)llList2String(parts,1);                if(newclip<=clipSize && newclip>0)                {                    useclip=newclip;                }else                {                    useclip=clipSize;                }                llOwnerSay("Magazine Size: " + (string)useclip + " rounds.");                if(ammoLeft>useclip)                    ammoLeft=useclip;                                setFloating();            }        }    }        control(key id, integer level, integer edge)    {        integer start = level & edge;        integer end = ~level & edge;        integer held = level & ~edge;        integer untouched = ~(level | edge);                if(!safety && ((held & CONTROL_LEFT) || (held & CONTROL_ROT_LEFT)) &&                      ((held & CONTROL_RIGHT) || (held & CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT)) )        {            reload();        }                if(safety || (!auto && (llGetUnixTime()-lastFireTime)<delay ) )            return;                if((start & CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON) && (untouched & CONTROL_DOWN) )        {            if(useauto)            {                llLoopSound(fire_sound,1);            }else            {                llTriggerSound(fire_sound,1);            }            fire();        }        if( (held & CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON) && useauto && (untouched & CONTROL_DOWN))        {            fire();        }        if(end & CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON && (untouched & CONTROL_DOWN))        {            if(useauto)                llStopSound();        }                            }        changed(integer change)    {        if(change & CHANGED_OWNER)        {            llResetScript();        }    }    timer()    {        if((llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner()) & AGENT_MOUSELOOK) && !activated && !holstered)        {            llStopAnimation(idle_anim);            llStartAnimation(active_anim);            activated=TRUE;            deactivated=FALSE;        }        else if(!(llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner()) & AGENT_MOUSELOOK) && !deactivated && !holstered)        {            llStopAnimation(active_anim);            llStartAnimation(idle_anim);            deactivated=TRUE;            activated=FALSE;        }    }}


i also found sadly something wrong in my bullet script which is this part:

collision_start(integer total_number)        {        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_PHYSICS, FALSE]);        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_PHANTOM, TRUE]);        key id = llGetOwner();        key owner = llGetOwner();                     if (id == owner)          {          }          else          {

The problem is that i made the id and owner key getting only the llGetOwner, both will be the same "ID", so the bullets will never able to hit sadly. How can i change the Id key that it actually gets the id from the one who is hit (or like) so that the bullets actually react if they hit another person?


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Walter Fanwood wrote:

[ .... ]

The problem is that i made the id and owner key getting only the llGetOwner, both will be the same "ID", so the bullets will never able to hit sadly. How can i change the Id key that it actually gets the id from the one who is hit (or like) so that the bullets actually react if they hit another person?



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Walter Fanwood wrote:

where do i need to change that in the script? would be nice if you could show me a sample please :3
[ .... ]

We don't write scripts for people in this forum.  We assume that if you are posting here, you are a LSL scripter, or are learning.  In this case, you want to get the UUID of the person who clicked, so you get that with llDetectedKey(0) in your touch_start event and you apply it the same way that you were trying to apply llGetOwner().

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i actually didnt know you can get such scripts online since i got this script from a friend of mine inworld next to a free T3 weapon but its good to know there is the original online. :matte-motes-agape:


@Rolig Loon


So basicly insteed of this:


collision_start(integer total_number)        {        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_PHYSICS, FALSE]);        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_PHANTOM, TRUE]);        key id = llGetOwner();        key owner = llGetOwner();                     if (id == owner)          {          }          else          {

i should try....this...?


collision_start(integer total_number)        {        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_PHYSICS, FALSE]);        llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_PHANTOM, TRUE]);        key id = llDetectedKey(0);        key owner = llGetOwner();                     if (id == owner)          {          }          else          {

...guess that should work

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Two alternatives for the launch problem:

1 - Rez the bullet 2m in front - most simple solution. That is usually not noticeable.

2 - Rez the bullets in the state phantom. The bullet script will switch off phantom. I use that for the autoturrets on a spaceship. Works fine and allows to shoot out of the shield. But is designed for greater distances than guns. :)

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