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I need an evidence!

Idho Yue

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SL is a shambles and Linden lab makes fun of it!

First step : Set the stage.
I run a club, the oldest and most prominent French club. The club is called « La Rose Rouge » (the red rose). For months we experienced troubles like lag and crashes. We sent tons of Abuse Reports, hundreds of tickets without obtaining the slightest result.

Second step : mercy of the Lord does exist !
During a routine inspection I discover a strange object.
A single box who looks like a single prim, hidden under the sea level at corner of our sim. This box contained 47 other objects, this box was designed not to be erased or send back. I managed to send back this box and the situation of our island immediately returned to the normal.

Third step : The Lord may have mercy, I will not.
I sent an abuse Report including snapshot, object UUID, owner of the object UUID and a short explanation.

Fourth step : I do need an evidence !
When you send an Abuse Report you receive quite immediately an answer in witch you can read sentences like :
« …If the reported incident violates Second Life's Community Standards or Terms of Service, we will take appropriate action. »

Unfortunately it seems that the griefer is still alive, still active, still laughing at me…

Then I have questions…
- Does Governance team really exist?
- If it exists, does the members of that team know that their salaries are paid with my money…

I do need an evidence!


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Idho Yue wrote:

Unfortunately it seems that the griefer is still alive, still active, still laughing at me… 

If your concern is that the griefer's account is still active, yeah, you simply must "let go" of that concern, forget about the griefer, rise above it all and get on with your normal Second Life.

(and, in passing, mark yourself lucky to have been able to return the griefing object yourself. It's not so nice when such objects are out-of-reach on an absent neighbour's parcel. In such cases, governance really can't respond unless the situation is pretty dire.)

If, however, this griefer is still actively attacking you or your land: yeah, that's frustrating, and you have every Mainlander's sympathy. The workings of the governance team is a mystery to us all. The good thing in your case is that you have a club full of folks who might be willing to file abuse reports -- but you must have something to report: as you say, evidence of a recurring attack.

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jjccc Coronet wrote:


I have noticed that Linden lab mass ban people on the 28th of the month for some reason dont no why.

It's the day before they get paid on the 29th, which gets withheld if they have done nothing demonstrable during the month, and most of them haven't.

***Call me if your direct debit bounces

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Idho Yue wrote:

- Does Governance team really exist?

Yes. I've seen them inworld fighting griefer attacks twice.

Idho Yue wrote:

- If it exists, does the members of that team know that their salaries are paid with my money…

The problem is that you don't send abuse reports to the Governance team but to the Abuse department which again is supposed to inform Governance. But I'm not sure if the Abuse department exists.

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Yes, everyone knows that abuse reports "go nowhere".

You can try filing a ticket to support but they will tell you that you have to file abuse reports through that system on the viewer which, as we all know, "goes nowhere."

Perhaps you can get the Lindens' attention in a support ticket, however, if you can elaborate on this idea of "a prim made not to return." Then...how did you return it?

I've heard of this kind of thing but what can you do? Hunt for things like this, return them.

Sometimes, if you get 10 other people to also file abuse reports, you can get the Lindens' attention finally, but for that, the griefing would have to be continuing and also documented.

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As with any 'older' game or online community, eventually 'abuse' claims get ignored and treated with form emails, because the majority of claims are wastes of time to investigate.

When World Of Warcraft started, GM 'moderators' would quickly answer any claims of abuse, and even scolded or banned abusers for a day..

Only 6 months later, after having every self-entitled whining gamer making abuse claims about everything under the sun, GMs no longer responded as much and the system was turned over to token email responses.

As a poster previously mentioned, deal with the matter yourself as best you can, learn to investigate and manage your sim to the best of your power (you're the admin and owner), and only file a claim if it is a recurrent problem and make your case as detailed as possible to get their attention.

Your complaint was probably 1 of a thousand that day, mixed in with petty 'abuse' and 'ripoff' claims, and gets lost.

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