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Ghastly, Ghostly Groups... Oh My!


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So, I've a bizarre issue:  Just recently, I decided to disband and rid myself of three groups which I'd created. So, I kicked everyone out of those three groups.  The first two groups were disbanded within two days as was expected, but the third continues to linger on in my group list for weeks now with only me as a member.  So, what should I do... file a support ticket or just remove myself from that "ghost" group and forget about it?


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Same has happened to me..nearly two years ago now. Im not premium member so went though my groups and weeded out the ones not using anymore so I can add others. From time to time I think I should do something, tell LL maybe, but then I forget again. 

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Groups seem to have a tendency to act up since some weeks to me.

I´d first ask a friend if they can see the group still, if they can´t, sure, remove yourself and forget about it, if it will let you leave the group at all, obviously, that is, I´d not count on that before I´d have tried lol

If they can see the group, I´d (try to) leave it, too, after having triple checked that the group isn´t set to open join and is set to not show in search, just in case it lingers 

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Your group may not have disbanded because defunct accounts may still be members of your group but they won't show in the members list in the viewer - this is  BUG-5586.

The last server roll included a change which looks like it may fix this problem however - http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/15#

Some of the group member counts as reported in the viewer will now be larger. These member counts will include inactive users, and will only updated on a daily basis. This change is to help with some of the problems we have encountered recently with group functions.

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Thanks Whirly... that makes sense.  As of today I still see only myself in the group.  But, I noticed that the update you posted was for the main channel... would it make a difference if I'm not on a main channel sim?  (My home sim is on Magnum.)  Should I try going to a main channel sim?

Actually, more importantly, should I even worry about going through the trouble of finding one or just waiting or perhaps having to contact support over this?  Since I have the group hidden from search and have it set so that no one can join, would it really be a huge issue if I just left the group in order to just be done with it?


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Dresden wrote:

  Since I have the group hidden from search and have it set so that no one can join, would it really be a huge issue if I just left the group in order to just be done with it?


Will it let you leave?  If you are the last Owner of the group & you attempt to leave, you will get the error: "Unable to leave group. You cannot leave the group because you are the last owner of the group. Please assign another member to the owner role first."

If you can leave the group, I would just do that & forget about it.

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Oh okay... I haven't tried.  Plus, I was thinking I should probably get it worked out before I did something that anyway... just cause it's probably better than leaving it floating out there somewhere (figuratively, of course).


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hmmm tempting. I wonder if there will be consequences though??


Your solution reminded my of this joke:

The Italian Tomato Garden 

Dear Vincent,
I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If only you were here my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me.

Love Dad

A few days later he received a letter from his son:

Dear Dad,
Not for nothing, but don't dig up that garden. That's where I buried the BODIES.
Love Vinnie

At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived at the old man's house and dug up the entire area. However, they didn't find any bodies, so they apologized to the old man and left.

That same day the old man received another letter from his son.

Dear Dad,
Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could do under the circumstances.
Love Vinnie

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