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Not happy with land purchase!!!


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I won a bid for some SL property, yesterday. Today, after putting up a house up, planting shrubbery and trees, ban lines around a slab of concrete next door came on. The lines came though the walls and are visible in the yard. I was afraid I had done something wrong, so I posted a question; "what's going on"? The reply was "nothing" that's normal and it happens. So, I guess I'll have to deal with it! How do I get my money back? I'm not happy at all.! When I tp'd to the property, I landed in the center. I thought I could change the landing point so I put up the house. Left and came back and landed under the house. I lifted the house and got out and tried to change the landing point. I wouldn't move, so I moved the house. Apparently, SL knows about these problems and they say, "Deal with it!" An unhappy camper!!! SL, I want my Linden back!!!



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sorry but it doesn't work this way.


a) you will only get money back if you SELL the land yourself, and it's totally the question if you will get what you paid for it, all sales are final here...

b) you can easely set your landing point to any location on your land in the " about land" window

c) if the banlines so bother you, disable them, if it are your neighbours ones... move your house further away from it. You can do with your land what you want, but a certain distance to the parcelborder is recommended, also to avoid prims /trees crossing to your neighbours land.

d) this arent'problems, you make it a problem.

e) i'm one of the answerers to your initial question and my answer stays the same...


on ‎22-12-2015 05:54 PM

nothing is going on, its just as it is... building close to banlines brings this.

Not sure it's on the official viewer, but on firestorm you easely can hide the lines.


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You can't get your money back, LL never gives refunds.  But, you have the tools you need to deal with these problems!

You can turn off visibility of banlines.  First, put the Advanced menu on your top menu bar, if it isn't there already, with CTRL+ALT+D.  Then go to Advanced/Show Debug settings.  In the Debug settings window, type ShowBanLines.  Set the value to FALSE and close the window.

You CAN change your landing point.  Go to the point you want to be your arrival point.  Open About Land.  Click the Options tab.  Near the bottom, under Landing Point, click the Set button.  If you would like people to be able to arrive anywhere, as well as the designated landing point, set Teleport Routing to "Anywhere."  I also find it handy to create landmarks to places on my land I go to frequently, since the parcel can only have one "official" landing point.

Besides ban lines, if your neighbor puts up stuff you don't like, some viewers like Firestorm have a "de-render" feature that makes ugly objects disappear.

If you continue to be unhappy with your land purchase, you can set it for sale.  If it doesn't sell in a reasonable time period and you are tired of paying tier on it, you can simply Abandon the land.

Mainland does tend to have more "neighbor problems" than private estate land.  You have more freedom in what you can do with your land, but so do your neighbors.  You always have the option to move, though...either to another part of the Mainland or to a private estate.  However, I find it is better to be polite and nice, and try to get along with the neighbors if possible.


This is an update based on comments that Alwin provided to me regarding the advice he gave you in world.

You must understand that there is a difference between a Landing Point, your Home position, and a landmark, even though they all serve as teleport destinations.  You set a Landing point for a parcel of land.  This then becomes the place where anyone teleporting to your land will arrive, UNLESS they override that by using a landmark.  Think of it as the "visitors' entrance."  Set the Landing Point in About Land, in the Options tab.

Your Home position is a position that you alone can set and use.  You can set Home anywhere on land that you own, or public Linden land, or land owned by one of your groups, if the group has given your group role that ability.  You may only have one Home location at a time.  Set Home by standing at the spot you want, and use the World menu on your top bar; World/Set Home To Here.

So, for example, you might set your land's Landing Point to a spot just outside your front door, or on the ground below your skybox, but set your Home position inside your house.  This lets YOU log in right in your bedroom, but visitors have to knock.

Landmarks are also handy.  I have several places on my land where I like to be able to go quickly.  The yacht basin, the lobby of our condo tower, the rooftop pool, my construction platform, and several skyboxes.  I have a folder in my Landmarks inventory folder with all my Masocado landmarks.  Create a landmark in the World menu; World/Landmark This Place.

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