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"You have been disconnected" Only happens on one region.


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alivetodaydedtomoz wrote:

I have blown away the firestorm folder in application support

i have no clue what you mean with that line.

The message you get is what happens ánd the cause... your machine looses contact with the LL servers.

Your connectio may be less stable... your isp has hick ups... your wifi... and so a hundred more reasons.

If you would be banned you would simply not been able to log on. If it's a region ban, SL won't let you tp in, and most likely tells you the region isnt available.


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No, you haven't been banned, and it's probably not anything to do with your viewer or your computer either.  Being disconnected is not the same as crashing.  You have simply lost the connection with that particular server, most likely because the server itself is off line.  Since you can log in most other places, try this .....

Go to a sandbox and rez a cube. While you still have your editor open, go to the Content tab and click "New Script".  Then open the new script by double clicking on its name ("New Script") and replace everything in it with this new script:

key Status;default{    touch_start(integer num)    {        Status = llRequestSimulatorData("Region Name Goes Here",DATA_SIM_STATUS);    }    dataserver(key id, string data)    {        if (id == Status)        {            llSay(0, data);        }    }}

You can just copy and paste the script directly.  Replace the words Region Name Goes Here with  the name of the region you are interested in, and click "Save".  If you have done everything correctly -- no typing errors, including punctuation -- you should be able to click on your cube and see a response that says something like "up", or "down", or "starting", or "crashed", or maybe "unknown".

If that works, you will have learned for sure whether the region is on line and functioning properly or is having a problem.  (You will have also learned how to create and run a LSL script. :smileywink: )  You can save your new scripted cube and click it every once in a while to see if things have changed.  If they haven't changed for a long time and you are running out of patience, open a support case, using the category Land & Region to report a region off line.  You don't need to own property on the region to do that. Anyone can.  Even on a weekend, Linden Lab should be able to restart a region in a few minutes unless there is a serious mechanical problem.


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there are 2 issues that can happen


1. being that your internet connection itself is faulty (isee u have restartred your modem already) but have you tried this
►not only unplugging the moden for 30 seconds 

UNPLUGGING it from your computer


Restart your computer  (withthe net cable out still)

After your computer initilizes.....plug your net cable back in and then wait for it to connect all over again

2. the ACTUAL REGION itself is down and is NOT connecting to the servers to connect to your avatar - so it can be the server that the region uses and NOT a problem on your end
►GO to a region like pooley, smith, lime...or even your home location 

3. CHECK GRID STATUS when in doubt.... http://status.secondlifegrid.net/

4.BTW ROLIG....has a good suggestion as well--- I'd try that....she is wonderful like that :smileyvery-happy:

est of luck and HUGS

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