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Ebbe Linden what would you say?

Adumelial Rothstein

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Dear Ebbe,

A sl friend just passed me this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj6DE5sCqUs

He is agreeing with the rumor going about SL insinuating that Linden Labs will have to take our inventory away. I have heard this from other friends and feel sorry for their simple mind that would ever swallow such a rumor.

As a member of http://www.imvu.com/ since 2007 I have seen their changes and applaud them on the recent ones they have made. One of them being cutting out 3rd party credit resellers. I in fact voted for this. My IMVU inventory is inact and they even gave me as a creator 15k credits recently. I still pull real US currency from my account there and do not have to lift a finger nor take any of the incentives they have to offer. I have made my initial investment in buying credits to be able to create there. I also have made a investment in time, five years to be exact. It's nice to see that even neglecting to do proper ads for my items do not stop peoploe from buying my creations. :matte-motes-sunglasses-2:

I understand that the programming language might be different in the future for changes coming to Second Life? If so HOW would this ever change inventory on servers that belong to respectful SL residents? What I would like to settle is the FACT that Linden Labs would never be so stupid in their business brain as to take the inventory away from it's present community? I am weary of the rumors and simple minded people that want to believe the worst and pass on what they know nothing of, just to be negative.

Second Life is an investment for me. I have RL $$ investments as well that are quite lucritive. I have no fear that my SL Market Place will soon be the same. With hard work and a mind to create I will see to it.

I look forward to some feedback on this.

P.S. Ebbe I added you today on my LinkedIn account.I was so glad to put a face with your name :)

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  • Community Manager

Hi Adumelial,

Is there a specific time stamp in the video that relates to your question or questions. A bit more context will help us in trying to get your question addressed. If you could point me to the part of the video in question, that would be a great help.




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Ok. So I am not 1005 sure what your talking about for sure, but I am going to take a wild guess that you are talking about inventory transfering into Sansar the new grid the LL is working on.

Lets be VERY clear. Sansar is not SL 2.0. Its not Second Life at all. It is a brand new from the ground up virtual world that just happens to be developed by LL.  If you are thinking of it as SL 2 just stop, its not that.

The new virtual world will have different avatars with different rigging. Mesh clothing will likely not work and system clothing is even less likely to work. Even if things do work, like houses or landscapes, LL likely does not have the rights to move those creations off of SL> They were uploaded there for use there. LL cant just move those assets to a new system.

One of the things they talked about in that video was the idea of charging for storing inventory, and Ebbe was pretty clear that the storage aspect of inventory was not an expensive thing. ITs not likely that will happen in Sansar or SL.

I know its easy for people to consider Sansar a new version of SL or an upgrade, but thats dangerous thinking. Its a whole new world and I think we should be lucky we ar going to get to make use of existing user names....

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I actually did not listen to the link till after. OH MY Bad!!??

My mistake was listening to more of what the friend said about inventory being done away with. (they are saying now that was not what they said...lol...tape recorder next time? ha....)

OK....On the 1st link I posted above at the start of this thread at about 18:40 and there after I heard what Ebbe said. So that is what he said!!!

....In effect that Second Life as we know it will be around for years and years to come besides the 12 years already....with improvements??

Horah, end of thread i hope??

And gee, I saved 45 minutes of listening to any more of what Ebbe said? How about those apples!! :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

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LL has to make tough choices here. If they want to bring in more previous content from SL, they'll probably have to make sacrifices on Sansar. And if they want to go all out and ignore backward compatiblity completely, they will have no content for Sansar until people move, and it falls into the very common chicken and egg problem with social things on the internet. I think they will do what they can to bring new content in.

But, just off the top of my head, even if LL doesn't make some steps, it doesn't mean it's not possible. If Sansar allows custom skeltons to be uploaded, there will be skeltons that match exactly SL rigging and will allow backwards compatibility, but it will probably be a thing developed by a third party. I imagine too that some sort of tools which help a ton for porting LSL to the new language will be wildly popular as well. These are things LL won't have to do at all but other people will do for them, and they will make money off of it. Which is why I am personally excited for Sansars new business model of relying on merchants and content creators more. LL can hopefully just bring us the tools we need to make things and then let us make things as we end up in a win win win situation where customer gets quality product, merchant gets paid, and LL profits from sansar.

My thoughts are that if LL won't directly provide support, which I think they will allow some sort of importing for content creators to Sansar, third parties will fill in the void, and the people who do it first will make a lot of money (probably). I'm not too worried about it either. If LL can get Sansar to become popular with the mobile and casual users it's going to be extremely lucrative for content creators and I highly doubt content creators wouldn't be flocking to Sansar (as long as LL can bring in those users).

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