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Mesh Upload Status, Beta Grid


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I have an issue with the mesh upload status in adati.

It doesnt allows me to pass the IP test, I gave all the correct answers and succesfully finish the test, but when I go to my Mesh Upload Status, it keep saying that i need to pass the test again

Also the payment information takes me to a broken page

I have my mesh upload status correct on the normal second life, also I have tryed to reset my password on second life beta, but keep happen the same error

¿Someone knows how can i fix this?

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Sin Ying wrote:

Just in case - You know you have to do that (same
) quiz seperately for Agni and Aditi? If you only did the 'normal one', the Aditi one is there: 

It's not that. I know that I was aallowed to do it in both grids.  yesterday I made my last test for builds and betagrid was working. Just one hour ago I went in betagrid to test  a model I made and I was't able to upload. I started getting that silly error " error while request mesh upload permissions" I looked for the possible cause and the wiki and forum talked about the not completed mesh test.

The huge problem is when I go to the aditi login page  and try to do the mesh upload test again I click to the mesh upload status , but the page takes forever to load and in the end it doesn't load at all. I tried several browsers with it. I tried disabling all my usual scripts and stuff. I tried  installing again java. It doesn't seem my iussue.

The fun thing is that in main grid the mesh test information didn't disappear at all.

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Yoruthecrow wrote:

I have an issue with the mesh upload status in adati.


It doesnt allows me to pass the IP test, I gave all the correct answers and succesfully finish the test, but when I go to my Mesh Upload Status, it keep saying that i need to pass the test again


Also the payment information takes me to a broken page


I have my mesh upload status correct on the normal second life, also I have tryed to reset my password on second life beta, but keep happen the same error


¿Someone knows how can i fix this?

For now while they fix this bug, because it stinks like a kind of bug, unless you have to upload fitted mesh use open grid or inworldz to test the model.

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   I have uploaded many a mesh logged into ADITI. Today, I can't. I get a client message "Error while requesting mesh upload permissions."


[Edited after testing]


   I notice now that there are separate IP tutorials for AGNI and ADITI. I really don't remember having to do this twice, but meh.

   When attempting to do the tutorial now for ADITI, the webpage: https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/ip/tutorial.php, fails to display properly. I managed to get it to show a couple of times but clicking the "Let's get started." link, takes me to the questions page, which failed utterly to display anything in both Firefox and Chrome.

   Something's broken. If only we had a "local meshes" option when in AGNI.

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Ivanova Shostakovich wrote:

   I have uploaded many a mesh logged into ADITI. Today, I can't. I get a client message "Error while requesting mesh upload permissions."


[Edited after testing]


   I notice now that there are separate IP tutorials for AGNI and ADITI. I really don't remember having to do this twice, but meh.

   When attempting to do the tutorial now for ADITI, the webpage: 
, fails to display properly. I managed to get it to show a couple of times but clicking the "Let's get started." link, takes me to the questions page, which failed utterly to display anything in both Firefox and Chrome.

   Something's broken. If only we had a "local meshes" option when in AGNI.

Exactly. I was fine yesterday  as I told it all stated one hour before I wrote my message here. What's going wrong Idk . For sure I know it's not my fault if I don't load well the  upload test page. Anyway WTF lindenlab made this mess after the new TOS, porbably it is concequence of kiddos bringing in SL protected games content, but all this sounds like when USA have a trouble somewhere "oh we have an intelligent bomb it kills just the bad ones " sure they throw it and millions more innocent dies HAHA.

Another bad thing that I notice is when you log out after trying to do the upload test again you get this error message. I hope their site is not compromised.

SL_what a mess.png

Maybe it is the NSA messing with games again as months ago notices leaked out about employees working to spy games like SL WoW and so on hahaahaah :P

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Here is the error. It is not only me tho having this. I had IM from friends getting the same trouble. I suggested and did myself the upload of a simple cube. but it's definitely something that has to do with the upload test. It's gone from aditi profile and  you can't run it. I did another quick test few minutes ago and I still get that pity error too.

error uploade.png

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Mikka, I am sad to hear that this "bug" is affecting also the main grid in your case. After your message anyway I wanted to see what was going on and tried to make again a new fresh test this time in Main Grid. I made a simple cube (this is what I use to avoid other possible errors due ot other things) then I uploaded it: in maingrid and all is working fine, till 2 minutes ago . In my case I checked the dashboard and for main grid I still have on profile the payment info and the mesh upload tutorial done. What I can see is ( at least in my case) the betagrid dashboard has lost the page where were stored my mesh upload test tutorial and, as I said above, it's impossible to load the page to try to do it again.

Honestly  I see a new TOS I copied and pasted it on pc I'll read all that burocratish later. Making us all even experienced one run it again it's madness pure and simple mmadness ( and a part this the page to run that test doesn't load either).

Don't forget to tell your friends too to go to jira and vote this iussue  the BUG-9448, as showed by Bellri above. This is the only way to get lindenlab's attention and the bug fixed soonish so they know it's a bug.



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I had the same problem while uploading it just started giving me the error.

I changed my password and logged in again today but still getting the errors.

Before I contacted support I searched the forum and found out that I have the same problems: the upload permission error as described here and also the aditi website. Its only on beta grid for me because on main grid I dont get the errors.

So I voted on the link but isnt there a why to keep on testing my meshes before somebody fix that error??


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That error message problem should be fixed as of now.

At the Server Beta User Group meeting, which ended half an hour ago, Caleb Linden took some action to get it fixed as quick as possible.

We also had someone there who did the IP tutorial and was able to upload mesh on Aditi after that. Even whithout having payment info on file.

So it "could be" that the IP test is fixed as well. Though, it also could be that the failing test is affecting just certain accounts, idk. At least I would give it another try now.

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Yes I confirm the page where it's showed the upload mesh quiz  is working again It shows my stats so It started working again. It seems that was their server error and not that they wanted us to make the test again ( useless in that case:P). it seems fixed, let's hope it stays so, before writing the this  I've been waiting a few hours, tested  a couple  of minutes ago too and it's still all fine.

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