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Biologist wants friends on SL


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Hello all, I'm a new and premium user of Second Life. I've been on Second Life for about a year now, but about 2 weeks in my current account.

My name Miquh2Jounen and it means 1st name Miquh and last name Jounen.

I came to SL because I had signed on before and I met an "Angel" named Gabriel in game, and I was very astounded by the coincidence. I have a relationship with Angel Gabriel and I am hoping this relationship helps me rise up from my situation in the USA. I'm also very interested in the groups of Second Life and meeting people with similar research and similar ideas as myself.

I'm a real biologist from the University of Washington and my research is primarily about white matter in the brain, and the quantity of brain and cells that a person has inside of them that contributes to intelligence and True Life. The phrase True Life means a lot to me, and I'm a bit of a conspiracy person, but it's normal. I'm very interested in the USA Republic and I think that my suspicions and beliefs could lead me to a career in politics, if I hone my research and organize my thoughts correctly. My religion is "SCIENCE" and lessly Protestantism, and I also like Magick.

My primary research in real life and on the World WIde Web are:

  • The real population numbers of the USA and the World.
  • TIME and World True History.
  • White matter in the brain and the quantity of "quality life" and "true life" that people possess.
  • How few people there really are: potentially less than 1 million people in the world who are remembered and known by the inner government and the books of history.
  • All of the people who are remembered by history, and what that says about the big plan of the human species.
  • Laws of America and what the government and lawyers actually know that I don't know.
  • All of the things that are censored in America that don't have to do with national security, such as the existence of the top 1 Million people in the world, and the exclusive lives of "soul people."
  • The secret of religion, and why religion is probably true but I can't understand it.
  • All of the things that are invisible, or only exist in the legal world and not in the physical Earthly world.
  • Why the God of things is EARTH and not Christ or Moses, and how our biology and cells and souls interact with the Earth.
  • Why everyone is Immortal, they just need to change their minds and comprehension to understand. Why pain is necessary and everyone will feel great pain before they can move on to greater things.

If you think you're a member of an exclusive, 1 million person club, or you've done similar research in real life, then let us be friends! I'm from the USA and I'm committed to my research and to rise up. I'm not too conspiratorial, but it's the only thing that can explain "True Life" and "High society" to me from the world that I've come from. Most of the groups I've joined in SL have to do with Biology, Genetics, or Science.

Let's be friends!

Miquh2Jounen   mostly on NCI Kuula - New Citizens Incorporated


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Wow, okay.  I, too, am a biologist working in animal behavior and marine biology.  I do not consider myself part of any special elite million person club and don't think I want to be.  I don't believe in anything that can't be proven and reproduced (paying attention to whether an outcome is correlation or causation).  Ever.  My life has no supernatural happenings and does not run on faith in anything anyone might consider a higher power and I have no idea what you mean by "soul people" or "true life".

I am curious how you research these things in SL though...  Best of luck to you in your friend search.


P.S. You DO sound conspiratorial despite the protestation.  What are you "rising up" to do?

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"Rising up"

I think that the world on the ground level, of jobs and employment and cars isn't real. The real world is much more historical, legal, and suspenseful. The real world is contradictory to what a human being can understand, and the true world history has to be different than what everyone was taught in schools.

That's rising up. Most simply: not believing there are hundreds of millions of people in the USA, but rather believing that less than a million are real and substantial. It might be that there is a virtual world on top of and inside of the USA, and that is the real world that must be risen up to.

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I am a trauma doctor turned professor in Thailand, welcome to come and hang out with us, our little group of friends are pretty international but all educated people with common interests. Would love to hear about your work :matte-motes-grin:

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Thanks for those 2 replies. I stil haven't found either a permanent place to hang out in SL, or a dedicated group of friends to lead me forward in my research. I've joined quite a few groups, but not that many of them have regular meetings.

I'm still looking for friends, especially those with expertise on the Pineal Gland and those who think that there are less than 1 million unique existences in the world  - just like I think.

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I don't 'think' that I am a member of an exclusive club, I *know* that I am! 

How does one distinguish a real biologist from the University of Washington and an unreal biologist from the same institution?

If you would like a career in politics what is stopping you from pursuing it right now?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry, I know this is an old thread and I probably won't get an answer, but I really have to know. What is "True Life" and how do you even statistically prove that white matter density/quantity/etc... is related to it? I've checked on google scholar and pubmed just in case it's a term I never came across, however I found no mention of it. Also, I can't quite pinpoint your expertise, is it neuroscience? social sciences? epidemiology? history? a mix of all of those?

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True life is a term that I use, mostly to refer to my human experience on this Earth, but the correct version of it.

I think of it as something that is much bigger than a human being, where the Earth feels like it's filled with opportunity and lots of chances to succeed. Maybe true life is when you've discovered the truth about the God and the human species, and you can move on to profiting from it and living a long and successful life.

Live long and prosper.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is the ultimate answer.

(But I have to admit, that I am a bit confused by the description of your religion-->*science **bleep** grano protestantism and a bit of magick.* --Nothing unusual for sl, but for a real life scientist, at least. And it sounded as your 1million club is American? As Alister said, not the quantity counts but the quality. If you're really interested in souls, minds and hearts, then you won't even have the wish to become a politician. Not the degrees counts we are holding, but how we're doing and acting good with the abilities we have! Good humans are doing good deeds. at least they try to.)

"Good morning," said Deep Thought at last.
"Er ... Good morning, O Deep Thought," said Loonquawl nervously, "do you have ... er, that is ..." 

"An answer for you?" interrupted Deep Thought majestically. "Yes. I have."

The two men shivered with expectancy. Their waiting had not been in vain.

"There really is one?" breathed Phouchg.

"There really is one," confirmed Deep Thought.
"To Everything? To the great Question of Life, the Universe and Everything?"


Both of the men had been trained for this moment, their lives had been a preparation for it, they had been selected at birth as those who would witness the answer, but even so they found themselves gasping and squirming like excited children.

"And you're ready to give it to us?" urged Loonquawl.
"I am."
"Now," said Deep Thought.
They both licked their dry lips.
"Though I don't think," added Deep Thought, "that you're going to like it."
"Doesn't matter!" said Phouchg. "We must know it! Now!"
"Now?" inquired Deep Thought.
"Yes! Now ..."
"Alright," said the computer and settled into silence again. The two men fidgeted. The tension was unbearable.

"You're really not going to like it," observed Deep Thought.
"Tell us!"
"Alright," said Deep Thought. "The Answer to the Great Question ..."
"Yes ...!"
"Of Life, the Universe and Everything ..." said Deep Thought.

"Yes ...!"
"Is ..." said Deep Thought, and paused.
"Yes ...!"
"Is ..."
"Yes ...!!!...?"

"Forty-two," said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm.

 Edit: ****I can't stop laughing...."c   u   m" the latin word for "with" was censored. Then I realised why. ...the auto-censoring is funny, and "immune" to foreign languages

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Did you know that this McGuffin, the key to the whole H2G2 oeuvre, was stolen by Adams from graffiti written between the tiles of the end stall of the toilets in H staircase, New Court, St John's College, Cambridge.

It was a series of "posts", initiated by someone who bemoaned the fact that despite having a Maths Scholarship (and John's had the best mathematicians in the universe university) he kept thinking that 9 x 6 = 42.

This was the subject of much derision and debate, with non-mathematicians chipping in to say they thought 9x6 was 43, and others saying that they didn't have enough fingers to check the calculation etc

Then someone pointed out that this equation actually was correct, in base 13 arithmetic.

The original author indicated that this emlightenment had probably saved him from going mad, or suicide, and the temporarily seated hordes rose as one in acknowledgement, with a movement claiming that 42 was probably the answer to all calculations, if expressed in a suitable base.

Adams lived in H staircase and used those facilities on a regular basis.

I doubt if he would have given this answer when he was asked where he got his ideas from . . .

Alec - to think I, his neighbour on H staircase, was the inspiration for the Vogon Spaceship Captain.

ETA: I think that the previous poster must have got his comic inspiration confused with that of Monty Python:


DrAlisterFrost wrote: Brian size


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I think that is completely not true. The brain is the only thing in the body that is directly related to intelligence. Obviously a bigger brain means more intelligence. In evolution, the brain size is directly related to ability to behave like a human and use tools.

Second, for the reference to A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

I watched that movie and I wasn't too impressed. It was beneath my intelligence and it didn't touch on anything that I thought was truly important.

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Miquh2Jounen wrote:

I think that is completely not true. The brain is the only thing in the body that is directly related to intelligence. Obviously a bigger brain means more intelligence. In evolution, the brain size is directly related to ability to behave like a human and use tools.

Second, for the reference to
A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

I watched that movie and I wasn't too impressed. It was
beneath my intelligence
and it didn't touch on anything that I thought was truly important.

1. Mr. Biologist-Scientist, please don't mix up the diachronicity with the synchronicity. Throughout the evolution the brain size increased and thereby intelligence, but among humans now, the differences in the weight of the brains (if there is not a significant deviation) don't matter at all. --> See the examination of Einstein's brain--there was nothing special to see.

And, if you're a scientist, you should very well know, that we still don't know a lot about the functionality of the human brain. Please don't come along now with the nice soap-box oratories of the neurobiologists, they're "telling stories" to get the money for the research, but if we look at the research publications (noooo, better is to READ them, but I will refer to it later), we know, that their research is still on a very very low level of knowledge.

2. Sometimes it helps to read a book (, or in science to read the publications.)You watched the film? and you didn't read the books? Now you're revealing a lot.

If you didn't read "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", and the other books of D. Adams, you're really missing something in your life, if you don't know these novels, than every day-labourer without any graduation, who has read the books, or is reading books, has a richer intellectual life than you. Be sure of that.

(The film is really poor, but funny, this I have to admit, and there are really only a few movie versions of books, or congenial adaptions, which are worth to mention, but this you can only see, if you're firstly reading the books.)

I wanted to be sarcastic, but I am reducing it....

Here a picture of a book. ...This is a book. Books are not only dust catchers, you even can open them, and just read. Look, ...book, look carefully..book. ...Don't be shy, come closer to the book, ...open it, and start to read.


Yes, I laughed, when I read your reply, and the reference to YOUR intelligence.

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AlecDeBoeuil wrote:

Did you know that this McGuffin, the key to the whole H2G2 oeuvre, was stolen by Adams from graffiti written between the tiles of the end stall of the toilets in H staircase, New Court, St John's College, Cambridge.

It was a series of "posts", initiated by someone who bemoaned the fact that despite having a Maths Scholarship (and John's had the best mathematicians in the
university) he kept thinking that 9 x 6 = 42.

This was the subject of much derision and debate, with non-mathematicians chipping in to say they thought 9x6 was 43, and others saying that they didn't have enough fingers to check the calculation etc

Then someone pointed out that this equation actually was correct, in base 13 arithmetic.

The original author indicated that this emlightenment had probably saved him from going mad, or suicide, and the temporarily seated hordes rose as one in acknowledgement, with a movement claiming that 42 was probably the answer to all calculations, if expressed in a suitable base.

Adams lived in H staircase and used those facilities on a regular basis.

I doubt if he would have given this answer when he was asked where he got his ideas from . . .

Alec - to think I, his neighbour on H staircase, was the inspiration for the Vogon Spaceship Captain.

ETA: I think that the previous poster must have got his comic inspiration confused with that of Monty Python:


DrAlisterFrost wrote: Brian size

Thank you for revealing this anecdote. It amused me so much. I have a friend, who is convinced that he's working for the Vogons.

"Brian [brain] size"...I skipped it...but I am convinced this will become a set phrase, at least it has a potential for it.


Ardvinna    -fears a bit that the biologist will put a spell on her. He knows magick.

                    - wearing in sl the tag "Mostly Harmless", what confuses some guys, so they think that I must be a sadistic                          mistress


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Ardvinna wrote:
Thank you for revealing this anecdote. It amused me so much. I have a friend, who is convinced that he's working for the Vogons.

"Brian [brain] size"...I skipped it...but I am convinced this will become a set phrase, at least it has a potential for it.


Ardvinna    -fears a bit that the biologist will put a spell on her. He knows magick.

                    - wearing in sl the tag "Mostly Harmless", what confuses some guys, so they think that I must be a sadistic                          mistress


My daughter is extremely impressed that I inspired a character in a best-selling book. She has yet to read the book, however, and her opinion of her father might suffer when she does. I think Douglas was getting back at me because the pantomime I produced (Sinner Ella) drew a bigger audience than his comedy show. But who's laughing now . . .

Alec - to bore people to death with forum posts, rather than poetry

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