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I'm new with lolas: Clothes for Lolas Delicq

Elisaisabel Munro

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Hey guys! i'm fairly new about lolas but i got them and manage to put nearly the same skin tone than my skin and correct the double collar bone...

but i got some problems and questions... i don't know if i'm doing questions that are already done and answear.  lolas are here since at least 3 years ago... Don't be angry with me, but:


ª i got that shadow on the chest as the picture above shows... is it normal??

i can't get appliers for every skin i got.  i got some old ones, some free, some cheap, some group gifts... i change a lot.. i don't want to buy new and spent money i don't have.  and what are these appliers?

shade delicq_001.jpg


ª so, now i have to walk aroun the world with my new lolas.... ¡all my clothes are useles!  is it that way??

i research and copying the UUID to a new copy of lolas could solve the problem, so i can wear my shirts, and i don't have to spent money on new wardrove.... BUT... no clothes has UUID that i can copy.... what should i do? do i need to copybot?? that is illegal..  what?

I hope somebody help me with those questions... i don't have that much money nor do i want to copybot or work with all my inventory so that i can wear something that i use to wear... I'm not a shoppaholic.  I don't have credit card and 1 dollar cost me 10 times more than in USA.  so it is a lot people! i want my inventory clean and with a minimum because SL lags wit an inventory of 30000 objects...


Thank you for reading my post, i hope there is a solution! thanks for helping me!






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In the picture, I see the line between the breasts and your avi very clearly.  I wouldn't call that a good match at all.  You need to either work on getting a better match for the skin you are wearing, or buy the appliers.

You will need to buy clothes that have appliers for these specific breasts now.  The creator of the clothes you have may have appliers they are willing to sell you separately from the clothing you already have, if they make the appliers for these breasts.  You can ask to see.

I am sorry you don't have many $Ls. For that reason I am surprised you bought these without thinking that you will have to spend a lot of L's to rebuild a wardrobe you can wear and getting the appliers for the skins you have.

Copybot (and viewers like it) are very much illegal .  It violates the TOS and all copyright laws. Only crooks use it.   The viewer has been banned from SL.






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This is probably going to come across as harsh, but...you really should have thought of this before you invested in Lolas in the first place. 

An applier is a HUD (usually) that contains information for the skin or clothing it is made for, and will apply that skin or clothing texture to a mesh body part so that the body part matches the rest of the avatar. For skin, and for SOME clothing, you can manage a reasonably close match without appliers, but it will almost never be perfect. 

My personal suggestion, as much as it may pain you, is to abandon those old items. Frankly, you'll look better without trying to use them with no appliers. If you can find appliers for them, and can afford the appliers, that's the best option. If you can't, you can still try to manage a close match, but it'll vary according to screen and settings, and probably never look quite right. 

(You don't have to delete your old items, in case you want them back later. Box them up: Find land to build on, rez a simple cube (or shape of your choice), and drag and drop the old items into the contents tab. Then take the box into inventory, and you'll be able to rez it and remove the items later. In the meantime, you'll be able to condense many items into just one.)

Please DO NOT copybot. Ever. It is very much against the ToS, and copyright law as well. Unfortunately, yes, that old clothing is essentially useless with your Lola breasts, unless you can find and buy appliers for those items. Otherwise, you'll have to spend money on Lolas-compatible clothing. That you don't have the money is unfortunate, but again, I'm sorry to say, something you may have been wise to consider before you made what was apparently a large investment for you. 

You can amass a wardrobe slowly. Buy an item or two when you have the money. All your old pants, shorts, and skirts will still work; it's just the tops that won't, so what you need are Lola-compatible tops and dresses, which you can purchase a few at a time, sometimes fairly inexpensively. Here's a simple marketplace search for "Lola," limited to items under $10L. (Some of them are demos, and some are appliers updates or appliers only, so read the descriptions before you buy!)


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There are 2 hunts coming up that you should be able to get a good foundation for your wardrobe. The Hunt For Your Inner **bleep** runs July 15-August 15, 2015 and is free and then the Addicted to Appliers hunt that runs 8/16 – 9/5 and will be 1L per give with only 50 stores in that hunt. In the meantime, check for MM boards and lucky chairs at stores that have appliers. I have 2 that change every 5 minutes.

Also, rather than looking for tango appliers look for Omega appliers with system layers. They will work much better for you since most of those use the full texture and you'll be golden when you decide to get a mesh body to go with the Deliq...smiles.

Good Luck

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You would have been better off investing in a mesh body. You can use the sliders to increase breast slide and there are no boundaries between boobs and your 'normal' skin.  Mesh clothing will accommodate a mesh body even with larger breasts.  A bit of research would have saved you the angst you are now experiencing.  Live and learn.


And, never ever copybot.

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Thank you for your response.

I wasn't  oblivious about lolas, i though i was going to get a way around...


It is my closest match, only, i have highlights and shadows that comes with the skin provided by the creator, i din't know why she did that... light skins and dark skins all take a punch.... just... just like they have a complot to make us spent and spent and spent and spent.... and that is what most people do everytime they are in SL...

What i though was: there should be a way to copy what it's in the avatar mesh to the lolas that it's normal.  Because i already bought those stuff.  those are mine now!. 

Well.. who cares!! more money for them.  isn't it?

Instead of integrate, they separate.

We should not get used as if it were normal, and wait for them to shove it to our faces new expensive stuff to further fuel the obsession with consumerism, stuff that no longer go with what we already got, just because.... consumerism!

That is what already happen in RL...  I still got an old cellphone that isn't supported by skype so i say: good bye skype, instead say good bye to my cellphone because a LOT OF REASONS.

But.. i'm, what?, 5 years late in this debate?


I will try to find freebies and stuff.. i'm not going to buy and buy and whatever... 

Thank you for the link to marketplace.. and yesterday i found two groups that are involved in low cost/freebies/dollarbies clothing for lolas

Thank you for that hunt data! i was looking for something like that! My friends are playing other games or non at all and i got bored of taking pictures and roam in places completely deserted. 

I love SL, i found a friend that introduce me to my now boyfriend, whom i'm living with now. 

I love hunts!! :-D

I forgot about the MM as a source of stuff, so that would be pretty good.. i got a lot to do now instad of roaming.

So, maybe tomorrow somebody will come with the idea of a stuff that pops up to lolas or https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Nea-Perkies-cute-mesh-breasts/5727235? that i find them really nice.. (i still didn't bought them...

I didn't invest in a mesh body because i research that regular old clothes doesn't match with them and skin and etc etc.. maybe i didn't make a well research.. i mean... there is A LOT of data and sometimes, despite of that, there isn't everything that you need to know..


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I have found that the ones that don't match are ones that use partial templates for the breast rather than using the full upper body clothing template and then usint offsets and repeats for it to be centered. Omega applier makers use the full template and so they match better.

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thank you for your response!

Are you talking about the different skin colors between lola and my avie?

Last night i try to match a skin i found in marketplace that come with appliers and i didn't have any luck... with the tattoo texture provided by lolas, all and all.. there is a noticiable line between lolas and my avie.. I'm starting to think those images around internet are all photoshoped...

I like rotten toe but the creator doesn't have anything regarding lolas.. I hope she does in the near future because i like everything there..

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There is one other factor at work here as well. THe Delicq has more polygons than the default avi so the texture reflects the light differently. That's also why they look fine with a mesh body since the mesh bodies also have more polygons than the default avi. 

Check Zoul skins. Their appliers are free for their skins so you'd be able to get a demo then use the applier to check your matching. Good luck

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Great! i knew mesh has more polygons but i didn't know the windlight affected the light, and therefore, accentuate the difference between polygon avie and polygon mesh lolas..

i'm going to try that windlight and see what happens...

in the meantime, i'm searching for new cheap clothes..

I would like to make clothes of my own because it's fun, but the creators keep crucial info for themselves....

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"...the creators keep crucial info for themselves...."


Not really. Most of the creators in SL learned pretty much the same way: They looked up information, and then they experimented with different techiniques and programs until they found things that worked for them. 

The problem is that the information is spread out, and some sources are more outdated than other sources. There's a great deal of information readily available, but you have to know where to look, and what to disregard. Try asking in the creation forums for tips and resources, or look inworld for groups and resources there. You may even find a class or two. 

Most creators won't share every detail of their personal techniques, of course, but you can find plenty of information, and from there it's trial and error. 

Check out the Tango Clothing Group inworld. There's also an applier group or two you could try. Many of those groups advertise freebies or cheapies, or you can ask in the groups. Give them an idea of what you consider "cheap," and they might have some thoughts on currently running hunts, gifts, or promotions from different stores.

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Basically, you're going to use an applier. I'd suggest the Omega. The developer kit is free to make appliers with. What you'll be doing is find a template for system clothing you like or a place that has the full perm already made, like Ominous Code/MB. You'll use the UUID from the completed template in the applier. If you want to customize it, you'll have to export the template to your computer, or, in some cases, download the Photoshop (PSD) template. You'll need a program such as GIMP, which is free, to edit them. You'll also have to start collecting textures you like....It starts getting complicated but there are some good tutorialls on YouTube.

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