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Where can I learn to read and write SL script?


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This is a follow up to my previous question...
How can I make a 3D prim book?
 [ Edited ]

I am trying to make a book of photos that I can distribute to other SL residents so they can keep it in their inventory and view it inworld. I have made the pages by taking a cube and flattening and stretching it so it becomes like a page and I know how to link the pages. What I need now is a script to make the pages turn. If anyone knows where to find this script please let me know. Or if you have another idea of how I can make this photobook (someone recommended I make a single page and use a script to change the images (textures), any advice would be appreciated.

I apologize if this question is in the wrong part of the forum.


Thank you for your responses and your help.  The market place links provided by Rolig Loon took me to an item that had the following review:



Posted January 30, 2013 by Eyemah Riddler 1 star

It would have BEEN VERY HANDY to know that I have to buy that 900L printing press BEFORE I wasted 75L on this book.!


There are several other reviews that support Riddler's criticism of the product. The other product IntelliBook does not come with a copy perm so I won't be able to distribute in SL which is the whole point. I have tried searching for "scripts" and "book scripts" on the marketplace but find nothing that remotely resembles what I need.


The link to the LSL script Library looks promising but i can't make heads or tails of the scripts so as a follow up question I was wondering if any one can tell me where I can learn to read and write script.

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Yes, it's true that the press costs L$900.  That's about $3.60, not a bad price at all for the amount of effort it takes to create a product like that for the open market.  Thinc Book is a good product, though, with a very long track record in SL.  Both Thinc Book and Intellibook are excellent products.  If you want to try writing your own scripts to do the same thing, it's going to take you quite a while, especially if you are not a LSL scripter and therefore have to start from scratch.  It's not a trivial bit of scripting, either.  Don't expect to find anything like it out there for free, and don't expect to hire a scripter for a bargain price.  I hesitate to even suggest what I would charge, for fear that someone might want me to actually do it.

Libraries and private collections in SL tend to use a couple of simpler methods for publishing books.  One is to put the full contents of a book on notecards and distribute them as a folder -- usually offered in a well-designed prim that looks like a bound book.  The other is to offer that well-designed prim book as a clickable object that opens a link to the book's contents on a web site somewhere.  If you visit the main library of the Community Virtual Library, on the Imagination Island region, you'll see hundreds of books that use those two approaches.  Like you, we considered facsimile prim books with turnable pages at one point but gave up the idea as (1) much too expensive and (2) much too primmy.

I gave some thought years ago to your other suggestion -- creating a book with one active "page" that simply switches textures when you click it.  There are a couple of ways to do that.  One is to create and upload dozens of textures -- at a fair cost -- and load their UUIDs into a script.  The other is to make all those pages available on a web server and display them on a prim "page" with Media On A Prim.  Both methods have drawbacks, primarily cost.  The scripting is almost trivial, but the work involved in preparing the text is daunting enough that I never considered it seriously for books that our library was going to be giving away.  That's true for Thinc Books and Intellibooks too, of course, but you get a much more polished product if you use their tools.

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For viewing a set of photos, a "photo viewer" is a lot easier to construct and to use, in my opinion.  A photo viewer is simply a flat prim like a picture.  Oh, you can fancy it up with a 3D frame if you want.  Just drop the photos into the Content tab of the flat prim and also drop in a "texture changer" script.  You can find several in the various script libraries.  Most texture changers work either on touch, or on a timer.  I will send you a couple that you can try.

To answer your specific question, where to learn about scripting, there is a good set of in world tutorials at the College of Scripting Music and Science, but learning to script is not a trivial undertaking!

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