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How do you update an AO and keep it in synch with all your outfits?

Paladin Pinion

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When you want to add an animation to an AO, you have to rez it on the ground and then take it back into inventory. When you do that, you get a new copy in inventory. All my outfits have been saved with  my AO, which is pointing to the old, original copy. Is there a way to update all outfits so they use the new copy? I really don't want to edit each outfit individually.

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wear the ao, edit your outfit, delete the old, the new should be present, save the outfit. done. Yes a pain. consider opening an issue at http:jira.secondlife.com on this issue.


I don't see much chance of a fix because of the technical issues involved with UUIDs but you can try.

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two things.... you can cheat... ad a no-copy item to your AO's inventory, then save it... now when you rez it from inventory it will take the orginal and not leave and old copy in inventory.... this should let you keep using the same AO without the hassle of updating outfits (keep a copy without the no-copy item tucked away in case SL eats the no-copy one)

the other thing you can do is not rez it to the ground, but instead edit it while you are wearing it, detach, and re attach....  no outfit relinking hassle. (you WILL probably need to reset it when you reattach though). SPECIAL NOTE: if the item is a hud, this won't work, but you can temprarily attach the hud to a different (non-Hud) location, which will allow you to edit it freely. then simply detach and reattach to the orginal hud position.

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What is already said - wear the edited AO and resave the whole outfit - is probably the easiest way to update your outfits. As soon as you rez the AO and take it back, the link is broken, even if it is a no-copy item. If the animations you want to add to the AO are full perm, you can edit the AO - or any prim worn on the hud - and add the content while wearing it. The link will not be broken in that case. As long as an item is full perm, you can drag it from your inventory to the content of a hud, but not otherwise.
- Luc -
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Now I am not sure if this works in all viewers but Phoenix has the option to 'paste as link' . It still might be a bit of work depending on how many outfits you have saved (I have more then 80 by now ^_^) but it speeds up the process. You copy the new item (AO in this case) and then simply go from one outfit folder to another and click 'paste as link' in the right-click-menu into each individual outfit folder you want the AO to be included in. Then of course you need to delete the old item link and all your outfits are updated. Since you need to copy the AO once and can paste it as often as you want, this can be done reasonably fast even with many outfits in need of updating.

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I have found that the whole thing is quicker, and takes up much less inventory space, if you dont save the ao in any of the outfits, and just put it on with each one, that way you can also change the ao to suit your mood without taking one off. so just delete each one in the outfits. I cleared prolly 100 items from inventory doing that.  I wish that there had been better advice out there right at the start of my sl, my inventory hangs at 40k no matter how much i clean it!!

I even took and kept every box i ever got, JUST in case .. does that make me a hoarder???

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I may be missing something here, but why would you have outfits associated with your AO? The two things are completely separate. Your AO should contain only animations. Outfits remain in your inventory.

I'm probably old fashioned, but I use the Zhao II hud with 1.x viewers. Phoenix viewers have a built-in AO feature that works on the same principle. In my case, because I go back and forth between 1.23 and Phoenix, I simply use the Zhao II hud. It's on all the time, never a problem. Changing outfits has no effect on animations. Changing animations has no effect on outfits.

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The issue is that when you create an "outfit" it includes everything that you are wearing, so that when you use that outfit you are ready to go without having to manually put things like AO back on. But unlike the old style outfits, it doesn`t actually move/copy items into the outfit folder, it creates a link to the location in your inventory that that item can be found.


By creating a copy of the AO and editing it, then taking it back to inventory, the links in the outfit folders are still directed to the original (unedited) AO.


At least thats how I read the problem hehe :)

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Void, that's very clever. I didn't realize that just re-attaching would work. The problem is, I'll have to use the no-copy suggestion I think, because the last time I tried, the AO (Zhao II) would not allow me to drop in new animations while being worn. That means going through all my outfits one more time for updating, hopefully for the last time.

To others who suggested re-saving each outfit, that's what I've been doing but it's a pain when you have a lot of them, and is exactly what I wanted to avoid.

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I don't do videos, but maybe you could point torley to this question and convince him it needs a video =)



I'm gunshy of no-copy animations... there has been more than one bug that causes attachments to be lost, and with it the only copy of a pricey animation... then it's off to beg the creator for a copy (which they usually won't provide since it was probably +trans) or buy it again... in fact there's a current bug that randomly eats only the root prim of an object! maybe it's just the cheapskate in me, but I don't like re-buying things that aren't consumable

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I must admit, I don't understand what you mean. To add an outfit, simply right-click of the inventory folder and select either 'Wear Items', 'Add items', 'Replace Outfit' or 'Take Off Items'. Yet, no matter what outfit one is wearing, the AO continues to work. The AO normally contains all the possible animations one might want to use. It runs in the background and can be ignored once installed (unless one wishes to change poses, which is done via the hud). I can't see any possible connection between AO and clothing.

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When you click "replace outfit" on an outfit folder, it removes everything from your avatar (including huds) and replaces them with whatever is in that outfit folder. If one of the items in the folder is a link to your AO it will put that AO onto your avatar. The problem the OP is having is that when he rezzes his AO and makes changes to it and takes it back to inventory, the link in the outfit folders is still linking to the original (unedited AO) instead of the newly updated one. So each time he wears an outfit it puts the wrong AO on his avvie.

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Deltango, Viewer 2 outfits are a much different animal than Viewer 1 outfits. These are not a folder you drop on yourself. A Viewer 2 outfit is a built-in function that saves everything attached to you at the moment you save the outfit -- skin, eyes, shape, HUDs, attachments, clothing, everything. It is a complete avatar and you have no choice what is included. If you don't want the AO saved along with all your clothing, shape, and everything else, then you must remove it before saving the outfit and put it on manually again every time you wear that outfit. If the AO isn't included in the saved outfit, when you change outfits it won't be attached any longer. Try Viewer 2 and you'll see what we mean.

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