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6.1 You will not post or transmit prohibited Content, including any Content that is illegal, harassing or violates any person's rights.

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(iv)  Post, display, or transmit Content that is harmful, threatening or harassing, defamatory, libelous, false, inaccurate, misleading, or invades another person's privacy;

This is on Mainland and it is the threat that I had mentined on post


They are now disrupting big time.

would this include this( see pic)? Any other TOS vialoation? What if they leave it for a day then take it down and put a new one that is similar ?

They keep varying all that can be AR in order to not get caught?


When I do an AR i include the pic.


I blanked out the Sim and 3 avatar names.

this is a huge mega prim can be seen from very far as well.



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GingerHenderson wrote:

Yes mass AR campain on this as it is very offensive to have that sign up

not necessarily. the person seems to be making a political statement about the situation they find themself in



bc you posting a whole lot on here about this then seems you enjoying whats going on between your neighbours

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GingerHenderson wrote:

I'm posting it for record keeping on their actions and making sure the correct AR are being filed.

I use SL for leasure not to have hateful neighbors do that stuff.

I will keep posting to make sure it is known.


anyone wants the LM to the spot IM me inworld.


drama much

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am going to add on to this


you gave impression when you first posted that there was just a tiff between two neighbours (none of who was you). People on here advise that you stay out of it

but nah!

it dont seem anymore that you as neutral in this as you made out

like you been faux asking for advice about how to AR. Most people ask those questions in Answers section. Not down here in GD

When you did get answers here then you turn round and say oh! I already have lots experience of doing this


whats hateful is pile ons by neighbours who try to force out another neighbour so they can snaffle their parcel


if I was that parcel owner then I build a missile launching platform about 51 meters up above water. Maybe make the platform some really cool glowing purpley/orangey/pink thingy. bc I like glowy purply orangey pink animated things on my missile launch pads. Then bc I like to help people then I change my parcel advert to say: FREE WEAPONS MISSILES AND ROCKETS TESTING SANDBOX. Is not many places left in SL now where can get free access to a testing sandbox like that. Is quite a few people into weps be happy to come and test their stuff

the reason for going 50m up is just so that if sit on a test rocket (say pointing up and toward the Blake to try hit your friend who is parked up out there, and most likely test firing missiles and rockets back at you) then you wont get caught up in neighbours ban lines

unless neighbour maybe ban every rocketeer personally but oh! well. Is their land and they can do whatever they like


also bc neighbours sometimes forget to take back their prims when they use a other neighbours land to like rez their shopping boxes and stuff. Then I would be quite helpful to them about that. Like I make a object return script. That just returns their stuff. So that what prim parcel limits are available can be full used by the rocketeers and missile people who got nowhere else to go to test the cool stuff they are making

be quite cool that. Like if say your friend is about 3 or 4 sims away sitting on the Blake. Like how many rockets and missiles would you have to fire before you hit them. Be quite a lot I would think. Specially if they was moving. Be pretty interesting to learn what that number might be


obviously all the neighbours (including yourself) can turn on no-object entry. Which is ok that you do. bc your land and all that

the rockets and missles will get stuck all over the boundaries with engines still going full throttle. but that ok

bc can measure from position and rotation of stuck rocket back to the launch pad. And can then work out the math to know how far it would of got if it hadnt of got stuck. Which is what you actual testing for. That it dont actual go very far is not the point really. bc is just testing at this stage of the development



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If you read



It will show you I never got involved and at that time was posting on that NC they had to all neighbors.

Since then they been griefing me as i share the longest border with them there fore i ended up having enough. I added them to my ban list stopped object entry but their griefing just got worst. Have non phantom objects with auto-rezz on my parcel that been AR'd by myself and now that sign that did allot of stir.

Am I involved now you betcha.

Originally I had communicated with them and they had access on my parcel as an alternative.

Their incredibly self-centred ways will be their own falling.


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Yeah that sign is offensive, but it's less directly-targeted harassment than the tower was, so you may be back to ARs for Encroachment, which may or may not get any attention. Presumably, they intend to libel you as anti-Semitic, but I can't imagine any Jew looking at that without being revolted by its equating the Holocaust with some insignificant SL spat. For whatever it's worth, I found it offensive enough to file an AR in the "Intolerance" category.

Right about now it sure would be handy if there were a way to auto-return objects that merely encroach (as you asked about recently).

It would be handy if llReturnObjectsByOwner() would work on encroaching objects -- and I've never tried it, but I suspect it's based on object origin, as is auto-return. If it were my property, I'd give it a try anyway, and if it didn't work, I might file a Jira.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Yeah that sign is offensive, but it's less directly-targeted harassment than the tower was, so you may be back to ARs for Encroachment, which may or may not get any attention. Presumably, they intend to libel you as anti-Semitic, but I can't imagine any Jew looking at that without being revolted by its equating the Holocaust with some insignificant SL spat. For whatever it's worth, I found it offensive enough to file an AR in the "Intolerance" category.

Right about now it sure would be handy if there were a way to auto-return objects that merely encroach (

It would be handy if llReturnObjectsByOwner() would work on encroaching objects -- and I've never tried it, but I suspect it's based on object origin, as is auto-return. If it were my property, I'd give it a try anyway, and if it didn't work, I might file a Jira.

They encroach yes but they defeat it using some object auto-rezzer that is on their parcel to make all their objects that are rezzed from it on my parcel are unreturnable as they reappear after a minute after I have returned them. As well Blacklist and derender does not work for the same reason i suppose. Some objects where set with Non Phantom blocking me from my own parcel as well the last few days.

For now I am filing many AR based on encroaching as mentioned in another thread as 'Use of auto-rezzer to defeat Parcel Encroachment' in the AR.

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these things have a way of escalating to a point where it all gets totally mental


was a new lady came on here a little while ago. She return a tree to her neighbour bc was encroaching her property and blocking a view of a public Linden roadway which her parcel bordered

the neighbour went mental at her. Like he was there first way before her was his reasoning and she should just suck it up

so he put back and she return again. More mentals in the IM. Then he replace with a auto-rezzer

i tell her she can AR under the Encroachment category. LL remove. The neighbour went ballistic after that. They had land on 2 sides of her. Towers and everything went up. They had "messages" on them. So tell her to AR under Advertising. LL remove. Incandescent rage from the neighbour now

fullon fullbright fullglow towers went up

so I spend some time with her and show her how to build them out in a tasteful way so that she can stay and be happy and people who come to visit dont even notice the towers

same advice I gave you as well, pretty much


but is only so far ARs will take you. After thats been exhausted (bc neighbour is not breaking ToS anymore) then all you got left is building them out. If want to preserve a sane space for yourself and visitors who dont have a derender viewer

when reach this point then the ways forward are:

1) somebody quits first
2) people talk to each other and find a amicable resolution

the way to reach 1) is to keep pouring gasoline on it

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Qie Niangao wrote:

It would be handy if llReturnObjectsByOwner() would work on encroaching objects -- and I've never tried it, but I suspect it's based on object origin, as is auto-return. If it were my property, I'd give it a try anyway, and if it didn't work, I might file a Jira.

i vote for that

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Yes that is the case except it is a whole group of griefers against just me.  Its a full time job trying to put out fires. So now I just AR what I know that should be AR'd and decided to go on a vacation to my far away cottage. Brought my cat there as well.  Other than that I will do what I come to SL to do that is sail and build and host races.  So we will weather the storm as time should resolve things. Thanks for all your help.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Yeah that sign is offensive, but it's less directly-targeted harassment than the tower was, so you may be back to ARs for Encroachment, which may or may not get any attention. Presumably, they intend to libel you as anti-Semitic, but I can't imagine any Jew looking at that without being revolted by its equating the Holocaust with some insignificant SL spat. For whatever it's worth, I found it offensive enough to file an AR in the "Intolerance" category.

Right about now it sure would be handy if there were a way to auto-return objects that merely encroach (

It would be handy if llReturnObjectsByOwner() would work on encroaching objects -- and I've never tried it, but I suspect it's based on object origin, as is auto-return. If it were my property, I'd give it a try anyway, and if it didn't work, I might file a Jira.

I filed a (private) JIRA about the inability to return/stop these objects and it has just been accepted as an internal LL issue.

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