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Anyone Learning Russian?

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Hey fellow Second Lifers!


I'm wondering if you or anyone you know is learning Russian and would like to get together and practice what we're learning!  I'm particularly asking on behalf of my friend who is at an intermediate level and really wants to dive in and progress with his conversational skills.


Right now, he's at an intermediate level with understanding and would love to travel around and maybe even join a school or some people who would love to practice speaking Russian together.  He can currently speak Spanish, English, French, and German.  

I'm new here, but I know there is so much potential in Second Life for people learning another language!  Thanks for any ideas, links, or connections!

Looking forward to hear from you.  


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That´s a cool idea, and I hope you find some people with the same interest.Wish I could learn this language too.

I am a big fan of Russia and especially when I see what´s going on in the world today.

This president cannot imagine, how many people from all around the world are standing behind him.


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Sonja Smedley wrote:

Guess you are a media brainwashed sheep lol .... and from USA where the main puppets operate.

Come now Sonja, you really shouldn't make characterizations or be so presumptuous.

I am not from the USA. And I am certainly not given to being manipulated by propagandists or the media. It is MY ideas that inform THEM!

Russia is a major arms supplier to many countries in the world, making money off the blood of children murdered in the name of politics or religion depending on the theatre of war you are speaking about.

So please do not try to foist your rainbows and unicorns about Putin off on me, ok. I would hate to have to give you a lesson on recent Russian history as regards to the 70-80 millions of people who have perished at the hands of its various leaders over the last 100 years.

Mainly because I hate working for free.

Это, как говорится, это всегда хорошо изучать новые языки, is't его.

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My problem is that the whole world looks at Russia right now, they are the bad ones....but in my opinion all the evil comes from USA.

EU and USA are the ones who want to lead the world into a third world war!And this is a fakt!

You talk like If all the others are innocent lambs.

Just remember that USA has everywhere in the world its military bases.

You want to tell me they do that to  maintain peace???

These people only survive by the arms industry.

The ruler of this world do not give a damn about the people.

No matter where.The innocent died and will die in future.

It´s all about the money.

And we also know that the USA is near to bankruptcy If they don´t get their war against Russia.

Russia does not want war, it only defends and Putin is sure not what the media wants him to make.

And we all know that this will end in a big disaster...maybe most of us do not want to see it but it will come.

This is for sure.


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I would venture to guess that most Russians are completely unaware they are actually involved in any conflict whatsoever. And those that are most likely spew the same jingoist nonsense supplied by Russian controlled media outlets as you are doing here.

I wonder if Ebbe has the balls to suspend service to SLer's in Russia? Probably not, as you have said, money rules no matter the human toll, which can always be 'spun' to your advantage, as Putin is doing now.

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Sonja Smedley wrote:

My problem is that the whole world looks at Russia right now, they are the bad ones....but in my opinion all the evil comes from USA.

So, a person who is attacking other countries that formed when the USSR broke up is the good guy?

EU and USA are the ones who want to lead the world into a third world war!And this is a fakt!

The word is FACT, please back up your statement with some.

You talk like If all the others are innocent lambs.

The countries Putin is attacking are.

Just remember that USA has
in the world
its military

Yes, and they are there from when we were called in to help. THEY called US.

You want to tell me they do that to 
maintain peace???

The best defence is a good offence.

These people only survive
arms industry

Funny, i thought it was technology that drove the worlds economy.

ruler of this world
do not give a
damn about the

Including Putin.

No matter where.The innocent died and will die in future.

Cest la vie.

It´s all about the money.

It's all about the benjamins, baby!!

And we also know that the USA is near to
If they don´t get their war against Russia.

Not quite. Every country owes other countries money. If we all called in our IOUs it would balance out.

Russia does not want war, it only defends and Putin is sure not what the media wants him to make.

Defends against what? The free countries that want to be left alone?

And we all know that this will end in a big disaster...maybe most of us do not want to see it but it will come.

Perhaps Putin should leave well enough alone and walk away while he still can. There is not one single other country in the world that can match the US in military might. We will crush him like a bug.

This is for sure.

Count on it.



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Hi VitaliyK :cattongue:

Because of my wacky reallife job hours I'm usually on SL in the middle of the night, roughly midnight to 5am Linden time. There are a lot of Russians on at that hour. Most of the Russians I know also speak other languages and I've found that they like to talk with friendly folks who they can comunicate with in other languages or Russian. Tell your friend to log in in the middle of the night SL time, especially in the snow regions around Wengen.

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Sonja Smedley wrote:

Oh really?

I am talking about the nuklear war not the s
aber rattling
on both

Right now I only see
in full swing

And why you only see Putin?

USA is not bad at all in your opinion or?

Ah, i see. The bombings  on Ukraine are just sabre rattling. Got it. The US has not attacked anyone, Putin has. He is destroying a country simply because they want to be free. Why do i get the feeling you are Russian and will stand by Putin no matter what he does?

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I didn' want to post here anymore, but this thread was about LEARNING Russian, which is a beautiful European language, as well as Ukrainian is.

  • Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

  • Sonja Smedley wrote:
  • Oh really?
  • I am talking about the nuklear war not the s
    aber rattling
    on both
  • Right now I only see
    in full swing
  • And why you only see Putin?
  • USA is not bad at all in your opinion or?

  • Ah, i see. The bombings  on Ukraine are just sabre rattling.

Hm, can you please tell me where did you get this info. I can't find any "source" where is said that the Russian dropped bombs on the Ukraine. 

Got it. The US has not attacked anyone,

- No, in this conflict not, but .... there are several countries, where the US blanket-bombed areas.

Putin has. He is destroying a country simply because they want to be free. Why do i get the feeling you are Russian and will stand by Putin no matter what he does?

Fact is, that what we see now is a
proxy wa
r, where they are playing with the civilian population.

Even amnesty international admitted that the incidents on the Maidan weren't as described in the media. Consider what happened in Odessa. The Neo-Nazis in the Ukraine,  - what do you think are they doing with the Russian civilians, who lived there for a long time? What is about Jaznejuk when he stated that fRussians are "subhumans" or him and should be killed? I could several more examples...

On the other hand is Putin, who is a kind of autocrat in Russia. He let all the Russian "volunteers" in the Ukraine. 

In the Ukraine itself Poroshenko is now the President, who is an Oligarch, what means that he has blood on his hands. No Oligarch in the former USSR got their wealth without criminal acts!! The Ukraine suffers so many years of being one of the top countries in Europe for human trafficking and drug trafficking. Their political leaders, besides only a few exceptions, are all corrupt.

The European Union and the USA have their economical interests, and by the way they want to expand the NATO. That's why they are on the side of the Ukrainian leaders- - not on the side of the suffering civilian population. As well as Putin has its interests there, not so much protecting the Russian civilians. 

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Ardvinna wrote:

I didn' want to post here anymore, but this thread was about LEARNING Russian, which is a beautiful European language, as well as Ukrainian is.
  • Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

  • Sonja Smedley wrote:
  • Oh really?
  • I am talking about the nuklear war not the s
    aber rattling
    on both
  • Right now I only see
    in full swing
  • And why you only see Putin?
  • USA is not bad at all in your opinion or?

  • Ah, i see. The bombings  on Ukraine are just sabre rattling.

Hm, can you please tell me where did you get this info. I can't find any "source" where is said that the Russian dropped bombs on the Ukraine. 

Here ya go..

Got it. The US has not attacked anyone,

- No, in this conflict not, but .... there are several countries, where the US blanket-bombed areas.

They asked for help, we gave help. We blanket bombed the bad guys.

Putin has. He is destroying a country simply because they want to be free. Why do i get the feeling you are Russian and will stand by Putin no matter what he does?

Fact is, that what we see now is a
proxy wa
r, where they are playing with the civilian population.

Even amnesty international admitted that the incidents on the Maidan weren't as described in the media. Consider what happened in Odessa. The Neo-Nazis in the Ukraine,  - what do you think are they doing with the Russian civilians, who lived there for a long time? What is about Jaznejuk when he stated that fRussians are "subhumans" or him and should be killed? I could several more examples...

On the other hand is Putin, who is a kind of autocrat in Russia. He let all the Russian "volunteers" in the Ukraine. 

In the Ukraine itself Poroshenko is now the President, who is an Oligarch, what means that he has blood on his hands. No Oligarch in the former USSR got their wealth without criminal acts!! The Ukraine suffers so many years of being one of the top countries in Europe for human trafficking and drug trafficking. Their political leaders, besides only a few exceptions, are all corrupt.

The European Union and the USA have their economical interests, and by the way they want to expand the NATO. That's why they are on the side of the Ukrainian leaders- - not on the side of the suffering civilian population. As well as Putin has its interests there, not so much protecting the Russian civilians. 

Russia still has no business invading a country that wants to remain free.


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