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SL2 and impact to doing land rental & sales in SL 1 ?


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So I'm finally at a point in my SL where I want to become a business owner in SL, specifically land rental and sales, I have the $RL wherewithall to get started,  been watching learning picking up tips, etc,  then I read about SL 2.  so far there is no info on what business and land owners will get as a transfer or if anything in SL2,  I don't want to be buying up cheap land on the titantic?   How are experienced land rental/sales people viewing this, and should I hold off.  I hate having a negative cash flow in SL easily reduced or eliminated with some business (land) investment.

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Well to start I wouldn't refer to it as SL2.0. Rather think of it as a next generation virtual world from LL. What you invest in now in SL is not likely to carry over into what comes next. Assuming they have a similar land market in the new world, the land you own here is not likely to carry over. They have stated that the plan is to not stop SL when the new service comes out. I would suggest that with almost two years to go before the launch that if you are successful it would be time well spent. 

Being a landowner and designing islands for people to live on is/was the single most reqarding thing I have done in second life. If you have the money, and the drive and the interest and think you can make a good run at it now then i say go for it.

I am happy to help answer any lingering questions you might have on land ownership.

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We don't even know if land will be like sims in SL or a  completely different structure.   It is just to early to for LL to say.  For all we know all land will be be sold by LL without the estate owner middle man.  LL has said nothing either about allowing SL estate owners to swap their SL land for land in the new world so I wouldn't count that possibility into your business plan now.

SL will however be around a long time.  LL has said they won't shut it dow unless it is not profitable anymore, which has always been the case.  You can count on SL being around for a minimum of two years and probably a lot longer, as not everyone will migrate.

If you can pick up some cheap sims on the secondary market so you can recover the expense in two years from tiers, then I say go ahead with it.



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I´d not worry much about this upcoming thing. Linden Lab had a ton of upcoming things goin straight down so far, and judging on the minimal infos on this upcoming thing it just looks like Viewer 2 revisited - but in absence of TPV viewers to save the day.

 SL will save their day.


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