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Problem with firestorm crashing


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hi all i have problem wirth firestorm veiwer crashing all the time (this also happens on sigularity viewer too)

when i log in everythings fine but after awhile especially if i'm in a club i get message come up saying "textures discarded due to insuffiecent memory"

ive been through all the setttings on fierstorm help webpage about this but its still happening and evevrytime i ask in world on the firestorm support gropup no one answers or theres no one about to ask or they just telling me to go through the settings on the website which ive done lol

anyone got any idea why this happening as its driving me crazy and on the verge off just giving up i tried the LL viewer but its so basic to the other ones really not keen on it :(



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I have the same problem only Im the DJ in the club and this is a nightmare. There are a bunch of settings I changed and reduced my SL expeience a ton by doing it but now I only crash 3-4 times a 2 hr set. I know thats not acceptable but Im struggling till I can get some answers.SL Browser, Firestorm or Cingularity all are a nightmare in different ways. IN Firestorm go to  PREFERENCES : GRAPHICS; HARDWARE SETTINGS TAB .. and uncheck every thing except ( enable Streamed VBOS)  Then click that RENDERING TAB and UNCLICK :   Texture REndinging ..... USE HTTP for received textures. In the GENERAL TAB   reduce your performance down to LOW and on the right side slide your sliders all to the left in DRAW ( 64 or less )Adjust as willed but the key is reducing and lowering every one of the SLiders even the LOD to 1.5  Avatars to Zero . Sad to say I have a new computer with a gaming GForce 560 gaming card and my memory is not enough they say. My internet is 27 mpbs and Im uping that to 47 next week.  As long as I stay out of clubs I do fine ............. so LL what is the answer to this one.

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Freedom901 wrote:

hi all i have problem wirth firestorm veiwer crashing all the time (this also happens on sigularity viewer too)

when i log in everythings fine but after awhile especially if i'm in a club i get message come up saying "textures discarded due to insuffiecent memory"

ive been through all the setttings on fierstorm help webpage about this but its still happening and evevrytime i ask in world on the firestorm support gropup no one answers or theres no one about to ask or they just telling me to go through the settings on the website which ive done lol

anyone got any idea why this happening as its driving me crazy and on the verge off just giving up i tried the LL viewer but its so basic to the other ones really not keen on it



For a long discussion of this problem and possible solutions see this thread:


I'm sorry to say but Linden Lab's attitude toward this almost amounts to this is normal/expected behaviour.

We have gotten no help that I am aware of from them on this on the problem. 

There is a lovely response in the JIRA's on it.

It generally does hit worse in a club with a lot of Avatars and they are all in motion (dancing).  Something is not handling the constant updates on your screen caused with this.  When there are a lot of Ava's just 'standing around' it is less likely to occur.

And yes it is a royal pain.


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Freedom901 wrote:

hi all i have problem wirth firestorm veiwer crashing all the time (this also happens on sigularity viewer too)

when i log in everythings fine but after awhile especially if i'm in a club i get message come up saying "textures discarded due to insuffiecent memory"

ive been through all the setttings on fierstorm help webpage about this but its still happening and evevrytime i ask in world on the firestorm support gropup no one answers or theres no one about to ask or they just telling me to go through the settings on the website which ive done lol

anyone got any idea why this happening as its driving me crazy and on the verge off just giving up i tried the LL viewer but its so basic to the other ones really not keen on it



Go to "Help - About Firestorm" and cut-and-paste that info into this thread. Basically, you're running out of system (not video) memory. If you have a 32-bit operating system it will happen much quicker. (We'll know all this if you cut and paste that info.) If you go to the "Develop" menu and under "Show Info..." you select "Memory", that will display the amount of memory the viewer's using at any given time. You'll pretty quickly learn the number it will hit just before a crash. One of the biggest causes of burning through memory in a crowded place is using the camera controls separately from your avatar - try to avoid that.

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I ve problems with the driver for AMD Radeon HD 5xxxx though I upgraded to the last version of it (14.4).

It often ceases to work causing the SL crash. This happens with Firestorm and Singularity. Less oftenly with Phoenix.

Can u help me? Thanks.

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festo wrote:

I ve problems with the driver for AMD Radeon HD 5xxxx though I upgraded to the last version of it (14.4).

It often ceases to work causing the SL crash. This happens with Firestorm and Singularity. Less oftenly with Phoenix.

Can u help me? Thanks.

You're still able to log in with a Phoenix viewer?  How?

As to your question.. A little more info is needed.

Go into the help tab>about (viewer) and copy paste that info here. It will show your PC info, like gpu, processor, ram, memory stuff like that. it gives us a better chance to help you. Aside from that you could ask in the Firestorm help group inworld.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

festo wrote:

I ve problems with the driver for AMD Radeon HD 5xxxx though I upgraded to the last version of it (14.4).

It often ceases to work causing the SL crash. This happens with Firestorm and Singularity. Less oftenly with Phoenix.

Can u help me? Thanks.

You're still able to log in with a Phoenix viewer?  How?

As to your question.. A little more info is needed.

Go into the help tab>about (viewer) and copy paste that info here. It will show your PC info, like gpu, processor, ram, memory stuff like that. it gives us a better chance to help you. Aside from that you could ask in the Firestorm help group inworld.

You should still be able to log in with Phoenix if you're okay with a Second Life as interpreted by Salvador Dali during his gray period.

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One of the answers may have to do with this:


And the other thing we’re going to be fixing is, many of you will have noticed that we don’t use all of the video memory on your video cards.

It turns out that’s because of a very old bug that plagued us a long time ago and we sort-of arbitrarily, in order to avoid tickling the bug, we capped how much memory we would ever use.

We are now in the process of fixing that so it now measures how much memory is there, and we use what we think is a reasonable share of that memory.

It turns out it’s not a good idea for Second Life or any application to try to use all the video memory on the card, because that in fact will cause the rest of the system to get screwed-up.
Oz Linden
July 2nd 2014
One other thing is that the Linden viewer has a bunch of upgrades for textures that have not arrived in Firestorm yet so it may be worth gritting your teeth and using the Linden viewer for a while to see if that is any better. The next Firestorm release should have those upgrades.
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Firestorm 4.6.5 (40833) May  5 2014 02:42:47 (Firestorm-Release) with Havok support

CPU: AMD Athlon II P340 Dual-Core Processor (2194.51 MHz)
Memory: 4091 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
Graphics Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.14.0001.6150
OpenGL Version: 4.0.10243 Compatibility Profile Context

RestrainedLove API: (disabled)
libcurl Version: libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1g zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.10.0
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.3.2
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.32
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.6.0009.20030

Settings mode: Firestorm
Viewer Skin: Firestorm (Grey)
Font Used: Deja Vu (96)
Draw distance: 128


Bandwidth: 500
LOD factor: 2
Render quality: Medium (3/7)
Texture memory: 336 MB (1)
Built with MSVC version 1600
Packets Lost: 84/149.327 (0,1%)

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Kandy Cundey wrote:

One of the answers may have to do with this:

And the other thing we’re going to be fixing is, many of you will have noticed that we don’t use all of the video memory on your video cards.


It turns out that’s because of a very old bug that plagued us a long time ago and we sort-of arbitrarily, in order to avoid tickling the bug, we capped how much memory we would ever use.


We are now in the process of fixing that so it now measures how much memory is there, and we use what we think is a reasonable share of that memory.


It turns out it’s not a good idea for Second Life or any application to try to use all the video memory on the card, because that in fact will cause the rest of the system to get screwed-up.
Oz Linden

July 2nd 2014
One other thing is that the Linden viewer has a bunch of upgrades for textures that have not arrived in Firestorm yet so it may be worth gritting your teeth and using the Linden viewer for a while to see if that is any better. The next Firestorm release should have those upgrades.

That is awesome news.  I hadn't read the notes from that meeting before.  I meant to and got distracted.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

 I meant to and got distracted.

That ADHD a typical Martian problem? Sorry for being nosey but I'm interested in ethnology. And knowledge is power and might come in handy in case you guys wanna ... ugh, like invade earth or sumfink.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

 I meant to and got distracted.

That ADHD a typical Martian problem? Sorry for being nosey but I'm interested in ethnology. And knowledge is power and might come in handy in case you guys wanna ... ugh, like invade earth or sumfink.

No worries, i have us covered...

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